{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Data.ProtocolBuffers.Message
  ( Message(..)
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Serialize.Get
import Data.Serialize.Put
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.TypeLevel as Tl

import GHC.Generics

import Data.ProtocolBuffers.Decode
import Data.ProtocolBuffers.Encode
import Data.ProtocolBuffers.Types
import Data.ProtocolBuffers.Wire

-- |
-- The way to embed a message within another message.
-- These embedded messages are stored as length-delimited fields.
-- For example:
-- @
--data Inner = Inner
--   { innerField :: 'Data.ProtocolBuffers.Required' 'Data.TypeLevel.D1' ('Data.ProtocolBuffers.Value' 'Data.Int.Int64')
--   } deriving ('GHC.Generics.Generic', 'Prelude.Show')
-- instance 'Encode' Inner
--instance 'Decode' Inner
-- data Outer = Outer
--   { outerField :: 'Data.ProtocolBuffers.Required' 'Data.TypeLevel.D1' ('Data.ProtocolBuffers.Message' Inner)
--   } deriving ('GHC.Generics.Generic', 'Prelude.Show')
-- instance 'Encode' Outer
--instance 'Decode' Outer
-- @
-- It's worth noting that @ 'Message' a @ is a 'Monoid' and 'NFData' instance. The 'Monoid' behavior models
-- that of the Protocol Buffers documentation, effectively 'Data.Monoid.Last'. It's done with a fairly big hammer
-- and it isn't possible to override this behavior. This can cause some less-obvious compile errors for
-- paramterized 'Message' types:
-- @
--data Inner = Inner{inner :: 'Required' 'D2' ('Value' 'Float')} deriving ('Generic', 'Show')
--instance 'Encode' Inner
--instance 'Decode' Inner
--data Outer a = Outer{outer :: 'Required' 'D3' ('Message' a)} deriving ('Generic', 'Show')
--instance 'Encode' a => 'Encode' (Outer a)
--instance 'Decode' a => 'Decode' (Outer a)
-- @
-- This fails because 'Decode' needs to know that the message can be merged. The resulting error
-- implies that you may want to add a constraint to the internal 'GMessageMonoid' class:
-- @
-- \/tmp\/tst.hs:18:10:
--   Could not deduce (protobuf-0.1:'Data.ProtocolBuffers.Message.GMessageMonoid' ('Rep' a))
--     arising from a use of `protobuf-0.1: 'Data.ProtocolBuffers.Decode' .$gdmdecode'
--   from the context ('Decode' a)
--     bound by the instance declaration at \/tmp\/tst.hs:18:10-39
--   Possible fix:
--     add an instance declaration for
--     (protobuf-0.1:'Data.ProtocolBuffers.Message.GMessageMonoid' ('Rep' a))
--   In the expression:
--     (protobuf-0.1:'Data.ProtocolBuffers.Decode'.$gdmdecode)
--   In an equation for `decode':
--       decode = (protobuf-0.1:'Data.ProtocolBuffers.Decode' .$gdmdecode)
--   In the instance declaration for `'Decode' (Outer a)'
-- @
-- The correct fix is to add the 'Monoid' constraint for the message:
-- @
-- - instance ('Encode' a) => 'Decode' (Outer a)
-- + instance ('Monoid' ('Message' a), 'Decode' a) => 'Decode' (Outer a)
-- @
newtype Message m = Message {runMessage :: m}
  deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Ord, Show, Traversable)

instance (Generic m, GMessageMonoid (Rep m)) => Monoid (Message m) where
  mempty = Message . to $ gmempty
  Message x `mappend` Message y = Message . to $ gmappend (from x) (from y)

instance (Decode a, Monoid (Message a), Tl.Nat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Message a))))) where
  gdecode = fieldDecode (Required . Always)

instance (Decode a, Monoid (Message a), Tl.Nat n) => GDecode (K1 i (Field n (OptionalField (Maybe (Message a))))) where
  gdecode msg = fieldDecode (Optional . Just) msg <|> pure (K1 mempty)

class GMessageMonoid (f :: * -> *) where
  gmempty :: f a
  gmappend :: f a -> f a -> f a

instance GMessageMonoid f => GMessageMonoid (M1 i c f) where
  gmempty = M1 gmempty
  gmappend (M1 x) (M1 y) = M1 (gmappend x y)

instance (GMessageMonoid x, GMessageMonoid y) => GMessageMonoid (x :*: y) where
  gmempty = gmempty :*: gmempty
  gmappend (x1 :*: x2) (y1 :*: y2) = gmappend x1 y1 :*: gmappend x2 y2

instance (GMessageMonoid x, GMessageMonoid y) => GMessageMonoid (x :+: y) where
  gmempty = L1 gmempty
  gmappend _ = id

instance (Monoid c) => GMessageMonoid (K1 i c) where
  gmempty = K1 mempty
  gmappend (K1 x) (K1 y) = K1 $ mappend x y

instance GMessageMonoid U1 where
  gmempty = U1
  gmappend _ = id

instance (Generic m, GMessageNFData (Rep m)) => NFData (Message m) where
  rnf = grnf . from . runMessage

class GMessageNFData f where
  grnf :: f a -> ()

instance GMessageNFData f => GMessageNFData (M1 i c f) where
  grnf = grnf . unM1

instance (GMessageNFData x, GMessageNFData y) => GMessageNFData (x :*: y) where
  grnf (x :*: y) = grnf x `seq` grnf y

instance (GMessageNFData x, GMessageNFData y) => GMessageNFData (x :+: y) where
  grnf (L1 x) = grnf x
  grnf (R1 y) = grnf y

instance NFData c => GMessageNFData (K1 i c) where
  grnf = rnf . unK1

instance GMessageNFData U1 where
  grnf U1 = ()

type instance Optional n (Message a) = Field n (OptionalField (Maybe (Message a)))
type instance Required n (Message a) = Field n (RequiredField (Always (Message a)))

instance (Foldable f, Encode m) => EncodeWire (f (Message m)) where
  encodeWire t =
    traverse_ (encodeWire t . runPut . encode . runMessage)

instance Decode m => DecodeWire (Message m) where
  decodeWire (DelimitedField _ bs) =
    case runGet decodeMessage bs of
      Right val -> pure $ Message val
      Left err  -> fail $ "Embedded message decoding failed: " ++ show err
  decodeWire _ = empty

-- | Iso: @ 'FieldType' ('Required' n ('Message' a)) = a @
instance HasField (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Message a)))) where
  type FieldType (Field n (RequiredField (Always (Message a)))) = a
  getField = runMessage . runAlways. runRequired . runField
  putField = Field . Required . Always . Message

-- | Iso: @ 'FieldType' ('Optional' n ('Message' a)) = 'Maybe' a @
instance HasField (Field n (OptionalField (Maybe (Message a)))) where
  type FieldType (Field n (OptionalField (Maybe (Message a)))) = Maybe a
  getField = fmap runMessage . runOptional . runField
  putField = Field . Optional . fmap Message

-- | Iso: @ 'FieldType' ('Repeated' n ('Message' a)) = [a] @
instance HasField (Field n (RepeatedField [Message a])) where
  type FieldType (Field n (RepeatedField [Message a])) = [a]
  getField = fmap runMessage . runRepeated . runField
  putField = Field . Repeated . fmap Message