-- Module      :  Language.PureScript
-- Copyright   :  (c) Phil Freeman 2013
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |
-- The main compiler module

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell #-}

module Language.PureScript (module P, compile, compile', RebuildPolicy(..), MonadMake(..), make, prelude) where

import Language.PureScript.Types as P
import Language.PureScript.Kinds as P
import Language.PureScript.Declarations as P
import Language.PureScript.Names as P
import Language.PureScript.Parser as P
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen as P
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.Common as P
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker as P
import Language.PureScript.Pretty as P
import Language.PureScript.Sugar as P
import Language.PureScript.Options as P
import Language.PureScript.ModuleDependencies as P
import Language.PureScript.Environment as P
import Language.PureScript.Errors as P
import Language.PureScript.DeadCodeElimination as P
import Language.PureScript.Supply as P
import Language.PureScript.Renamer as P

import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C

import Data.List (sortBy, groupBy, intercalate)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Applicative

import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU

import System.FilePath ((</>))

-- |
-- Compile a collection of modules
-- The compilation pipeline proceeds as follows:
--  * Sort the modules based on module dependencies, checking for cyclic dependencies.
--  * Perform a set of desugaring passes.
--  * Type check, and elaborate values to include type annotations and type class dictionaries.
--  * Regroup values to take into account new value dependencies introduced by elaboration.
--  * Eliminate dead code.
--  * Generate Javascript, and perform optimization passes.
--  * Pretty-print the generated Javascript
compile :: Options Compile -> [Module] -> [String] -> Either String (String, String, Environment)
compile = compile' initEnvironment

compile' :: Environment -> Options Compile -> [Module] -> [String] -> Either String (String, String, Environment)
compile' env opts ms prefix = do
  (sorted, _) <- sortModules $ map importPrim $ if optionsNoPrelude opts then ms else (map importPrelude ms)
  (desugared, nextVar) <- stringifyErrorStack True $ runSupplyT 0 $ desugar sorted
  (elaborated, env') <- runCheck' opts env $ forM desugared $ typeCheckModule mainModuleIdent
  regrouped <- stringifyErrorStack True $ createBindingGroupsModule . collapseBindingGroupsModule $ elaborated
  let entryPoints = moduleNameFromString `map` entryPointModules (optionsAdditional opts)
  let elim = if null entryPoints then regrouped else eliminateDeadCode entryPoints regrouped
  let renamed = renameInModules elim
  let codeGenModuleNames = moduleNameFromString `map` codeGenModules (optionsAdditional opts)
  let modulesToCodeGen = if null codeGenModuleNames then renamed else filter (\(Module mn _ _) -> mn `elem` codeGenModuleNames) renamed
  let js = evalSupply nextVar $ concat <$> mapM (\m -> moduleToJs opts m env') modulesToCodeGen
  let exts = intercalate "\n" . map (`moduleToPs` env') $ modulesToCodeGen
  js' <- generateMain env' opts js
  let pjs = unlines $ map ("// " ++) prefix ++ [prettyPrintJS js']
  return (pjs, exts, env')
  mainModuleIdent = moduleNameFromString <$> optionsMain opts

generateMain :: Environment -> Options Compile -> [JS] -> Either String [JS]
generateMain env opts js =
  case moduleNameFromString <$> optionsMain opts of
    Just mmi -> do
      when ((mmi, Ident C.main) `M.notMember` names env) $
        Left $ show mmi ++ "." ++ C.main ++ " is undefined"
      return $ js ++ [JSApp (JSAccessor C.main (JSAccessor (moduleNameToJs mmi) (JSVar (browserNamespace (optionsAdditional opts))))) []]
    _ -> return js

-- |
-- A type class which collects the IO actions we need to be able to run in "make" mode
class MonadMake m where
  -- |
  -- Get a file timestamp
  getTimestamp :: FilePath -> m (Maybe UTCTime)

  -- |
  -- Read a file as a string
  readTextFile :: FilePath -> m String

  -- |
  -- Write a text file
  writeTextFile :: FilePath -> String -> m ()

  -- |
  -- Report an error
  liftError :: Either String a -> m a

  -- |
  -- Respond to a progress update
  progress :: String -> m ()

-- |
-- Determines when to rebuild a module
data RebuildPolicy
  -- | Never rebuild this module
  = RebuildNever
  -- | Always rebuild this module 
  | RebuildAlways deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- |
-- Compiles in "make" mode, compiling each module separately to a js files and an externs file
-- If timestamps have not changed, the externs file can be used to provide the module's types without
-- having to typecheck the module again.
make :: (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadMake m) => FilePath -> Options Make -> [(Either RebuildPolicy FilePath, Module)] -> [String] -> m Environment
make outputDir opts ms prefix = do
  let filePathMap = M.fromList (map (\(fp, Module mn _ _) -> (mn, fp)) ms)

