{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

Maintainer: Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>

Build and maintain schroots for use with sbuild.

For convenience we set up several enhancements, such as ccache and
eatmydata.  This means we have to make several assumptions:

1. you want to build for a Debian release strictly newer than squeeze,
or for a Buntish release newer than or equal to trusty

2. if you want to build for Debian stretch or newer, you have sbuild 0.70.0 or
newer (there is a backport to jessie)

The latter is due to the migration from GnuPG v1 to GnuPG v2.1 in
Debian stretch, which older sbuild can't handle.

Suggested usage in @config.hs@:

>  & Apt.installed ["piuparts", "autopkgtest", "lintian"]
>  & Sbuild.builtFor (System (Debian Linux Unstable) X86_32) Sbuild.UseCcache
>  & Sbuild.updatedFor (System (Debian Linux Unstable) X86_32) `period` Weekly 1
>  & Sbuild.usableBy (User "spwhitton")
>  & Schroot.overlaysInTmpfs

If you are using sbuild older than 0.70.0, you also need:

>  & Sbuild.keypairGenerated

In @~/.sbuildrc@ (sbuild 0.71.0 or newer):

>  $piuparts_opts = [
>      '--no-eatmydata',
>      '--schroot',
>      '%r-%a-sbuild',
>      '--fail-if-inadequate',
>      ];
>  $autopkgtest_root_args = "";
>  $autopkgtest_opts = ["--", "schroot", "%r-%a-sbuild"];

We use @sbuild-createchroot(1)@ to create a chroot to the
specification of @sbuild-setup(7)@.  This avoids running propellor
inside the chroot to set it up.  While that approach is flexible, a
propellor spin pulls in a lot of dependencies.  This could defeat
using sbuild to determine if you've included all necessary build
dependencies in your source package control file.

Nevertheless, the chroot that @sbuild-createchroot(1)@ creates might not meet
your needs.  For example, you might need to enable apt's https support.  In that
case you can do something like this in @config.hs@:

>  & Sbuild.built (System (Debian Linux Unstable) X86_32) `before` mySetup
>    where
>  	mySetup = Chroot.provisioned myChroot
>  	myChroot = Chroot.debootstrapped
>  		 	Debootstrap.BuilddD "/srv/chroot/unstable-i386"
>  		-- the extra configuration you need:
>  		& Apt.installed ["apt-transport-https"]

-- Also see the --setup-only option of sbuild-createchroot

module Propellor.Property.Sbuild (
	-- * Creating and updating sbuild schroots
	-- * Global sbuild configuration
	-- blockNetwork,
) where

import Propellor.Base
import Propellor.Types.Info
import Propellor.Property.Debootstrap (extractSuite)
import Propellor.Property.Chroot.Util
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.Ccache as Ccache
import qualified Propellor.Property.ConfFile as ConfFile
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
-- import qualified Propellor.Property.Firewall as Firewall
import qualified Propellor.Property.Schroot as Schroot
import qualified Propellor.Property.Reboot as Reboot
import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.Split

import Data.List

type Suite = String

-- | An sbuild schroot, such as would be listed by @schroot -l@
-- Parts of the sbuild toolchain cannot distinguish between schroots with both
-- the same suite and the same architecture, so neither do we
data SbuildSchroot = SbuildSchroot Suite Architecture

instance ConfigurableValue SbuildSchroot where
	val (SbuildSchroot suite arch) = suite ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch

-- | Whether an sbuild schroot should use ccache during builds
-- ccache is generally useful but it breaks building some packages.  This data
-- types allows you to toggle it on and off for particular schroots.
data UseCcache = UseCcache | NoCcache

