module Language.PureScript.Parser.Common where
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.PureScript.AST.SourcePos
import Language.PureScript.Comments
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Parser.Lexer
import Language.PureScript.Parser.State
import Language.PureScript.PSString (PSString, mkString)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
properName :: TokenParser (ProperName a)
properName = ProperName <$> uname
typeName :: TokenParser (ProperName 'TypeName)
typeName = ProperName <$> tyname
kindName :: TokenParser (ProperName 'KindName)
kindName = ProperName <$> kiname
dataConstructorName :: TokenParser (ProperName 'ConstructorName)
dataConstructorName = ProperName <$> dconsname
moduleName :: TokenParser ModuleName
moduleName = part []
part path = (do name <- ProperName <$> P.try qualifier
part (path `snoc` name))
<|> (ModuleName . snoc path . ProperName <$> mname)
snoc path name = path ++ [name]
parseQualified :: TokenParser a -> TokenParser (Qualified a)
parseQualified parser = part []
part path = (do name <- ProperName <$> P.try qualifier
part (updatePath path name))
<|> (Qualified (qual path) <$> P.try parser)
updatePath path name = path ++ [name]
qual path = if null path then Nothing else Just $ ModuleName path
parseIdent :: TokenParser Ident
parseIdent = Ident <$> identifier
parseLabel :: TokenParser PSString
parseLabel = (mkString <$> lname) <|> stringLiteral
parseOperator :: TokenParser (OpName a)
parseOperator = OpName <$> symbol
augment :: P.Stream s m t => P.ParsecT s u m a -> P.ParsecT s u m b -> (a -> b -> a) -> P.ParsecT s u m a
augment p q f = flip (maybe id $ flip f) <$> p <*> P.optionMaybe q
fold :: P.ParsecT s u m a -> P.ParsecT s u m b -> (a -> b -> a) -> P.ParsecT s u m a
fold first' more combine = do
a <- first'
bs <- P.many more
return $ foldl combine a bs
buildPostfixParser :: P.Stream s m t => [a -> P.ParsecT s u m a] -> P.ParsecT s u m a -> P.ParsecT s u m a
buildPostfixParser fs first' = do
a <- first'
go a
go a = do
maybeA <- P.optionMaybe $ P.choice (map ($ a) fs)
case maybeA of
Nothing -> return a
Just a' -> go a'
mark :: P.Parsec s ParseState a -> P.Parsec s ParseState a
mark p = do
current <- indentationLevel <$> P.getState
pos <- P.sourceColumn <$> P.getPosition
P.modifyState $ \st -> st { indentationLevel = pos }
a <- p
P.modifyState $ \st -> st { indentationLevel = current }
return a
:: (P.Column -> Text)
-> (P.Column -> P.Column -> Bool)
-> P.Parsec s ParseState ()
checkIndentation mkMsg rel = do
col <- P.sourceColumn <$> P.getPosition
current <- indentationLevel <$> P.getState
guard (col `rel` current) P.<?> T.unpack (mkMsg current)
indented :: P.Parsec s ParseState ()
indented = checkIndentation (("indentation past column " <>) . (T.pack . show)) (>)
same :: P.Parsec s ParseState ()
same = checkIndentation (("indentation at column " <>) . (T.pack . show)) (==)
readComments :: P.Parsec [PositionedToken] u [Comment]
readComments = P.lookAhead $ ptComments <$> P.anyToken
runTokenParser :: FilePath -> TokenParser a -> [PositionedToken] -> Either P.ParseError a
runTokenParser filePath p = P.runParser p (ParseState 0) filePath
toSourcePos :: P.SourcePos -> SourcePos
toSourcePos pos = SourcePos (P.sourceLine pos) (P.sourceColumn pos)
:: (SourceSpan -> [Comment] -> a -> b)
-> P.Parsec [PositionedToken] u a
-> P.Parsec [PositionedToken] u b
withSourceSpan f p = do
comments <- readComments
start <- P.getPosition
x <- p
end <- P.getPosition
input <- P.getInput
let end' = case input of
pt:_ -> ptPrevEndPos pt
_ -> Nothing
let sp = SourceSpan (P.sourceName start) (toSourcePos start) (toSourcePos $ fromMaybe end end')
return $ f sp comments x
:: P.Parsec [PositionedToken] u (SourceAnn -> a)
-> P.Parsec [PositionedToken] u a
withSourceAnnF = withSourceSpan (\ss com f -> f (ss, com))
:: (SourceSpan -> a -> b)
-> P.Parsec [PositionedToken] u a
-> P.Parsec [PositionedToken] u b
withSourceSpan' f = withSourceSpan (\ss _ -> f ss)