{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |
-- Monads for type checking and type inference and associated data types
module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad where

import Prelude.Compat

import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (MonadWriter(..), censor)

import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)

import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.TypeClassDictionaries
import Language.PureScript.Types

-- | A substitution of unification variables for types or kinds
data Substitution = Substitution
  { substType :: M.Map Int Type -- ^ Type substitution
  , substKind :: M.Map Int Kind -- ^ Kind substitution

-- | An empty substitution
emptySubstitution :: Substitution
emptySubstitution = Substitution M.empty M.empty

-- | State required for type checking
data CheckState = CheckState
  { checkEnv :: Environment
  -- ^ The current @Environment@
  , checkNextType :: Int
  -- ^ The next type unification variable
  , checkNextKind :: Int
  -- ^ The next kind unification variable
  , checkNextSkolem :: Int
  -- ^ The next skolem variable
  , checkNextSkolemScope :: Int
  -- ^ The next skolem scope constant
  , checkCurrentModule :: Maybe ModuleName
  -- ^ The current module
  , checkSubstitution :: Substitution
  -- ^ The current substitution
  , checkHints :: [ErrorMessageHint]
  -- ^ The current error message hint stack.
  -- This goes into state, rather than using 'rethrow',
  -- since this way, we can provide good error messages
  -- during instance resolution.

-- | Create an empty @CheckState@
emptyCheckState :: Environment -> CheckState
emptyCheckState env = CheckState env 0 0 0 0 Nothing emptySubstitution []

-- | Unification variables
type Unknown = Int

-- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to values
  :: MonadState CheckState m
  => M.Map (Qualified Ident) (Type, NameKind, NameVisibility)
  -> m a
  -> m a
bindNames newNames action = do
  orig <- get
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { names = newNames `M.union` (names . checkEnv $ st) } }
  a <- action
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { names = names . checkEnv $ orig } }
  return a

-- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to types
  :: MonadState CheckState m
  => M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName)) (Kind, TypeKind)
  -> m a
  -> m a
bindTypes newNames action = do
  orig <- get
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { types = newNames `M.union` (types . checkEnv $ st) } }
  a <- action
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { types = types . checkEnv $ orig } }
  return a

-- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to types
  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> [(Text, Kind)]
  -> m a
  -> m a
withScopedTypeVars mn ks ma = do
  orig <- get
  forM_ ks $ \(name, _) ->
    when (Qualified (Just mn) (ProperName name) `M.member` types (checkEnv orig)) $
      tell . errorMessage $ ShadowedTypeVar name
  bindTypes (M.fromList (map (\(name, k) -> (Qualified (Just mn) (ProperName name), (k, ScopedTypeVar))) ks)) ma

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => ErrorMessageHint
  -> m a
  -> m a
withErrorMessageHint hint action = do
  orig <- get
  modify $ \st -> st { checkHints = hint : checkHints st }
  -- Need to use 'rethrow' anyway, since we have to handle regular errors
  a <- rethrow (addHint hint) action
  modify $ \st -> st { checkHints = checkHints orig }
  return a

-- | These hints are added at the front, so the most nested hint occurs
-- at the front, but the simplifier assumes the reverse order.
getHints :: MonadState CheckState m => m [ErrorMessageHint]
getHints = gets (reverse . checkHints)

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => SourceSpan
  -> m a
  -> m a
rethrowWithPositionTC pos = withErrorMessageHint (PositionedError pos)

  :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => SourceSpan
  -> m a
  -> m a
warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC pos = rethrowWithPositionTC pos . warnWithPosition pos

-- | Temporarily make a collection of type class dictionaries available
  :: MonadState CheckState m
  => [NamedDict]
  -> m a
  -> m a
withTypeClassDictionaries entries action = do
  orig <- get
  let mentries = M.fromListWith (M.unionWith M.union) [ (mn, M.singleton className (M.singleton (tcdValue entry) entry)) | entry@TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdValue = Qualified mn _, tcdClassName = className }  <- entries ]
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClassDictionaries = M.unionWith (M.unionWith M.union) (typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv $ st) mentries } }
  a <- action
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClassDictionaries = typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv $ orig } }
  return a

-- | Get the currently available map of type class dictionaries
  :: (MonadState CheckState m)
  => m (M.Map (Maybe ModuleName) (M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (M.Map (Qualified Ident) NamedDict)))
getTypeClassDictionaries = typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv <$> get

-- | Lookup type class dictionaries in a module.
  :: (MonadState CheckState m)
  => Maybe ModuleName
  -> m (M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (M.Map (Qualified Ident) NamedDict))
lookupTypeClassDictionaries mn = fromMaybe M.empty . M.lookup mn . typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv <$> get

-- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to local variables
  :: (MonadState CheckState m)
  => [(Ident, Type, NameVisibility)]
  -> m a
  -> m a
bindLocalVariables bindings =
  bindNames (M.fromList $ flip map bindings $ \(name, ty, visibility) -> (Qualified Nothing name, (ty, Private, visibility)))

-- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to local type variables
  :: (MonadState CheckState m)
  => ModuleName
  -> [(ProperName 'TypeName, Kind)]
  -> m a
  -> m a
bindLocalTypeVariables moduleName bindings =
  bindTypes (M.fromList $ flip map bindings $ \(pn, kind) -> (Qualified (Just moduleName) pn, (kind, LocalTypeVariable)))

-- | Update the visibility of all names to Defined
makeBindingGroupVisible :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m ()
makeBindingGroupVisible = modifyEnv $ \e -> e { names = M.map (\(ty, nk, _) -> (ty, nk, Defined)) (names e) }

-- | Update the visibility of all names to Defined in the scope of the provided action
withBindingGroupVisible :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m a -> m a
withBindingGroupVisible action = preservingNames $ makeBindingGroupVisible >> action

-- | Perform an action while preserving the names from the @Environment@.
preservingNames :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m a -> m a
preservingNames action = do
  orig <- gets (names . checkEnv)
  a <- action
  modifyEnv $ \e -> e { names = orig }
  return a

-- | Lookup the type of a value by name in the @Environment@
  :: (e ~ MultipleErrors, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError e m)
  => Qualified Ident
  -> m Type
lookupVariable qual = do
  env <- getEnv
  case M.lookup qual (names env) of
    Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage $ NameIsUndefined (disqualify qual)
    Just (ty, _, _) -> return ty

-- | Lookup the visibility of a value by name in the @Environment@
  :: (e ~ MultipleErrors, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError e m)
  => Qualified Ident
  -> m NameVisibility
getVisibility qual = do
  env <- getEnv
  case M.lookup qual (names env) of
    Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage $ NameIsUndefined (disqualify qual)
    Just (_, _, vis) -> return vis

-- | Assert that a name is visible
  :: (e ~ MultipleErrors, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError e m)
  => Qualified Ident
  -> m ()
checkVisibility name@(Qualified _ var) = do
  vis <- getVisibility name
  case vis of
    Undefined -> throwError . errorMessage $ CycleInDeclaration var
    _ -> return ()

-- | Lookup the kind of a type by name in the @Environment@
  :: (e ~ MultipleErrors, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError e m)
  => ModuleName
  -> Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName)
  -> m Kind
lookupTypeVariable currentModule (Qualified moduleName name) = do
  env <- getEnv
  case M.lookup (Qualified (Just $ fromMaybe currentModule moduleName) name) (types env) of
    Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage $ UndefinedTypeVariable name
    Just (k, _) -> return k

-- | Get the current @Environment@
getEnv :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m Environment
getEnv = checkEnv <$> get

-- | Get locally-bound names in context, to create an error message.
getLocalContext :: MonadState CheckState m => m Context
getLocalContext = do
  env <- getEnv
  return [ (ident, ty') | (Qualified Nothing ident@Ident{}, (ty', _, Defined)) <- M.toList (names env) ]

-- | Update the @Environment@
putEnv :: (MonadState CheckState m) => Environment -> m ()
putEnv env = modify (\s -> s { checkEnv = env })

-- | Modify the @Environment@
modifyEnv :: (MonadState CheckState m) => (Environment -> Environment) -> m ()
modifyEnv f = modify (\s -> s { checkEnv = f (checkEnv s) })

-- | Run a computation in the typechecking monad, starting with an empty @Environment@
runCheck :: (Functor m) => StateT CheckState m a -> m (a, Environment)
runCheck = runCheck' (emptyCheckState initEnvironment)

-- | Run a computation in the typechecking monad, failing with an error, or succeeding with a return value and the final @Environment@.
runCheck' :: (Functor m) => CheckState -> StateT CheckState m a -> m (a, Environment)
runCheck' st check = second checkEnv <$> runStateT check st

-- | Make an assertion, failing with an error message
guardWith :: (MonadError e m) => e -> Bool -> m ()
guardWith _ True = return ()
guardWith e False = throwError e

-- | Run a computation in the substitution monad, generating a return value and the final substitution.
  :: MonadState CheckState m
  => m a
  -> m (a, Substitution)
captureSubstitution = capturingSubstitution (,)

  :: MonadState CheckState m
  => (a -> Substitution -> b)
  -> m a
  -> m b
capturingSubstitution f ma = do
  a <- ma
  subst <- gets checkSubstitution
  return (f a subst)

  :: MonadState CheckState m
  => m a
  -> m a
withFreshSubstitution ma = do
  orig <- get
  modify $ \st -> st { checkSubstitution = emptySubstitution }
  a <- ma
  modify $ \st -> st { checkSubstitution = checkSubstitution orig }
  return a

  :: MonadWriter w m
  => m a
  -> m (a, w)
withoutWarnings = censor (const mempty) . listen