-- | Build and configure a schroot for use with sbuild using a distribution's
-- standard mirror
-- This function is a convenience wrapper around 'built', allowing the user to
-- identify the schroot and distribution using the 'System' type
builtFor :: System -> UseCcache -> RevertableProperty DebianLike UnixLike
builtFor sys cc = go <!> deleted
	go = Apt.withMirror goDesc $ \u -> property' goDesc $ \w ->
		case schrootFromSystem sys of
			Just s  -> ensureProperty w $
				setupRevertableProperty $ built s u cc
			_ -> errorMessage
				("don't know how to debootstrap " ++ show sys)
	deleted = property' ("no sbuild schroot for " ++ show sys) $
		\w -> case schrootFromSystem sys of
			Just s  -> ensureProperty w $
				undoRevertableProperty $ built s "dummy" cc
			Nothing -> noChange
	goDesc = "sbuild schroot for " ++ show sys

-- | Build and configure a schroot for use with sbuild
built :: SbuildSchroot -> Apt.Url -> UseCcache -> RevertableProperty DebianLike UnixLike
built s@(SbuildSchroot suite arch) mirror cc =
	((go `before` enhancedConf)
	`requires` ccacheMaybePrepared cc
	`requires` installed
	`requires` overlaysKernel
	`requires` cleanupOldConfig)
	<!> deleted
	go :: Property DebianLike
	go = check (isUnpopulated (schrootRoot s) <||> ispartial) $
		property' ("built sbuild schroot for " ++ val s) make
	make w = do
		de <- liftIO standardPathEnv
		let params = Param <$>
			[ "--arch=" ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch
			, "--chroot-suffix=-propellor"
			, "--include=eatmydata,ccache"
			, suite
			, schrootRoot s
			, mirror
		ifM (liftIO $
			boolSystemEnv "sbuild-createchroot" params (Just de))
			( ensureProperty w $ fixConfFile s
			, return FailedChange
	-- TODO we should kill any sessions still using the chroot
	-- before destroying it (as suggested by sbuild-destroychroot)
	deleted = check (not <$> isUnpopulated (schrootRoot s)) $
		property ("no sbuild schroot for " ++ val s) $ do
			liftIO $ removeChroot $ schrootRoot s
			liftIO $ nukeFile
				("/etc/sbuild/chroot" </> val s ++ "-sbuild")
			makeChange $ nukeFile (schrootConf s)

	enhancedConf =
		combineProperties ("enhanced schroot conf for " ++ val s) $ props
			& aliasesLine
			-- set up an apt proxy/cacher
			& proxyCacher
			-- enable ccache and eatmydata for speed
			& ConfFile.containsIniSetting (schrootConf s)
				( val s ++ "-sbuild"
				, "command-prefix"
				, intercalate "," commandPrefix

	-- set the apt proxy inside the chroot.  If the host has an apt proxy
	-- set, assume that it does some sort of caching.  Otherwise, set up a
	-- local apt-cacher-ng instance
	-- (if we didn't assume that the apt proxy does some sort of caching,
	-- we'd need to complicate the Apt.HostAptProxy type to indicate whether
	-- the proxy caches, and if it doesn't, set up apt-cacher-ng as an
	-- intermediary proxy between the chroot's apt and the Apt.HostAptProxy
	-- proxy.  This complexity is more likely to cause problems than help
	-- anyone)
	proxyCacher :: Property DebianLike
	proxyCacher = property' "set schroot apt proxy" $ \w -> do
		proxyInfo <- getProxyInfo
		ensureProperty w $ case proxyInfo of
			Just (Apt.HostAptProxy u) -> setChrootProxy u
			Nothing -> (Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "apt-cacher-ng"
				`before` setChrootProxy "http://localhost:3142")
		getProxyInfo :: Propellor (Maybe Apt.HostAptProxy)
		getProxyInfo = fromInfoVal <$> askInfo
		setChrootProxy :: Apt.Url -> Property DebianLike
		setChrootProxy u = tightenTargets $ File.hasContent
			(schrootRoot s </> "etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20proxy")
			[ "Acquire::HTTP::Proxy \"" ++ u ++ "\";" ]

