{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE PArr #-} {-| Internal utilities and library imports. > Though here at journey's end I lie > in darkness buried deep, > beyond all towers strong and high, > beyond all mountains steep, > above all shadows rides the Sun > and Stars for ever dwell: > I will not say the Day is done, > nor bid the Stars farewell. -} module Pugs.Compat ( module X ) where import Pugs.Compat.Cast as X import Pugs.Compat.Global as X import Pugs.Compat.ID as X import Pugs.Compat.Monads as X import Pugs.Compat.String as X import Pugs.Compat.Posix as X import Pugs.Compat.Regex as X import Control.Concurrent as X import Control.Concurrent.STM as X import Control.Exception as X (catchJust, errorCalls, Exception(..)) import Control.Monad as X (replicateM, forM, forM_, MonadPlus(..), msum, liftM2, liftM3, guard, foldM, unless, liftM, filterM, join, when) import Control.Monad.Error as X (MonadError(..), ErrorT(..), Error(..)) import Control.Monad.Fix as X (fix) import Control.Monad.Identity as X (Identity(..)) import Control.Monad.Reader as X (MonadReader(..), ReaderT(..), asks) import Control.Monad.State as X (MonadState(..), gets, modify) import Control.Monad.Trans as X (MonadIO(..), MonadTrans(..)) import Control.Monad.Writer as X (MonadWriter(..), WriterT(..), censor) import Data.Array as X (elems) import Data.Bits as X hiding (shift) import Data.ByteString as X (ByteString) import Data.Char as X import Data.Complex as X import Data.Dynamic as X hiding (cast) import Data.Either as X import Data.Generics as X (Data) import Data.IORef as X import Data.IntMap as X (IntMap) import Data.List as X ( (\\), find, genericLength, insert, sortBy, intersperse, partition, group, sort, genericReplicate, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, genericTake, genericDrop, unfoldr, nub, nubBy, transpose, delete, foldl') import Data.Map as X (Map) import Data.Maybe as X import Data.Monoid as X import Data.Ratio as X import Data.Sequence as X (Seq, singleton) import Data.Set as X (Set) import Data.Time as X import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as X import Data.Tree as X import Data.Unique as X import Data.Word as X hiding (Word) import Debug.Trace as X import GHC.Conc as X (unsafeIOToSTM) import GHC.Exts as X (unsafeCoerce#, Word(W#), Word#) import GHC.PArr as X import Network as X import Numeric as X (showHex) import System.Cmd as X import System.Directory as X (Permissions(..), getPermissions, getTemporaryDirectory, createDirectory, removeDirectory, removeFile, getDirectoryContents, getModificationTime) import System.Environment as X (getArgs, withArgs, getProgName) import System.Exit as X import System.IO as X ( Handle, stdin, stdout, hClose, hGetLine, hGetChar, hGetContents, openFile, hSetBinaryMode, hPutStr, hPutStrLn, IOMode(..), stderr, SeekMode(..), hSetBuffering, BufferMode(..), hIsTerminalDevice, hFlush, hPrint, isEOF, hSeek, hTell, hIsOpen, hIsClosed, hIsReadable, hIsWritable, hIsSeekable) import System.IO.Error as X (ioeGetErrorString, isUserError) import System.IO.Unsafe as X import System.Mem as X import System.Mem.Weak as X import System.Process as X import System.Random as X hiding (split) import Text.Regex.Base as X hiding (empty) import Text.Regex.PCRE as X hiding (empty) -- Instances. instance Show Unique where show = show . hashUnique instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Show (a -> b) where show _ = "(" ++ typA ++ " -> " ++ typB ++ ")" where typA = show $ typeOf (undefined :: a) typB = show $ typeOf (undefined :: b) instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Eq (a -> b) where x == y = show x == show y instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Ord (a -> b) where compare x y = compare (show x) (show y) instance Eq Dynamic where x == y = show x == show y instance Ord Dynamic where compare x y = compare (show x) (show y) instance Typeable1 [::] where typeOf1 _ = mkTyConApp (mkTyCon "[::]") []