module PSCi.Message where import Data.List (intercalate) import qualified PSCi.Directive as D import PSCi.Types -- Messages -- | -- The help message. -- helpMessage :: String helpMessage = "The following commands are available:\n\n " ++ intercalate "\n " (map line ++ "\n\n" ++ extraHelp where line :: (Directive, String, String) -> String line (dir, arg, desc) = let cmd = ':' : D.stringFor dir in unwords [ cmd , replicate (11 - length cmd) ' ' , arg , replicate (11 - length arg) ' ' , desc ] extraHelp = "Further information is available on the PureScript wiki:\n" ++ " -->" -- | -- The welcome prologue. -- prologueMessage :: String prologueMessage = intercalate "\n" [ " ____ ____ _ _ " , "| _ \\ _ _ _ __ ___/ ___| ___ _ __(_)_ __ | |_ " , "| |_) | | | | '__/ _ \\___ \\ / __| '__| | '_ \\| __|" , "| __/| |_| | | | __/___) | (__| | | | |_) | |_ " , "|_| \\__,_|_| \\___|____/ \\___|_| |_| .__/ \\__|" , " |_| " , "" , ":? shows help" ] -- | -- The quit message. -- quitMessage :: String quitMessage = "See ya!"