  (sorted, graph) <- liftError $ sortModules $ map importPrim $ if optionsNoPrelude opts then map snd ms else (map (importPrelude . snd) ms)

  toRebuild <- foldM (\s (Module moduleName' _ _) -> do
    let filePath = runModuleName moduleName'

        jsFile = outputDir </> filePath </> "index.js"
        externsFile = outputDir </> filePath </> "externs.purs"
        inputFile = fromMaybe (error "Module has no filename in 'make'") $ M.lookup moduleName' filePathMap

    jsTimestamp <- getTimestamp jsFile
    externsTimestamp <- getTimestamp externsFile
    inputTimestamp <- traverse getTimestamp inputFile 

    return $ case (inputTimestamp, jsTimestamp, externsTimestamp) of
      (Right (Just t1), Just t2, Just t3) | t1 < min t2 t3 -> s
      (Left RebuildNever, Just _, Just _) -> s
      _ -> S.insert moduleName' s) S.empty sorted

  marked <- rebuildIfNecessary (reverseDependencies graph) toRebuild sorted

  (desugared, nextVar) <- liftError $ stringifyErrorStack True $ runSupplyT 0 $ zip (map fst marked) <$> desugar (map snd marked)

  evalSupplyT nextVar (go initEnvironment desugared)

  go :: (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m, MonadMake m) => Environment -> [(Bool, Module)] -> SupplyT m Environment
  go env [] = return env
  go env ((False, m) : ms') = do
    (_, env') <- lift . liftError . runCheck' opts env $ typeCheckModule Nothing m

    go env' ms'
  go env ((True, m@(Module moduleName' _ exps)) : ms') = do
    let filePath = runModuleName moduleName'
        jsFile = outputDir </> filePath </> "index.js"
        externsFile = outputDir </> filePath </> "externs.purs"

    lift . progress $ "Compiling " ++ runModuleName moduleName'

    (Module _ elaborated _, env') <- lift . liftError . runCheck' opts env $ typeCheckModule Nothing m

    regrouped <- lift . liftError . stringifyErrorStack True . createBindingGroups moduleName' . collapseBindingGroups $ elaborated

    let mod' = Module moduleName' regrouped exps
    let [renamed] = renameInModules [mod']

    pjs <- prettyPrintJS <$> moduleToJs opts renamed env'
    let js = unlines $ map ("// " ++) prefix ++ [pjs]
    let exts = unlines $ map ("-- " ++ ) prefix ++ [moduleToPs renamed env']

    lift $ writeTextFile jsFile js
    lift $ writeTextFile externsFile exts

    go env' ms'

  rebuildIfNecessary :: (Functor m, Monad m, MonadMake m) => M.Map ModuleName [ModuleName] -> S.Set ModuleName -> [Module] -> m [(Bool, Module)]
  rebuildIfNecessary _ _ [] = return []
  rebuildIfNecessary graph toRebuild (m@(Module moduleName' _ _) : ms') | moduleName' `S.member` toRebuild = do
    let deps = fromMaybe [] $ moduleName' `M.lookup` graph
        toRebuild' = toRebuild `S.union` S.fromList deps
    (:) (True, m) <$> rebuildIfNecessary graph toRebuild' ms'
  rebuildIfNecessary graph toRebuild (Module moduleName' _ _ : ms') = do
    let externsFile = outputDir </> runModuleName moduleName' </> "externs.purs"
    externs <- readTextFile externsFile
    externsModules <- liftError . either (Left . show) Right $ P.runIndentParser externsFile P.parseModules externs
    case externsModules of
      [m'@(Module moduleName'' _ _)] | moduleName'' == moduleName' -> (:) (False, m') <$> rebuildIfNecessary graph toRebuild ms'
      _ -> liftError . Left $ "Externs file " ++ externsFile ++ " was invalid"

reverseDependencies :: ModuleGraph -> M.Map ModuleName [ModuleName]
reverseDependencies g = combine [ (dep, mn) | (mn, deps) <- g, dep <- deps ]
  combine :: (Ord a) => [(a, b)] -> M.Map a [b]
  combine = M.fromList . map ((fst . head) &&& map snd) . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortBy (compare `on` fst)

-- |
-- Add an import declaration for a module if it does not already explicitly import it.
addDefaultImport :: ModuleName -> Module -> Module
addDefaultImport toImport m@(Module mn decls exps)  =
  if isExistingImport `any` decls || mn == toImport then m
  else Module mn (ImportDeclaration toImport Unqualified Nothing : decls) exps
  isExistingImport (ImportDeclaration mn' _ _) | mn' == toImport = True
  isExistingImport (PositionedDeclaration _ d) = isExistingImport d
  isExistingImport _ = False

importPrim :: Module -> Module
importPrim = addDefaultImport (ModuleName [ProperName C.prim])

importPrelude :: Module -> Module
importPrelude = addDefaultImport (ModuleName [ProperName C.prelude])

prelude :: String
prelude = BU.toString $(embedFile "prelude/prelude.purs")