-- GSoC 2013 - Communicating with mobile devices. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts #-} -- | This Module define the main function to send Push Notifications through Google Cloud Messaging (HTTP connection). module Network.PushNotify.Gcm.Send (sendGCM) where import Network.PushNotify.Gcm.Constants import Network.PushNotify.Gcm.Types import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Parser (json) import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.Conduit (($$+-)) import Data.Conduit.Attoparsec (sinkParser) import Data.Default import Data.Map (Map,lookup) import Data.String import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack, empty) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource,runResourceT) import Control.Retry import Network.HTTP.Types import Network.HTTP.Conduit retrySettingsGCM = RetrySettings { backoff = True , baseDelay = 100 , numRetries = limitedRetries 1 } -- | 'sendGCM' sends the message to a GCM Server. sendGCM :: Manager -> GCMHttpConfig -> GCMmessage -> IO GCMresult sendGCM manager cnfg msg = runResourceT $ do req' <- liftIO $ parseUrl $ unpack cPOST_URL let value = toJSON msg valueBS = encode value req = req' { method = "POST" , requestBody = RequestBodyLBS valueBS , requestHeaders = [ ("Content-Type", "application/json") , ("Authorization", fromString $ "key=" ++ (unpack $ apiKey cnfg) ) -- API Key. (provided by Google) ] } retry req manager (numRet cnfg) msg -- 'retry' try numRet attemps to send the messages. retry :: (MonadBaseControl IO m,MonadResource m) => Request -> Manager -> Int -> GCMmessage -> m GCMresult retry req manager numret msg = do response <- retrying (retrySettingsGCM{numRetries = limitedRetries numret}) ifRetry $ http req manager if (statusCode $ responseStatus response) >= 500 then case Prelude.lookup (fromString $ unpack cRETRY_AFTER) (responseHeaders response) of Nothing -> return $ def { success = Just 0 , failure = Just $ HS.size $ registration_ids msg , errorToReSend = registration_ids msg } -- Persistent server internal error after retrying Just t -> do let time = (read (B.unpack t)) :: Int liftIO $ threadDelay (time*1000000) -- from seconds to microseconds retry req manager (numret-1) msg else do resValue <- responseBody response $$+- sinkParser json liftIO $ handleSucessfulResponse resValue msg where ifRetry x = if (statusCode $ responseStatus x) >= 500 then case Prelude.lookup (fromString $ unpack cRETRY_AFTER) (responseHeaders x) of Nothing -> True -- Internal Server error, and don't specify time to wait Just t -> False -- Internal Server error, and specify time to wait else False getValue :: FromJSON b => Text -> Map Text Value -> Maybe b getValue x xs = do dat <- Data.Map.lookup x xs parseMaybe parseJSON dat -- 'handleSucessfullResponse' analyzes the server response and generates useful information. handleSucessfulResponse :: Value -> GCMmessage -> IO GCMresult handleSucessfulResponse resValue msg = case (parseMaybe parseJSON resValue) :: Maybe (Map Text Value) of Nothing -> fail "Error parsing Response" Just a -> let list = case (getValue cRESULTS a) :: Maybe [(Map Text Value)] of Just xs -> xs Nothing -> [] mapMsg= HM.fromList $ zip (HS.toList $ registration_ids msg) list in return $ def { multicast_id = getValue cMULTICAST_ID a , success = getValue cSUCESS a , failure = getValue cFAILURE a , canonical_ids = getValue cCANONICAL_IDS a , newRegids = let g list' = case (getValue cREGISTRATION_ID list') :: Maybe RegId of Just xs -> xs Nothing -> empty in HM.filter ((/=) empty) $ HM.map g mapMsg , messagesIds = let g list' = case (getValue cMESSAGE_ID list') :: Maybe Text of Just xs -> xs Nothing -> empty in HM.filter ((/=) empty) $ HM.map g mapMsg , errorUnRegistered = let g list' = ((getValue cERROR list') :: Maybe Text) == Just cNOT_REGISTERED in HS.fromList $ HM.keys $ HM.filter g mapMsg , errorToReSend = let g list' = ((getValue cERROR list') :: Maybe Text) == Just cUNAVAILABLE in HS.fromList $ HM.keys $ HM.filter g mapMsg , errorRest = let g list' = case (getValue cERROR list') :: Maybe Text of Just xs -> if xs /= cUNAVAILABLE && xs /= cNOT_REGISTERED then xs else empty Nothing -> empty in HM.filter ((/=) empty) $ HM.map g mapMsg }