module Propellor.DotDir where

import Propellor.Message
import Propellor.Bootstrap
import Propellor.Git
import Propellor.Gpg
import Propellor.Types.Result
import Utility.UserInfo
import Utility.Monad
import Utility.Process
import Utility.SafeCommand
import Utility.Exception
import Utility.Path
-- This module is autogenerated by the build system.
import qualified Paths_propellor as Package

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Version
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IfElse
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Posix.Directory
import System.IO
import System.Console.Concurrent
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude

distdir :: FilePath
distdir = "/usr/src/propellor"

-- A distribution may include a bundle of propellor's git repository here.
-- If not, it will be pulled from the network when needed.
distrepo :: FilePath
distrepo = distdir </> "propellor.git"

-- File containing the head rev of the distrepo.
disthead :: FilePath
disthead = distdir </> "head"

upstreambranch :: String
upstreambranch = "upstream/master"

-- Using the github mirror of the main propellor repo because
-- it is accessible over https for better security.
netrepo :: String
netrepo = ""

dotPropellor :: IO FilePath
dotPropellor = do
	home <- myHomeDir
	return (home </> ".propellor")

-- Detect if propellor was built using stack. This is somewhat of a hack.
buildSystem :: IO String
buildSystem = do
	d <- Package.getLibDir
	return $ if "stack-work" `isInfixOf` d then "stack" else "cabal"

interactiveInit :: IO ()
interactiveInit = ifM (doesDirectoryExist =<< dotPropellor)
	( error "~/.propellor/ already exists, not doing anything"
	, do

say :: String -> IO ()
say = outputConcurrent

sayLn :: String -> IO ()
sayLn s = say (s ++ "\n")

welcomeBanner :: IO ()
welcomeBanner = say $ unlines $ map prettify
	[ ""
	, ""
	, "                                 _         ______`|                     ,-.__"
	, " .---------------------------  /   ~___-=O`/|O`/__|                    (____.'"
	, "  - Welcome to              -- ~          / | /    )        _.-'-._"
	, "  -            Propellor!   --  `/-==__ _/__|/__=-|        (       ~_"
	, " `---------------------------   *             ~ | |         '--------'"
	, "                                            (o)  `"
	, ""
	, ""
	prettify = map (replace '~' '\\')
	replace x y c
		| c == x = y
		| otherwise = c

prompt :: String -> [(String, IO ())] -> IO ()
prompt p cs = do
	say (p ++ " [" ++ intercalate "|" (map fst cs) ++ "] ")
	hFlush stdout
	r <- map toLower <$> getLine
	if null r
		then snd (head cs) -- default to first choice on return
		else case filter (\(s, _) -> map toLower s == r) cs of
			[(_, a)] -> a
			_ -> do
				sayLn "Not a valid choice, try again.. (Or ctrl-c to quit)"
				prompt p cs

section :: IO ()
section = do
	sayLn ""
	sayLn "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
	sayLn ""

setup :: IO ()
setup = do
	sayLn "Propellor's configuration file is ~/.propellor/config.hs"
	sayLn ""
	sayLn "Lets get you started with a simple config that you can adapt"
	sayLn "to your needs. You can start with:"
	sayLn "   A: A clone of propellor's git repository    (most flexible)"
	sayLn "   B: The bare minimum files to use propellor  (most simple)"
	prompt "Which would you prefer?"
		[ ("A", void $ actionMessage "Cloning propellor's git repository" fullClone)
		, ("B", void $ actionMessage "Creating minimal config" minimalConfig)
	changeWorkingDirectory =<< dotPropellor

	sayLn "Let's try building the propellor configuration, to make sure it will work..."
	sayLn ""
	b <- buildSystem
	void $ boolSystem "git"
		[ Param "config"
		, Param "propellor.buildsystem"
		, Param b
	buildPropellor Nothing
	sayLn ""
	sayLn "Great! Propellor is bootstrapped."
	sayLn "Propellor can use gpg to encrypt private data about the systems it manages,"
	sayLn "and to sign git commits."
	gpg <- getGpgBin
	ifM (inPath gpg)
		( setupGpgKey
		, do
			sayLn "You don't seem to have gpg installed, so skipping setting it up."

	sayLn "Everything is set up ..."
	sayLn "Your next step is to edit ~/.propellor/config.hs"
	sayLn "and run propellor again to try it out."
	sayLn ""
	sayLn "For docs, see"
	sayLn "Enjoy propellor!"

