-- GSoC 2013 - Communicating with mobile devices.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | This Module define the main data types for sending Push Notifications through Microsoft Push Notification Service.
module Network.PushNotify.Mpns.Types
    ( -- * MPNS Settings
    , DeviceURI
      -- * MPNS Messages
    , MPNSType(..)
    , MPNSInterval(..)
    , MPNSmessage(..)
      -- * MPNS Result
    , MPNSresult(..)
    , MPNSinfo(..)
    , MPNSnotifStatus(..)
    , MPNSsubStatus(..)
    , MPNSconStatus(..)
    ) where

import Network.PushNotify.Mpns.Constants
import Network.TLS                      (PrivateKey)
import Data.Certificate.X509            (X509)
import Data.Default
import Data.Text
import Text.XML
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Control.Exception      as CE
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict    as HM
import qualified Data.HashSet           as HS

-- | 'MPNSConfig' represents the main necessary information for sending notifications through MPNS.
-- If it is not necessary a secure connection, the default value can be used.
-- For loading the certificate and privateKey you can use: 'Network.TLS.Extra.fileReadCertificate' and 'Network.TLS.Extra.fileReadPrivateKey' .
data MPNSConfig = MPNSConfig{
        numRet          :: Int        -- ^ Number of attemps to send the message to the server.
    ,   useSecure       :: Bool       -- ^ To set a secure connection (HTTPS).
    ,   mpnsCertificate :: X509       -- ^ Certificate (only necessary for secure connections).
    ,   mpnsPrivatekey  :: PrivateKey -- ^ Private key (only necessary for secure connections).
    }   deriving Show

instance Default MPNSConfig where
    def = MPNSConfig{
        numRet          = 5
    ,   useSecure       = False
    ,   mpnsCertificate = undefined
    ,   mpnsPrivatekey  = undefined

-- | 'DeviceURI' is an unique identifier of an app/device, provided by MPNS.
type DeviceURI = Text

-- | 'MPNSType' represents the three different kind of notifications.
data MPNSType = Toast | Raw | Tile deriving Show

-- | 'MPNSType' represents the batching interval.
data MPNSInterval = Immediate -- ^ Immediate delivery.
                  | Sec450    -- ^ Delivered within 450 seconds.
                  | Sec900    -- ^ Delivered within 900 seconds.
                  deriving Show

-- | 'MPNSmessage' represents a message to be sent through MPNS.
data MPNSmessage = MPNSmessage{
        deviceURIs          :: HS.HashSet DeviceURI -- ^ Destination.
    ,   batching_interval   :: MPNSInterval -- ^ When to deliver the notification.
    ,   target              :: MPNSType     -- ^ The kind of notification.
    ,   restXML             :: Document     -- ^ The XML data content to be sent.
    } deriving Show

instance Default MPNSmessage where
    def = MPNSmessage {
        deviceURIs          = HS.empty
    ,   batching_interval   = Immediate
    ,   target              = Raw
    ,   restXML             = parseText_ def ""

-- | 'MPNSresult' represents information about messages after a communication with MPNS Servers.
-- Take into account that a successful result after communicating with MPNS servers does not mean that the notification was successfully sent. It is necessary to check the 'MPNSinfo' , provided by the servers, to really know about the state of the notification.
data MPNSresult = MPNSresult{
        successfullResults :: HM.HashMap DeviceURI MPNSinfo -- ^ Notifications that were successfully sent. (To the server, not to device)
    ,   errorException     :: HM.HashMap DeviceURI CE.SomeException -- ^ Failed notifications that you need to resend,
                                                                    -- because there was a problem connecting with MPNS servers.
    } deriving Show

-- | 'MPNSnotifStatus' represents the status of a notification which has been sent.
data MPNSnotifStatus = Received  | Dropped  | QueueFull | Suppressed deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | 'MPNSsubStatus' represents the status of a subscription.
data MPNSsubStatus   = Active    | Expired              deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | 'MPNSconStatus' represents the status of a connection.
data MPNSconStatus   = Connected | InActive | Disconnected | TempDisconnected deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | 'MPNSinfo' represents information about a specific notification and device, after a communication with MPNS Servers.
data MPNSinfo = MPNSinfo {
        notificationStatus :: Maybe MPNSnotifStatus
    ,   subscriptionStatus :: Maybe MPNSsubStatus
    ,   connectionStatus   :: Maybe MPNSconStatus
    } deriving Show