	-- if we're building a sid chroot, add useful aliases
	-- In order to avoid more than one schroot getting the same aliases, we
	-- only do this if the arch of the chroot equals the host arch.
	aliasesLine :: Property UnixLike
	aliasesLine = property' "maybe set aliases line" $ \w ->
		sidHostArchSchroot s >>= \isSidHostArchSchroot ->
			if isSidHostArchSchroot
			then ensureProperty w $
					(schrootConf s)
					( val s ++ "-sbuild"
					, "aliases"
					, aliases
			else return NoChange

	-- If the user has indicated that this host should use
	-- union-type=overlay schroots, we need to ensure that we have rebooted
	-- to a kernel supporting OverlayFS before we execute
	-- sbuild-setupchroot(1).  Otherwise, sbuild-setupchroot(1) will fail to
	-- add the union-type=overlay line to the schroot config.
	-- (We could just add that line ourselves, but then sbuild wouldn't work
	-- for the user, so we might as well do the reboot for them.)
	overlaysKernel :: Property DebianLike
	overlaysKernel = property' "reboot for union-type=overlay" $ \w ->
		Schroot.usesOverlays >>= \usesOverlays ->
			if usesOverlays
			then ensureProperty w $
				Reboot.toKernelNewerThan "3.18"
			else noChange

	-- clean up config from earlier versions of this module
	cleanupOldConfig :: Property UnixLike
	cleanupOldConfig =
		property' "old sbuild module config cleaned up" $ \w -> do
			void $ ensureProperty w $
				check (doesFileExist fstab)
				(File.lacksLine fstab aptCacheLine)
			void $ liftIO . tryIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive profile
			void $ liftIO $ nukeFile (schrootPiupartsConf s)
			-- assume this did nothing
		fstab = "/etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab"
		profile = "/etc/schroot/piuparts"

	-- A failed debootstrap run will leave a debootstrap directory;
	-- recover by deleting it and trying again.
	ispartial = ifM (doesDirectoryExist (schrootRoot s </> "debootstrap"))
		( do
			removeChroot $ schrootRoot s
			return True
		, return False

	aliases = intercalate ","
		[ "sid"
		-- if the user wants to build for experimental, they would use
		-- their sid chroot and sbuild's --extra-repository option to
		-- enable experimental
		, "rc-buggy"
		, "experimental"
		-- we assume that building for UNRELEASED means building for
		-- unstable
		-- the following is for dgit compatibility:
			++ architectureToDebianArchString arch
			++ "-sbuild"

	commandPrefix = case cc of
		UseCcache -> "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild/sbuild-setup":base
		_ -> base
		base = ["eatmydata"]

-- | Ensure that an sbuild schroot's packages and apt indexes are updated
-- This function is a convenience wrapper around 'updated', allowing the user to
-- identify the schroot using the 'System' type
updatedFor :: System -> Property DebianLike
updatedFor system = property' ("updated sbuild schroot for " ++ show system) $
	\w -> case schrootFromSystem system of
		Just s  -> ensureProperty w $ updated s
		Nothing -> errorMessage
			("don't know how to debootstrap " ++ show system)

-- | Ensure that an sbuild schroot's packages and apt indexes are updated
updated :: SbuildSchroot -> Property DebianLike
updated s@(SbuildSchroot suite arch) =
	check (doesDirectoryExist (schrootRoot s)) $ go
	`describe` ("updated schroot for " ++ val s)
	`requires` installed
	go :: Property DebianLike
	go = tightenTargets $ cmdProperty
		"sbuild-update" ["-udr", suite ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch]
		`assume` MadeChange

