purescript-0.13.8: PureScript Programming Language Compiler

Safe HaskellNone



This module implements the kind checker



kindOf :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadState CheckState m) => SourceType -> m SourceKind Source #

Infer the kind of a single type

kindOfWithScopedVars :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadState CheckState m) => SourceType -> m (SourceKind, [(Text, SourceKind)]) Source #

Infer the kind of a single type, returning the kinds of any scoped type variables

kindsOf :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadState CheckState m) => Bool -> ModuleName -> ProperName TypeName -> [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)] -> [SourceType] -> m SourceKind Source #

Infer the kind of a type constructor with a collection of arguments and a collection of associated data constructors

kindsOfAll :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadState CheckState m) => ModuleName -> [(SourceAnn, ProperName TypeName, [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)], SourceType)] -> [(SourceAnn, ProperName TypeName, [(Text, Maybe SourceKind)], [SourceType])] -> m ([SourceKind], [SourceKind]) Source #

Simultaneously infer the kinds of several mutually recursive type constructors