{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}

module Language.PureScript.Ide.CaseSplit
       ( WildcardAnnotations()
       , explicitAnnotations
       , noAnnotations
       , makePattern
       , addClause
       , caseSplit
       ) where

import           Prelude                                 ()
import           Prelude.Compat                          hiding (lex)

import           Control.Monad.Error.Class
import           "monad-logger" Control.Monad.Logger
import           Data.List                               (find)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                               (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                               as T
import           Language.PureScript.AST
import           Language.PureScript.Environment
import           Language.PureScript.Externs
import           Language.PureScript.Ide.Error
import           Language.PureScript.Ide.Externs         (unwrapPositioned)
import           Language.PureScript.Ide.State
import           Language.PureScript.Ide.Types           hiding (Type)
import           Language.PureScript.Names
import           Language.PureScript.Parser.Common       (runTokenParser)
import           Language.PureScript.Parser.Declarations
import           Language.PureScript.Parser.Lexer        (lex)
import           Language.PureScript.Parser.Types
import           Language.PureScript.Pretty
import           Language.PureScript.Types
import           Text.Parsec                             as P

type Constructor = (ProperName 'ConstructorName, [Type])

newtype WildcardAnnotations = WildcardAnnotations Bool

explicitAnnotations :: WildcardAnnotations
explicitAnnotations = WildcardAnnotations True

noAnnotations :: WildcardAnnotations
noAnnotations = WildcardAnnotations False

caseSplit :: (PscIde m, MonadLogger m, MonadError PscIdeError m) =>
             Text -> m [Constructor]
caseSplit q = do
  (tc, args) <- splitTypeConstructor (parseType' (T.unpack q))
  (EDType _ _ (DataType typeVars ctors)) <- findTypeDeclaration tc
  let applyTypeVars = everywhereOnTypes (replaceAllTypeVars (zip (map fst typeVars) args))
  let appliedCtors = map (\(n, ts) -> (n, map applyTypeVars ts)) ctors
  pure appliedCtors

{- ["EDType {
     edTypeName = ProperName {runProperName = \"Either\"}
   , edTypeKind = FunKind Star (FunKind Star Star)
   , edTypeDeclarationKind =
       DataType [(\"a\",Just Star),(\"b\",Just Star)]
                [(ProperName {runProperName = \"Left\"},[TypeVar \"a\"])
                ,(ProperName {runProperName = \"Right\"},[TypeVar \"b\"])]}"]

findTypeDeclaration :: (PscIde m, MonadLogger m, MonadError PscIdeError m) =>
                         ProperName 'TypeName -> m ExternsDeclaration
findTypeDeclaration q = do
  efs <- getExternFiles
  let m = getFirst $ foldMap (findTypeDeclaration' q) efs
  case m of
    Just mn -> pure mn
    Nothing -> throwError (GeneralError "Not Found")

findTypeDeclaration' ::
  ProperName 'TypeName
  -> ExternsFile
  -> First ExternsDeclaration
findTypeDeclaration' t ExternsFile{..} =
  First $ find (\case
            EDType tn _ _ -> tn == t
            _ -> False) efDeclarations

splitTypeConstructor :: (Applicative m, MonadError PscIdeError m) =>
                        Type -> m (ProperName 'TypeName, [Type])
splitTypeConstructor = go []
    go acc (TypeApp ty arg) = go (arg : acc) ty
    go acc (TypeConstructor tc) = pure (disqualify tc, acc)
    go _ _ = throwError (GeneralError "Failed to read TypeConstructor")

prettyCtor :: WildcardAnnotations -> Constructor -> Text
prettyCtor _ (ctorName, []) = T.pack (runProperName ctorName)
prettyCtor wsa (ctorName, ctorArgs) =
  "("<> T.pack (runProperName ctorName) <> " "
  <> T.unwords (map (prettyPrintWildcard wsa) ctorArgs) <>")"

prettyPrintWildcard :: WildcardAnnotations -> Type -> Text
prettyPrintWildcard (WildcardAnnotations True) = prettyWildcard
prettyPrintWildcard (WildcardAnnotations False) = const "_"

prettyWildcard :: Type -> Text
prettyWildcard t = "( _ :: " <> T.strip (T.pack (prettyPrintTypeAtom t)) <> ")"

-- | Constructs Patterns to insert into a sourcefile
makePattern :: Text -- ^ Current line
            -> Int -- ^ Begin of the split
            -> Int -- ^ End of the split
            -> WildcardAnnotations -- ^ Whether to explicitly type the splits
            -> [Constructor] -- ^ Constructors to split
            -> [Text]
makePattern t x y wsa = makePattern' (T.take x t) (T.drop y t)
    makePattern' lhs rhs = map (\ctor -> lhs <> prettyCtor wsa ctor <> rhs)

addClause :: Text -> WildcardAnnotations -> [Text]
addClause s wca =
  let (fName, fType) = parseTypeDeclaration' (T.unpack s)
      (args, _) = splitFunctionType fType
      template = T.pack (runIdent fName) <> " " <>
        T.unwords (map (prettyPrintWildcard wca) args) <>
        " = ?" <> (T.strip . T.pack . runIdent $ fName)
  in [s, template]

parseType' :: String -> Type
parseType' s = let (Right t) = do
                     ts <- lex "" s
                     runTokenParser "" (parseType <* P.eof) ts
               in t

parseTypeDeclaration' :: String -> (Ident, Type)
parseTypeDeclaration' s =
  let x = do
        ts <- lex "" s
        runTokenParser "" (parseDeclaration <* P.eof) ts
    case unwrapPositioned <$> x of
      Right (TypeDeclaration i t) -> (i, t)
      y -> error (show y)

splitFunctionType :: Type -> ([Type], Type)
splitFunctionType t = (arguments, returns)
    returns = last splitted
    arguments = init splitted
    splitted = splitType' t
    splitType' (ForAll _ t' _) = splitType' t'
    splitType' (ConstrainedType _ t') = splitType' t'
    splitType' (TypeApp (TypeApp t' lhs) rhs)
          | t' == tyFunction = lhs : splitType' rhs
    splitType' t' = [t']