-- Find the conf file that sbuild-createchroot(1) made when we passed it
-- --chroot-suffix=propellor, and edit and rename such that it is as if we
-- passed --chroot-suffix=sbuild (the default).  Replace the random suffix with
-- 'propellor'.
-- We had to pass --chroot-suffix=propellor in order that we can find a unique
-- config file for the schroot we just built, despite the random suffix.
-- The properties in this module only permit the creation of one chroot for a
-- given suite and architecture, so we don't need the suffix to be random.
fixConfFile :: SbuildSchroot -> Property UnixLike
fixConfFile s@(SbuildSchroot suite arch) =
	property' ("schroot for " ++ val s ++ " config file fixed") $ \w -> do
		confs <- liftIO $ dirContents dir
		let old = concat $ filter (tempPrefix `isPrefixOf`) confs
		liftIO $ moveFile old new
		liftIO $ moveFile
			("/etc/sbuild/chroot" </> val s ++ "-propellor")
			("/etc/sbuild/chroot" </> val s ++ "-sbuild")
		ensureProperty w $
			File.fileProperty "replace dummy suffix" (map munge) new
	new = schrootConf s
	dir = takeDirectory new
	tempPrefix = dir </> suite ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch ++ "-propellor-"
	munge = replace "-propellor]" "-sbuild]"

aptCacheLine :: String
aptCacheLine = "/var/cache/apt/archives /var/cache/apt/archives none rw,bind 0 0"

-- | Ensure that sbuild is installed
installed :: Property DebianLike
installed = Apt.installed ["sbuild"]

-- | Add an user to the sbuild group in order to use sbuild
usableBy :: User -> Property DebianLike
usableBy u = User.hasGroup u (Group "sbuild") `requires` installed

-- | Generate the apt keys needed by sbuild
-- You only need this if you are using sbuild older than 0.70.0.
keypairGenerated :: Property DebianLike
keypairGenerated = check (not <$> doesFileExist secKeyFile) $ go
	`requires` installed
	-- Work around Debian bug #792100 which is present in Jessie.
	-- Since this is a harmless mkdir, don't actually check the OS
	`requires` File.dirExists "/root/.gnupg"
	go :: Property DebianLike
	go = tightenTargets $
		cmdProperty "sbuild-update" ["--keygen"]
		`assume` MadeChange

secKeyFile :: FilePath
secKeyFile = "/var/lib/sbuild/apt-keys/sbuild-key.sec"

-- | Generate the apt keys needed by sbuild using a low-quality source of
-- randomness
-- Note that any running rngd will be killed; if you are using rngd, you should
-- arrange for it to be restarted after this property has been ensured.  E.g.
-- >  & Sbuild.keypairInsecurelyGenerated
-- >  	`onChange` Systemd.started "my-rngd-service"
-- Useful on throwaway build VMs.
-- You only need this if you are using sbuild older than 0.70.0.
keypairInsecurelyGenerated :: Property DebianLike
keypairInsecurelyGenerated = check (not <$> doesFileExist secKeyFile) go
	go :: Property DebianLike
	go = combineProperties "sbuild keyring insecurely generated" $ props
		& Apt.installed ["rng-tools"]
		-- If this dir does not exist the sbuild key generation command
		-- will fail; the user might have deleted it to work around
		-- #831462
		& File.dirExists "/var/lib/sbuild/apt-keys"
		-- If there is already an rngd process running we have to kill
		-- it, as it might not be feeding to /dev/urandom.  We can't
		-- kill by pid file because that is not guaranteed to be the
		-- default (/var/run/rngd.pid), so we killall
		& userScriptProperty (User "root")
			[ "start-stop-daemon -q -K -R 10 -o -n rngd"
			, "rngd -r /dev/urandom"
			`assume` MadeChange
		& keypairGenerated
		-- Kill off the rngd process we spawned
		& userScriptProperty (User "root")
			["kill $(cat /var/run/rngd.pid)"]
			`assume` MadeChange

ccacheMaybePrepared :: UseCcache -> Property DebianLike
ccacheMaybePrepared cc = case cc of
	UseCcache -> ccachePrepared
	NoCcache  -> doNothing

