-- Module      :  Language.PureScript.Sugar.TypeClasses
-- Copyright   :  (c) Phil Freeman 2013
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |
-- This module implements the desugaring pass which creates type synonyms for type class dictionaries
-- and dictionary expressions for type class instances.

module Language.PureScript.Sugar.TypeClasses (
) where

import Language.PureScript.Declarations
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.Sugar.CaseDeclarations
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Pretty.Types (prettyPrintTypeAtom)

import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe)

import qualified Data.Map as M

type MemberMap = M.Map (ModuleName, ProperName) Declaration

type Desugar = StateT MemberMap (Either ErrorStack)

-- |
-- Add type synonym declarations for type class dictionary types, and value declarations for type class
-- instance dictionary expressions.
desugarTypeClasses :: [Module] -> Either ErrorStack [Module]
desugarTypeClasses = flip evalStateT M.empty . mapM desugarModule

desugarModule :: Module -> Desugar Module
desugarModule (Module name decls (Just exps)) = do
  (newExpss, declss) <- unzip <$> mapM (desugarDecl name) decls
  return $ Module name (concat declss) $ Just (exps ++ catMaybes newExpss)
desugarModule _ = error "Exports should have been elaborated in name desugaring"

{- Desugar type class and type class instance declarations
-- Type classes become type synonyms for their dictionaries, and type instances become dictionary declarations.
-- Additional values are generated to access individual members of a dictionary, with the appropriate type.
-- E.g. the following
--   module Test where
--   class Foo a where
--     foo :: a -> a
--   instance fooString :: Foo String where
--     foo s = s ++ s
--   instance fooArray :: (Foo a) => Foo [a] where
--     foo = map foo
--   {- Superclasses -}
--   class (Foo a) <= Sub a where
--     sub :: a
--   instance subString :: Sub String where
--     sub = ""
-- becomes
--   type Foo a = { foo :: a -> a }
--   foreign import foo "function foo(dict) {\
--                      \  return dict.foo;\
--                      \}" :: forall a. (Foo a) => a -> a
--   fooString :: {} -> Foo String
--   fooString _ = { foo: \s -> s ++ s }
--   fooArray :: forall a. (Foo a) => Foo [a]
--   fooArray = { foo: map foo }
--   {- Superclasses -}
--   ...
--   subString :: {} -> { __superclasses :: { "Foo": {} -> Foo String }, sub :: String }
--   subString _ = {
--     __superclasses: {
--       "Foo": \_ -> <dictionary placeholder to be inserted during type checking\>
--     }
--     sub: ""
--   }
desugarDecl :: ModuleName -> Declaration -> Desugar (Maybe DeclarationRef, [Declaration])
desugarDecl mn d@(TypeClassDeclaration name args implies members) = do
  modify (M.insert (mn, name) d)
  return $ (Nothing, d : typeClassDictionaryDeclaration name args implies members : map (typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor mn name args) members)
desugarDecl mn d@(TypeInstanceDeclaration name deps className ty members) = do
  desugared <- lift $ desugarCases members
  dictDecl <- typeInstanceDictionaryDeclaration name mn deps className ty desugared
  return $ (Just $ TypeInstanceRef name, [d, dictDecl])
desugarDecl mn (PositionedDeclaration pos d) = do
  (dr, ds) <- rethrowWithPosition pos $ desugarDecl mn d
  return (dr, map (PositionedDeclaration pos) ds)
desugarDecl _ other = return (Nothing, [other])

memberToNameAndType :: Declaration -> (Ident, Type)
memberToNameAndType (TypeDeclaration ident ty) = (ident, ty)
memberToNameAndType (PositionedDeclaration _ d) = memberToNameAndType d
memberToNameAndType _ = error "Invalid declaration in type class definition"

identToProperty :: Ident -> String
identToProperty (Ident name) = name
identToProperty (Op op) = op

typeClassDictionaryDeclaration :: ProperName -> [String] -> [(Qualified ProperName, [Type])] -> [Declaration] -> Declaration
typeClassDictionaryDeclaration name args implies members =
  let superclassesType = TypeApp tyObject (rowFromList ([ (fieldName, function unit tySynApp)
                                                        | (index, (superclass, tyArgs)) <- zip [0..] implies
                                                        , let tySynApp = foldl TypeApp (TypeConstructor superclass) tyArgs
                                                        , let fieldName = mkSuperclassDictionaryName superclass index
                                                        ], REmpty))

  in TypeSynonymDeclaration name args (TypeApp tyObject $ rowFromList ((C.__superclasses, superclassesType) : map (first identToProperty . memberToNameAndType) members, REmpty))

typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor :: ModuleName -> ProperName -> [String] -> Declaration -> Declaration
typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor mn name args (TypeDeclaration ident ty) =
  ValueDeclaration ident TypeClassAccessorImport [] Nothing $
    TypedValue False (Abs (Left $ Ident "dict") (Accessor (runIdent ident) (Var $ Qualified Nothing (Ident "dict")))) $
    moveQuantifiersToFront (quantify (ConstrainedType [(Qualified (Just mn) name, map TypeVar args)] ty))
typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor mn name args (PositionedDeclaration pos d) =
  PositionedDeclaration pos $ typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor mn name args d
typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor _ _ _ _ = error "Invalid declaration in type class definition"

mkSuperclassDictionaryName :: Qualified ProperName -> Integer -> String
mkSuperclassDictionaryName pn index = show pn ++ "_" ++ show index

unit :: Type
unit = TypeApp tyObject REmpty

typeInstanceDictionaryDeclaration :: Ident -> ModuleName -> [(Qualified ProperName, [Type])] -> Qualified ProperName -> [Type] -> [Declaration] -> Desugar Declaration
typeInstanceDictionaryDeclaration name mn deps className tys decls =
  rethrow (strMsg ("Error in type class instance " ++ show className ++ " " ++ unwords (map prettyPrintTypeAtom tys) ++ ":") <>) $ do
  m <- get

  -- Lookup the type arguments and member types for the type class
  (TypeClassDeclaration _ args implies tyDecls) <- lift $
    maybe (Left $ mkErrorStack ("Type class " ++ show className ++ " is undefined") Nothing) Right $
      M.lookup (qualify mn className) m

  case mapMaybe declName tyDecls \\ mapMaybe declName decls of
    x : _ -> throwError $ mkErrorStack ("Member '" ++ show x ++ "' has not been implemented") Nothing
    [] -> do

      let instanceTys = map memberToNameAndType tyDecls

      -- Replace the type arguments with the appropriate types in the member types
      let memberTypes = map (second (replaceAllTypeVars (zip args tys))) instanceTys
      -- Create values for the type instance members
      memberNames <- map (first identToProperty) <$> mapM (memberToNameAndValue memberTypes) decls
      -- Create the type of the dictionary
      -- The type is an object type, but depending on type instance dependencies, may be constrained.
      -- The dictionary itself is an object literal, but for reasons related to recursion, the dictionary
      -- must be guarded by at least one function abstraction. For that reason, if the dictionary has no
      -- dependencies, we introduce an unnamed function parameter.
      let superclasses = ObjectLiteral
            [ (fieldName, Abs (Left (Ident "_")) (SuperClassDictionary superclass tyArgs))
            | (index, (superclass, suTyArgs)) <- zip [0..] implies
            , let tyArgs = map (replaceAllTypeVars (zip args tys)) suTyArgs
            , let fieldName = mkSuperclassDictionaryName superclass index

      let memberNames' = (C.__superclasses, superclasses) : memberNames
          dictTy = foldl TypeApp (TypeConstructor className) tys
          constrainedTy = quantify (if null deps then function unit dictTy else ConstrainedType deps dictTy)
          dict = if null deps then Abs (Left (Ident "_")) (ObjectLiteral memberNames') else ObjectLiteral memberNames'

      return $ ValueDeclaration name TypeInstanceDictionaryValue [] Nothing (TypedValue True dict constrainedTy)


  declName :: Declaration -> Maybe Ident
  declName (PositionedDeclaration _ d) = declName d
  declName (ValueDeclaration ident _ _ _ _) = Just ident
  declName (TypeDeclaration ident _) = Just ident
  declName _ = Nothing

  memberToNameAndValue :: [(Ident, Type)] -> Declaration -> Desugar (Ident, Value)
  memberToNameAndValue tys' d@(ValueDeclaration ident _ _ _ _) = do
    _ <- lift . maybe (Left $ mkErrorStack ("Type class does not define member '" ++ show ident ++ "'") Nothing) Right $ lookup ident tys'
    let memberValue = typeInstanceDictionaryEntryValue d
    return (ident, memberValue)
  memberToNameAndValue tys' (PositionedDeclaration pos d) = rethrowWithPosition pos $ do
    (ident, val) <- memberToNameAndValue tys' d
    return (ident, PositionedValue pos val)
  memberToNameAndValue _ _ = error "Invalid declaration in type instance definition"

  typeInstanceDictionaryEntryValue :: Declaration -> Value
  typeInstanceDictionaryEntryValue (ValueDeclaration _ _ [] _ val) = val
  typeInstanceDictionaryEntryValue (PositionedDeclaration pos d) = PositionedValue pos (typeInstanceDictionaryEntryValue d)
  typeInstanceDictionaryEntryValue _ = error "Invalid declaration in type instance definition"