explainManualSetupGpgKey :: IO ()
explainManualSetupGpgKey = do
	sayLn "Propellor can still be used without gpg, but it won't be able to"
	sayLn "manage private data. You can set this up later:"
	sayLn " 1. gpg --gen-key"
	sayLn " 2. propellor --add-key (pass it the key ID generated in step 1)"

setupGpgKey :: IO ()
setupGpgKey = do
	ks <- listSecretKeys
	sayLn ""
	case ks of
		[] -> makeGpgKey
		[(k, d)] -> do
			sayLn $ "You have one gpg key: " ++ desckey k d
			prompt "Should propellor use that key?"
				[ ("Y", propellorAddKey k)
				, ("N", sayLn $ "Skipping gpg setup. If you change your mind, run: propellor --add-key " ++ k)
		_ -> do
			let nks = zip ks (map show ([1..] :: [Integer]))
			sayLn "I see you have several gpg keys:"
			forM_ nks $ \((k, d), n) ->
				sayLn $ "   " ++ n ++ "   " ++ desckey k d
			prompt "Which of your gpg keys should propellor use?"
				(map (\((k, _), n) -> (n, propellorAddKey k)) nks)
	desckey k d = d ++ "  (keyid " ++ k ++ ")"

makeGpgKey :: IO ()
makeGpgKey = do
	sayLn "You seem to not have any gpg secret keys."
	prompt "Would you like to create one now?"
		[("Y", rungpg), ("N", nope)]
	nope = do
		sayLn "No problem."
	rungpg = do
		sayLn "Running gpg --gen-key ..."
		gpg <- getGpgBin
		void $ boolSystem gpg [Param "--gen-key"]
		ks <- listSecretKeys
		case ks of
			[] -> do
				sayLn "Hmm, gpg seemed to not set up a secret key."
				prompt "Want to try running gpg again?"
					[("Y", rungpg), ("N", nope)]
			((k, _):_) -> propellorAddKey k

propellorAddKey :: String -> IO ()
propellorAddKey keyid = do
	sayLn ""
	sayLn $ "Telling propellor to use your gpg key by running: propellor --add-key " ++ keyid
	d <- dotPropellor
	unlessM (boolSystem (d </> "propellor") [Param "--add-key", Param keyid]) $ do
		sayLn "Oops, that didn't work! You can retry the same command later."
		sayLn "Continuing onward ..."

minimalConfig :: IO Result
minimalConfig = do
	d <- dotPropellor
	createDirectoryIfMissing True d
	changeWorkingDirectory d
	void $ boolSystem "git" [Param "init"]
	addfile "config.cabal" cabalcontent
	addfile "config.hs" configcontent
	addfile "stack.yaml" stackcontent
	return MadeChange
	addfile f content = do
		writeFile f (unlines content)
		void $ boolSystem "git" [Param "add" , File f]
	cabalcontent =
		[ "-- This is a cabal file to use to build your propellor configuration."
		, ""
		, "Name: config"
		, "Cabal-Version: >= 1.6"
		, "Build-Type: Simple"
		, "Version: 0"
		, ""
		, "Executable propellor-config"
		, "  Main-Is: config.hs"
		, "  GHC-Options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-tabs -O0"
		, "  Extensions: TypeOperators"
		, "  Build-Depends: propellor >= 3.0, base >= 3"
	configcontent = 
		[ "-- This is the main configuration file for Propellor, and is used to build"
		, "-- the propellor program."
		, ""
		, "import Propellor"
		, "import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File"
		, "import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt"
		, "import qualified Propellor.Property.Cron as Cron"
		, "import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User"
		, ""
		, "main :: IO ()"
		, "main = defaultMain hosts"
		, ""
		, "-- The hosts propellor knows about."
		, "hosts :: [Host]"
		, "hosts ="
		, "        [ mybox"
		, "        ]"
		, ""
		, "-- An example host."
		, "mybox :: Host"
		, "mybox = host \"\" $ props"
		, "        & osDebian Unstable \"amd64\""
		, "        & Apt.stdSourcesList"
		, "        & Apt.unattendedUpgrades"
		, "        & Apt.installed [\"etckeeper\"]"
		, "        & Apt.installed [\"ssh\"]"
		, "        & User.hasSomePassword (User \"root\")"
		, "        & File.dirExists \"/var/www\""
		, "        & Cron.runPropellor (Cron.Times \"30 * * * *\")"
		, ""
	stackcontent =
		-- This should be the same resolver version in propellor's
		-- own stack.yaml
		[ "resolver: lts-5.10"
		, "packages:"
		, "- '.'"
		, "extra-deps:"
		, "- propellor-" ++ showVersion Package.version

