# Changelog for `proto-lens-protoc` ## v0.8.0.0 - Relax upper bounds for ghc-9.6 - Incompatible change: change `forall` to `forall'` in generated code due to GHC warning of the upcoming change. ## v0.7.1.1 - Relax upper bounds for ghc-9.2 ## v0.7.1.0 - Support GHC 9.0. - Add ServiceDescriptor to generated services. (#409) - Support proto3 optional (#400) ## v0.7.0.0 - Support GHC 8.10. - Support `proto-lens` changes for the new method `packedMessageDescriptor`. - Bump upper bound to allow base-4.14. - Bump to ghc-source-gen- ### Breaking Changes - Reexport transitive definitions from modules generated for `.proto` files with `import public` statements (#329). - Bump lower bounds to base-4.10 (ghc-8.2). - Use `ghc-source-gen` instead of `haskell-src-exts`. Removes `Data.ProtoLens.Compiler.Combinators` and adds `Data.ProtoLens.Compiler.Definitions`. - Limit the exposed library to a single module `Data.ProtoLens.Compiler.ModuleName`. The other modules were not used in practice, and exposed internals unnecessarily. ### Backwards-Compatible Changes - Fix a potential naming conflict when message types and enum values are the same except for case. - Support dependencies on base-4.13 (ghc-8.8) and lens-family-2.0. ## v0.5.0.0 ### Breaking Changes - Capitalize enum values, and capitalize names of enum sub-messages (#270). - Fix the parser to fail on end-group markers with the wrong tag number (#282). ### Backwards-Compatible Changes - Allow enum names that start with underscores. (#238) - Track changes to `proto-lens`: use generated Haskell code and a custom parsing monad to encode/decode proto messages faster. - Store repeated fields internally as `Vector`s, and expose the internal representation via new `vec'*` lenses. (#302) - Use `Vector`s for more efficient encoding/decoding. - Add more combinators to support the generated code. ## v0.4.0.1 - Bump the dependency on `base` and `containers` to support `ghc-8.6.1`. - Fix a GHC error on enums with a very large number of cases (#241). ## v0.4.0.0 - Split out `proto-lens-setup` and `proto-lens-runtime` into separate packages. - Hide the constructors and record fields of message types, and make `Show` instances call `showMessageShort`. - Generate explicit `NFData` instances for each type. - Track the change to `proto-lens`: Don't use `data-default` for default proto values (#194). - Use simplified lens-labels instances. (#208) ## v0.3.1.2 - Bump the upper bound to `temporary-1.3`. - Fix warnings. ## v0.3.1.1 - Fix management of generated files between Cabal components (#171). - Bump the lower bound on `base` to indicate we require `ghc>=8.0`. - Use autogen-modules. (#196) ## v0.3.1.0 - Bump the dependency on `base` for `ghc-8.4.2`. - Bump the dependency to `Cabal-2.2.*`. - Make `Symbol` an instance of Semigroup. ## v0.3.0.0 - Remove support for `ghc-7.10`. (#136) - Use a `.cabal` file that's auto-generated from `hpack`. (#138) - Separate types into their own module, apart from field lenses. - Improve readability of `HasLens` instances. (#118) - Add support for tracking unknown fields. (#129) - Don't generate Haskell modules if they won't be used. (#126) - Bundle enum pattern synonyms exports with their type. (#136) - Split the `Message` class into separate methods. (#139) - Refactor the `FieldDescriptorType`. (#147) - Add a case to proto3 enums for unknown values. (#137) - Track consolidation of `proto-lens-descriptors` into `proto-lens`. (#140) - Generate service definitions using promoted datatypes. (#154) - Generate prisms for `oneof` message fields. (#160) ## v0.2.2.3 - Don't camel-case message names. This reverts behavior which was added in v0.2.2.0. ## v0.2.2.2 - Bump the dependency for `process-1.6`. ## v0.2.2.1 - Fix the case where types/constructors of oneofs overlap with those of submessages or subenums, by appending `"'"` to the former when required. ## v0.2.2.0 - Bump the dependency on `base` to support `ghc-8.2.1` and `Cabal-2.0`. - Bump the dependency for `haskell-src-exts-0.19`. - Improve the semantics of oneof fields, and add a lens to access the underlying sum type. - Generate Ord instances for all exported datatypes. - Print a better error message when missing `protoc` or `proto-lens-protoc`. - Expose message names to support `Data.ProtoLens.Any`. - CamelCase the names of Haskell message types. ## v0.2.1.0 and older See `Changelog.md` for `proto-lens`.