### 0.3.1 [2019.02.20] * Make the build warning-free under `-Wcompat`. ## 0.3 * Update for GHC 8.2 * Since `typeRep#`, `typeNatTypeRep`, and `typeSymbolTypeRep` are no longer exported from `base`, `theTypeRep#`, `theTypeNatTypeRep`, and `theTypeSymbolTypeRep` are now synonyms for `theTypeRep` * Happily, the new type signature for `GHC.OverloadedLabels.fromLabel` is now exactly the same as `theFromLabel`, so the latter is now a synonym for the former * Use explicit kind variable binders in `Data.Proxyless` * Use explicit `forall`s in `Data.Proxied` for consistency ## 0.2 * Added the `Data.Proxyless` module * Added `proxyHashed` to `Data.Proxied` ### 0.1.1 * Enabled `Safe` ## 0.1 * Initial commit