{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Pushover.Request
  ( -- * Constructing a request
    Request (..)
  , defaultRequest
    -- * Other request parameters
  , URL (..)
  , Priority (..)
  , NotificationSound (..)
    -- * HTTP request helper
  , makeHttpRequest
  ) where

import           Data.ByteString.Char8    (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8    as B
import           Data.Text                (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding       as T
import           Data.Time                (UTCTime)
import           Data.Time.Clock.POSIX    (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client      as Http
import           Network.Pushover.Message (Message, encodeMessage)
import           Network.Pushover.Token
import           Network.URI.Encode

-- | Pushover API endpoint.
endpoint = "https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json"

-- | Contains the contents of a Pushover notification request. This follows
--   the API specification at @https://pushover.net/api@.
data Request = Request
  { requestToken :: APIToken
  -- ^ The API token provided by your Pushover app's dashboard at
  --   @https://pushover.net/apps@.
  , requestUserKey :: UserKey
  -- ^ The user key of the user receiving this notification, found in the
  --   Pushover dashboard at @https://pushover.net/dashboard@.
  , requestMessage :: Message
  -- ^ The notification message to push to the user.
  , devices :: [Text]
  -- ^ An optional list of devices to which to send the notification. If empty,
  --   it will be sent to all of the user's devices.
  , title :: Maybe Text
  -- ^ An optional title for the message.
  , url :: Maybe URL
  -- ^ An optional URL for inclusion with the message.
  , priority :: Maybe Priority
  -- ^ The priority of this message. This affects way in which the notification
  --   is presented to the receiving user. See 'Priority' for more information.
  , timestamp :: Maybe UTCTime
  -- ^ An optional timestamp for the notification. If no timestamp is provided,
  --   the time the request is received by the Pushover API is used.
  , notificationSound :: Maybe NotificationSound
  -- ^ The notification sound to use. The default is 'Pushover', with 'None'
  --   provided for a silent notification.
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A URL for sending within a notification request.
-- A Pushover URL is optional within a request; if present, it may optionally
-- contain a title to display instead of the URL itself.
data URL = URL
  { urlPath  :: Text
  , urlTitle :: Maybe Text
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Describes the priority of a particular message.
-- The different priority settings affect the way in which a notification is
-- presented to the user. See @https://pushover.net/api#priority@ for specific
-- details.
data Priority
  = Lowest
  | Low
  | Normal
  | High
  | Emergency
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Describes the notification sound for a notification.
data NotificationSound
  = Pushover
  | Bike
  | Bugle
  | CashRegister
  | Classical
  | Cosmic
  | Falling
  | Gamelan
  | Incoming
  | Intermission
  | Magic
  | Mechanical
  | PianoBar
  | Siren
  | SpaceAlarm
  | TugBoat
  | AlienAlarm
  | Climb
  | Persistent
  | Echo
  | UpDown
  | None
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Construct a default request value.
-- As a request requires, at a minimum, an API token, a user key and a
-- message, this function requires each of these values as an argument. Other
-- fields can then be initialised using the regular Haskell record syntax.
defaultRequest :: APIToken -> UserKey -> Message -> Request
defaultRequest apiToken usrKey msg =
  Request { requestToken      = apiToken
          , requestUserKey    = usrKey
          , requestMessage    = msg
          , devices           = []
          , title             = Nothing
          , url               = Nothing
          , priority          = Nothing
          , timestamp         = Nothing
          , notificationSound = Nothing

-- | Construct an HTTP request out of a Pushover request value.
-- This function is exposed for use by the functions in the
-- "Network.Pushover.Execute" module. It is unlikely that the user will
-- require to call it directly.
makeHttpRequest :: Request -> IO Http.Request
makeHttpRequest pushoverRequest = do
  initialRequest <- Http.parseRequest endpoint
  return . Http.setQueryString (requestQueryPairs pushoverRequest)
             $ initialRequest { Http.method = "POST" }

-- | Create a set of HTTP query pairs from a 'Request'.
requestQueryPairs :: Request -> [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)]
requestQueryPairs =
  filter present . makePairs

        makePairs :: Request -> [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)]
        makePairs request =
          (fmap . fmap) ($ request)
            [ ("token",     Just . encodeToken . requestToken)
            , ("user",      Just . encodeToken . requestUserKey)
            , ("message",   Just . encodeMessage . requestMessage)
            , ("device",    encodeValue . T.intercalate "," . devices)
            , ("title",     encodeMaybe . title )
            , ("url",       encodeMaybe . reqUrl)
            , ("url_title", encodeMaybe . reqUrlTitle)
            , ("priority",  fmap encodePriority . priority)
            , ("timestamp", fmap encodeTimestamp . timestamp)
            , ("sound",     fmap encodeSound . notificationSound)
            , ("html",      const $ Just "1") -- Flag that HTML will be sent.

                reqUrl req =
                  urlPath <$> url req

                reqUrlTitle req =
                  url req >>= urlTitle

                encodeMaybe =
                  fmap T.encodeUtf8

                encodeValue =
                  Just . T.encodeUtf8

        present (_, Nothing) = False
        present (_, Just _)  = True

-- | Encode a timestamp into a bytestring.
-- Used when converting a 'Request' for sending.
encodeTimestamp :: UTCTime -> ByteString
encodeTimestamp =
  B.pack . show . round . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds

-- | Encode a priority into a bytestring.
-- Used when converting a 'Request' for sending.
encodePriority :: Priority -> ByteString
encodePriority Emergency =  "2"
encodePriority High      =  "1"
encodePriority Normal    =  "0"
encodePriority Low       = "-1"
encodePriority Lowest    = "-2"

-- | Encode a notification sound into a bytestring.
-- Used when converting a 'Request' for sending.
encodeSound :: NotificationSound -> ByteString
encodeSound Pushover     = "pushover"
encodeSound Bike         = "bike"
encodeSound Bugle        = "bugle"
encodeSound CashRegister = "cashregister"
encodeSound Classical    = "classical"
encodeSound Cosmic       = "cosmic"
encodeSound Falling      = "falling"
encodeSound Gamelan      = "gamelan"
encodeSound Incoming     = "incoming"
encodeSound Intermission = "intermission"
encodeSound Magic        = "magic"
encodeSound Mechanical   = "mechanical"
encodeSound PianoBar     = "pianobar"
encodeSound Siren        = "siren"
encodeSound SpaceAlarm   = "spacealarm"
encodeSound TugBoat      = "tugboat"
encodeSound AlienAlarm   = "alienalarm"
encodeSound Climb        = "climb"
encodeSound Persistent   = "persistent"
encodeSound Echo         = "echo"
encodeSound UpDown       = "updown"
encodeSound None         = "none"