module Main where import Prelude import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial) import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff) import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, log) import Test.Assert (ASSERT, assert') patternSimple :: Boolean patternSimple = let x = 25252 in x == 25252 patternDoSimple :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoSimple = do let x = 25252 pure $ x == 25252 newtype X = X Int patternNewtype :: Boolean patternNewtype = let X a = X 123 in a == 123 patternDoNewtype :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoNewtype = do let X a = X 123 pure $ a == 123 data Y = Y Int String Boolean patternData :: Boolean patternData = let Y a b c = Y 456 "hello, world" false in a == 456 && b == "hello, world" && not c patternDataIgnored :: Boolean patternDataIgnored = let Y _ x _ = Y 789 "world, hello" true in x == "world, hello" patternDoData :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoData = do let Y a b c = Y 456 "hello, world" false pure $ a == 456 && b == "hello, world" && not c patternDoDataIgnored :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoDataIgnored = do let Y _ x _ = Y 789 "world, hello" true pure $ x == "world, hello" patternArray :: Boolean patternArray = unsafePartial $ let [a, b] = [1, 2] in a == 1 && b == 2 patternDoArray :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoArray = unsafePartial do let [a, b] = [1, 2] pure $ a == 1 && b == 2 patternMultiple :: Boolean patternMultiple = unsafePartial $ let x = 25252 X a = X x Y b c d = Y x "hello, world" false Y _ e _ = Y 789 "world, hello" true [f, g] = [1, 2] in x == 25252 && a == 25252 && b == 25252 && c == "hello, world" && not d && e == "world, hello" && f == 1 && g == 2 patternDoMultiple :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoMultiple = unsafePartial do let x = 25252 X a = X x Y b c d = Y x "hello, world" false Y _ e _ = Y 789 "world, hello" true [f, g] = [1, 2] pure $ x == 25252 && a == 25252 && b == 25252 && c == "hello, world" && not d && e == "world, hello" && f == 1 && g == 2 patternMultipleWithNormal :: Boolean patternMultipleWithNormal = unsafePartial $ let x = 25252 X a = X x y = 2525 Y b c d = Y y "hello, world" false in x == 25252 && y == 2525 && a == 25252 && b == 2525 && c == "hello, world" && not d patternDoMultipleWithNormal :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoMultipleWithNormal = unsafePartial do let x = 25252 X a = X x y = 2525 Y b c d = Y y "hello, world" false pure $ x == 25252 && y == 2525 && a == 25252 && b == 2525 && c == "hello, world" && not d patternWithParens :: Boolean patternWithParens = unsafePartial $ let (x) = 25252 (X a) = X x (Y b c d) = Y x "hello, world" false (Y _ e _) = Y 789 "world, hello" true ([f, g]) = [1, 2] in x == 25252 && a == 25252 && b == 25252 && c == "hello, world" && not d && e == "world, hello" && f == 1 && g == 2 patternDoWithParens :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoWithParens = unsafePartial do let (x) = 25252 (X a) = X x (Y b c d) = Y x "hello, world" false (Y _ e _) = Y 789 "world, hello" true ([f, g]) = [1, 2] pure $ x == 25252 && a == 25252 && b == 25252 && c == "hello, world" && not d && e == "world, hello" && f == 1 && g == 2 patternWithNamedBinder :: Boolean patternWithNamedBinder = unsafePartial $ let a@{x, y} = {x: 10, y: 20} in a.x == 10 && x == 10 && a.y == 20 && y == 20 patternDoWithNamedBinder :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoWithNamedBinder = unsafePartial do let a@{x, y} = {x: 10, y: 20} pure $ a.x == 10 && x == 10 && a.y == 20 && y == 20 data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) infixr 6 Cons as : instance eqList :: Eq a => Eq (List a) where eq xs ys = go xs ys true where go _ _ false = false go Nil Nil acc = acc go (x : xs') (y : ys') acc = go xs' ys' $ acc && (y == x) go _ _ _ = false patternWithInfixOp :: Boolean patternWithInfixOp = unsafePartial $ let x : xs = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : Nil in x == 1 && xs == 2 : 3 : 4 : Nil patternDoWithInfixOp :: forall e. Eff e Boolean patternDoWithInfixOp = unsafePartial do let x : xs = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : Nil pure $ x == 1 && xs == 2 : 3 : 4 : Nil main :: Eff (assert :: ASSERT, console :: CONSOLE) Unit main = do assert' "simple variable pattern" patternSimple assert' "simple variable pattern with do" =<< patternDoSimple assert' "constructor pattern (newtype)" patternNewtype assert' "constructor pattern (newtype) with do" =<< patternDoNewtype assert' "constructor pattern (data)" patternData assert' "constructor pattern with ignorances" patternDataIgnored assert' "constructor pattern (data) with do" =<< patternDoData assert' "constructor pattern with ignorances and do" =<< patternDoDataIgnored assert' "array pattern" patternArray assert' "array pattern with do" =<< patternDoArray assert' "multiple patterns" patternMultiple assert' "multiple patterns with do" =<< patternDoMultiple assert' "multiple patterns with normal let's" patternMultipleWithNormal assert' "multiple patterns with normal let's and do" =<< patternDoMultipleWithNormal assert' "multiple patterns with parens" patternWithParens assert' "multiple patterns with parens and do" =<< patternDoWithParens assert' "multiple patterns with named binder" patternWithNamedBinder assert' "multiple patterns with named binder and do" =<< patternDoWithNamedBinder assert' "pattern with infix operator" patternWithInfixOp assert' "pattern with infix operator and do" =<< patternDoWithInfixOp log "Done"