fullClone :: IO Result
fullClone = do
	d <- dotPropellor
	let enterdotpropellor = changeWorkingDirectory d >> return True
	ok <- ifM (doesFileExist distrepo <||> doesDirectoryExist distrepo)
		( allM id
			[ boolSystem "git" [Param "clone", File distrepo, File d]
			, fetchUpstreamBranch distrepo
			, enterdotpropellor
			, boolSystem "git" [Param "remote", Param "rm", Param "origin"]
		, allM id
			[ boolSystem "git" [Param "clone", Param netrepo, File d]
			, enterdotpropellor
			-- Rename origin to upstream and avoid
			-- git push to that read-only repo.
			, boolSystem "git" [Param "remote", Param "rename", Param "origin", Param "upstream"]
			, boolSystem "git" [Param "config", Param "--unset", Param "branch.master.remote", Param "upstream"]
	return (toResult ok)

fetchUpstreamBranch :: FilePath -> IO Bool
fetchUpstreamBranch repo = do
	changeWorkingDirectory =<< dotPropellor
	boolSystem "git"
		[ Param "fetch"
		, File repo
		, Param ("+refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/" ++ upstreambranch)
		, Param "--quiet"

checkRepoUpToDate :: IO ()
checkRepoUpToDate = whenM (gitbundleavail <&&> dotpropellorpopulated) $ do
	headrev <- takeWhile (/= '\n') <$> readFile disthead
	changeWorkingDirectory =<< dotPropellor
	headknown <- catchMaybeIO $ 
		withQuietOutput createProcessSuccess $
			proc "git" ["log", headrev]
	if (headknown == Nothing)
		then setupUpstreamMaster headrev
		else do
			theirhead <- getCurrentGitSha1 =<< getCurrentBranchRef
			when (theirhead /= headrev) $ do
				merged <- not . null <$>
					readProcess "git" ["log", headrev ++ "..HEAD", "--ancestry-path"]
				unless merged $
					warnoutofdate True
	gitbundleavail = doesFileExist disthead
	dotpropellorpopulated = do
		d <- dotPropellor
		doesFileExist (d </> "propellor.cabal")

-- Makes upstream/master in dotPropellor be a usefully mergeable branch.
-- We cannot just use origin/master, because in the case of a distrepo,
-- it only contains 1 commit. So, trying to merge with it will result
-- in lots of merge conflicts, since git cannot find a common parent
-- commit.
-- Instead, the upstream/master branch is created by taking the
-- upstream/master branch (which must be an old version of propellor,
-- as distributed), and diffing from it to the current origin/master,
-- and committing the result. This is done in a temporary clone of the
-- repository, giving it a new master branch. That new branch is fetched
-- into the user's repository, as if fetching from a upstream remote,
-- yielding a new upstream/master branch.
setupUpstreamMaster :: String -> IO ()
setupUpstreamMaster newref = do
	changeWorkingDirectory =<< dotPropellor
	go =<< catchMaybeIO getoldrev
	go Nothing = warnoutofdate False
	go (Just oldref) = do
		let tmprepo = ".git/propellordisttmp"
		let cleantmprepo = void $ catchMaybeIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive tmprepo
		git ["clone", "--quiet", ".", tmprepo]
		changeWorkingDirectory tmprepo
		git ["fetch", distrepo, "--quiet"]
		git ["reset", "--hard", oldref, "--quiet"]
		git ["merge", newref, "-s", "recursive", "-Xtheirs", "--quiet", "-m", "merging upstream version"]
		void $ fetchUpstreamBranch tmprepo
		warnoutofdate True

	getoldrev = takeWhile (/= '\n')
		<$> readProcess "git" ["show-ref", upstreambranch, "--hash"]
	git = run "git"
	run cmd ps = unlessM (boolSystem cmd (map Param ps)) $
		error $ "Failed to run " ++ cmd ++ " " ++ show ps

warnoutofdate :: Bool -> IO ()
warnoutofdate havebranch = do
	warningMessage ("** Your ~/.propellor/ is out of date..")
	let also s = hPutStrLn stderr ("   " ++ s)
	also ("A newer upstream version is available in " ++ distrepo)
	if havebranch
		then also ("To merge it, run: git merge " ++ upstreambranch)
		else also ("To merge it, find the most recent commit in your repository's history that corresponds to an upstream release of propellor, and set refs/remotes/" ++ upstreambranch ++ " to it. Then run propellor again.")
	also ""