{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Pusher.Internal.HTTP -- Description : Functions for issuing HTTP requests -- Copyright : (c) Will Sewell, 2016 -- Licence : MIT -- Maintainer : me@willsewell.com -- Stability : stable -- -- A layer on top of the HTTP functions in the http-client library which lifts -- the return values to the typeclasses we are using in this library. Non 200 -- responses are converted into MonadError errors. module Network.Pusher.Internal.HTTP ( RequestParams (..), get, post, ) where import Control.Exception (displayException) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8') import Data.Word (Word16) import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP.Client import Network.HTTP.Types (Query) import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (hContentType) import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (methodPost) import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (statusCode) import Network.Pusher.Error (PusherError (..)) data RequestParams = RequestParams { -- | The API endpoint, for example http://api.pusherapp.com/apps/123/events. requestSecure :: Bool, requestHost :: B.ByteString, requestPort :: Word16, requestPath :: B.ByteString, -- | List of query string parameters as key-value tuples. requestQueryString :: Query } deriving (Show) -- | Issue an HTTP GET request. On a 200 response, the response body is returned. -- On failure, an error will be thrown into the MonadError instance. get :: A.FromJSON a => HTTP.Client.Manager -> RequestParams -> IO (Either PusherError a) get connManager (RequestParams secure host port path query) = do let req = mkRequest secure host port path query eitherBody <- doRequest connManager req return $ case eitherBody of Left requestError -> Left requestError Right body -> case A.eitherDecode body of Left decodeError -> Left $ InvalidResponse $ let bodyText = decodeUtf8' body in case bodyText of Left e -> "Failed to decode body as UTF-8: " <> T.pack (displayException e) Right b -> "Failed to decode response as JSON: " <> T.pack decodeError <> ". Body: " <> TL.toStrict b Right decodedBody -> Right decodedBody -- | Issue an HTTP POST request. post :: A.ToJSON a => HTTP.Client.Manager -> RequestParams -> a -> IO (Either PusherError ()) post connManager (RequestParams secure host port path query) body = do let req = mkPost (A.encode body) (mkRequest secure host port path query) eitherBody <- doRequest connManager req return $ const (Right ()) =<< eitherBody mkRequest :: Bool -> B.ByteString -> Word16 -> B.ByteString -> Query -> HTTP.Client.Request mkRequest secure host port path query = HTTP.Client.setQueryString query $ HTTP.Client.defaultRequest { HTTP.Client.secure = secure, HTTP.Client.host = host, HTTP.Client.port = fromIntegral port, HTTP.Client.path = path } mkPost :: BL.ByteString -> HTTP.Client.Request -> HTTP.Client.Request mkPost body req = req { HTTP.Client.method = methodPost, HTTP.Client.requestHeaders = [(hContentType, "application/json")], HTTP.Client.requestBody = HTTP.Client.RequestBodyLBS body } doRequest :: HTTP.Client.Manager -> HTTP.Client.Request -> IO (Either PusherError BL.ByteString) doRequest connManager req = do response <- liftIO $ HTTP.Client.httpLbs req connManager let status = HTTP.Client.responseStatus response let body = HTTP.Client.responseBody response return $ if statusCode status == 200 then Right body else Left $ let bodyText = decodeUtf8' body in case bodyText of Left e -> InvalidResponse $ "Failed to decode body as UTF-8: " <> T.pack (displayException e) Right b -> Non200Response (fromIntegral $ statusCode status) (TL.toStrict b)