-- another script from wiki.d.o/sbuild
ccachePrepared :: Property DebianLike
ccachePrepared = propertyList "sbuild group ccache configured" $ props
	-- We only set a limit on the cache if it doesn't already exist, so the
	-- user can override our default limit
	& check (not <$> doesDirectoryExist "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild")
		(Ccache.hasLimits "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild" (Ccache.MaxSize "2G"))
	`before` Ccache.hasCache (Group "sbuild") Ccache.NoLimit
	& "/etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab" `File.containsLine`
	"/var/cache/ccache-sbuild /var/cache/ccache-sbuild none rw,bind 0 0"
		`describe` "ccache mounted in sbuild schroots"
	& "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild/sbuild-setup" `File.hasContent`
		[ "#!/bin/sh"
		, ""
		, "export CCACHE_DIR=/var/cache/ccache-sbuild"
		, "export CCACHE_UMASK=002"
		, "export CCACHE_COMPRESS=1"
		, "export PATH=\"/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH\""
		, ""
		, "exec \"$@\""
	& File.mode "/var/cache/ccache-sbuild/sbuild-setup"
		(combineModes (readModes ++ executeModes))

-- This doesn't seem to work with the current version of sbuild
-- -- | Block network access during builds
-- --
-- -- This is a hack from <https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild> until #802850 and
-- -- #802849 are resolved.
-- blockNetwork :: Property Linux
-- blockNetwork = Firewall.rule Firewall.OUTPUT Firewall.Filter Firewall.DROP
-- 	(Firewall.GroupOwner (Group "sbuild")
-- 	<> Firewall.NotDestination
-- 		[Firewall.IPWithNumMask (IPv4 "") 8])
-- 	`requires` installed 	-- sbuild group must exist

-- | Maintain recommended ~/.sbuildrc for a user, and adds them to the
-- sbuild group
-- You probably want a custom ~/.sbuildrc on your workstation, but
-- this property is handy for quickly setting up build boxes.
userConfig :: User -> Property DebianLike
userConfig user@(User u) = go
	`requires` usableBy user
	`requires` Apt.installed ["piuparts", "autopkgtest", "lintian"]
	go :: Property DebianLike
	go = property' ("~/.sbuildrc for " ++ u) $ \w -> do
    		h <- liftIO (User.homedir user)
    		ensureProperty w $ File.hasContent (h </> ".sbuildrc")
			[ "$run_lintian = 1;"
			, ""
			, "$run_piuparts = 1;"
			, "$piuparts_opts = ["
			, "    '--no-eatmydata',"
			, "    '--schroot',"
			, "    '%r-%a-sbuild',"
			, "    '--fail-if-inadequate',"
			, "    ];"
			, ""
			, "$run_autopkgtest = 1;"
			, "$autopkgtest_root_args = \"\";"
			, "$autopkgtest_opts = [\"--\", \"schroot\", \"%r-%a-sbuild\"];"

-- ==== utility functions ====

schrootFromSystem :: System -> Maybe SbuildSchroot
schrootFromSystem system@(System _ arch) =
	extractSuite system
	>>= \suite -> return $ SbuildSchroot suite arch

schrootRoot :: SbuildSchroot -> FilePath
schrootRoot (SbuildSchroot s a) = "/srv/chroot" </> s ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString a

schrootConf :: SbuildSchroot -> FilePath
schrootConf (SbuildSchroot s a) =
	"/etc/schroot/chroot.d" </> s ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString a ++ "-sbuild-propellor"

schrootPiupartsConf :: SbuildSchroot -> FilePath
schrootPiupartsConf (SbuildSchroot s a) =
	"/etc/schroot/chroot.d" </> s ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString a ++ "-piuparts-propellor"

-- Determine whether a schroot is
-- (i)  Debian sid, and
-- (ii) the same architecture as the host.
-- This is the "sid host arch schroot".  It is considered the default schroot
-- for sbuild builds, so we add useful aliases that work well with the suggested
-- ~/.sbuildrc given in the haddock
sidHostArchSchroot :: SbuildSchroot -> Propellor Bool
sidHostArchSchroot (SbuildSchroot suite arch) = do
	maybeOS <- getOS
	return $ case maybeOS of
		Nothing -> False
		Just (System _ hostArch) ->
			suite == "unstable" && hostArch == arch