-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.20.0. -- -- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack -- -- hash: fb04dc4a9f5b32b3fafbac2528f61972244ef20a009528c1b872a9542ac3165d name: proto-lens-optparse version: synopsis: Adapting proto-lens to optparse-applicative ReadMs. description: A package adapting proto-lens to optparse-applicative ReadMs. This gives an easy way to define options and arguments for text-format protobuf types. category: Data homepage: https://github.com/google/proto-lens#readme bug-reports: https://github.com/google/proto-lens/issues author: Andrew Pritchard maintainer: awpr+protolens@google.com copyright: Google Inc. license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 extra-source-files: Changelog.md source-repository head type: git location: https://github.com/google/proto-lens subdir: proto-lens-optparse library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base >=4.8 && <4.11 , optparse-applicative >=0.12 && <0.15 , proto-lens >=0.1 && <0.4 , text ==1.2.* exposed-modules: Data.ProtoLens.Optparse other-modules: Paths_proto_lens_optparse default-language: Haskell2010