module PureScript.Ide where

import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Control.Monad.State.Lazy (StateT (..), get, modify)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy            as M
import           Data.Maybe               (mapMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                (Text ())
import qualified Data.Text  as T
import           PureScript.Ide.Completion
import           PureScript.Ide.Externs
import           PureScript.Ide.Pursuit
import           PureScript.Ide.Error
import           PureScript.Ide.Types
import           System.FilePath
import           System.Directory

type PscIde = StateT PscState IO

getAllDecls :: PscIde [ExternDecl]
getAllDecls = concat . pscStateModules <$> get

getAllModules :: PscIde [Module]
getAllModules = M.toList . pscStateModules <$> get

findCompletions :: [Filter] -> Matcher -> PscIde Success
findCompletions filters matcher =
    CompletionResult <$> getCompletions filters matcher <$> getAllModules

findType :: DeclIdent -> [Filter] -> PscIde Success
findType search filters =
    CompletionResult <$> getExactMatches search filters <$> getAllModules

findPursuitCompletions :: Text -> PscIde [Completion]
findPursuitCompletions = liftIO . searchPursuit

loadExtern :: FilePath -> PscIde (Either Error ())
loadExtern fp = runEitherT $ do
    decls          <- EitherT . liftIO $ readExternFile fp
    (name, decls') <- EitherT . return $ moduleFromDecls decls
    modify (\x ->
              { pscStateModules = M.insert
                                  (pscStateModules x)

getDependenciesForModule :: ModuleIdent -> PscIde (Maybe [ModuleIdent])
getDependenciesForModule m = do
  mDecls <- M.lookup m . pscStateModules <$> get
  return $ mapMaybe getDependencyName <$> mDecls
  where getDependencyName (Dependency dependencyName _) = Just dependencyName
        getDependencyName _ = Nothing

moduleFromDecls :: [ExternDecl] -> Either Error Module
moduleFromDecls decls@(ModuleDecl name _:_) = Right (name, decls)
moduleFromDecls _ = Left (GeneralError "An externs File didn't start with a module declaration")

stateFromDecls :: [[ExternDecl]] -> Either Error PscState
stateFromDecls externs= do
  modules <- mapM moduleFromDecls externs
  return $ PscState (M.fromList modules)

printModules :: PscIde Success
printModules =
    TextResult . T.intercalate ", " . M.keys . pscStateModules <$> get

-- | The first argument is a set of modules to load. The second argument
--   denotes modules for which to load dependencies
loadModulesAndDeps :: [ModuleIdent] -> [ModuleIdent] -> PscIde (Either Error Success)
loadModulesAndDeps mods deps = do
    r1 <- mapM loadModule mods
    r2 <- mapM loadModuleDependencies deps
    return $
        TextResult <$>
            (\x y -> x <> ", " <> y)
            (T.concat <$> sequence r1)
            (T.concat <$> sequence r2)

loadModuleDependencies :: ModuleIdent -> PscIde (Either Error T.Text)
loadModuleDependencies moduleName = do
    _ <- loadModule moduleName
    mDeps <- getDependenciesForModule moduleName
    case mDeps of
        Just deps -> do
            mapM_ loadModule deps
            return (Right ("Dependencies for " <> moduleName <> " loaded."))
        Nothing -> return (Left (ModuleNotFound moduleName))

loadModule :: ModuleIdent -> PscIde (Either Error T.Text)
loadModule mn = do
    path <- liftIO $ filePathFromModule mn
    case path of
        Right p -> loadExtern p >> return (Right $ "Loaded extern file at: " <> T.pack p)
        Left err -> return (Left err)

filePathFromModule :: ModuleIdent -> IO (Either Error FilePath)
filePathFromModule moduleName = do
    cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
    let path = cwd </> "output" </> T.unpack moduleName </> "externs.purs"
    ex <- doesFileExist path
    return $
        if ex
            then Right path
            else Left (ModuleFileNotFound moduleName)

-- | Taken from Data.Either.Utils
maybeToEither :: MonadError e m =>
                 e                      -- ^ (Left e) will be returned if the Maybe value is Nothing
              -> Maybe a                -- ^ (Right a) will be returned if this is (Just a)
              -> m a
maybeToEither errorval Nothing = throwError errorval
maybeToEither _ (Just normalval) = return normalval