-- Implementation of SCRAPE - in DDH
--	<http://eprint.iacr.org/2017/216>
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Crypto.SCRAPE
    -- * Simple alias
    , ShareId
    , ExtraGen(..)
    , Point
    , DLEQ.Proof
    , DLEQ.ParallelProofs
    , Scalar
    , Secret(..)
    , Participants(..)
    , PublicKey(..)
    , PrivateKey(..)
    , KeyPair(..)
    , DhSecret(..)
    -- * Types
    , Escrow(..)
    , Commitment(..)
    , EncryptedSi(..)
    , DecryptedShare(..)
    -- * method
    , escrow
    , escrowWith
    , escrowNew
    , shareDecrypt
    , verifyEncryptedShares
    , verifyDecryptedShare
    , verifySecret
    , recover
    , secretToDhSecret
    , reorderDecryptShares
    -- * temporary export to get testing
    , keyPairGenerate
    ) where

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad

import           GHC.Generics

import           Data.Binary
import           Data.List              (foldl')

import qualified Crypto.PVSS.DLEQ       as DLEQ
import           Crypto.PVSS.ECC
import           Crypto.PVSS.Polynomial (Polynomial (..))
import qualified Crypto.PVSS.Polynomial as Polynomial
import           Crypto.Random

import           Foundation (fromList, (<>), Offset(..))
import           Foundation.Array
import           Foundation.Collection ((!))

newtype Commitment = Commitment { unCommitment :: Point }
    deriving (Show,Eq,NFData,Binary)

-- | The number of shares needed to reconstitute the secret.
-- When the threshold is reached, as in the number of decrypted
-- shares is equal or more than the threshold, the secret should
-- be recoverable through the protocol
-- Threshold need to be a strictly positive, and less to number of participants
-- given N the number of participants, this should hold: 1 <= t < N
type Threshold = Integer

-- | The ID associated with a share
type ShareId = Integer

-- | Extra generator
newtype ExtraGen = ExtraGen Point
    deriving (Show,Eq,NFData,Binary)

-- | Secret
newtype Secret = Secret Point
    deriving (Show,Eq,NFData,Binary)

-- | Transform a secret into a usable random value
secretToDhSecret :: Secret -> DhSecret
secretToDhSecret (Secret p) = pointToDhSecret p

-- | i'th share value
newtype Si = Si Scalar

-- | Encrypted i'th share value with i'th public key
newtype EncryptedSi = EncryptedSi Point
    deriving (Show,Eq,Generic,NFData,Binary)

-- | An decrypted share decrypted by a party's key and
data DecryptedShare = DecryptedShare
    { shareDecryptedVal   :: !Point      -- ^ decrypted share
    , decryptedValidProof :: !DLEQ.Proof -- ^ proof the decryption is valid
    } deriving (Show,Eq,Generic)

instance NFData DecryptedShare
instance Binary DecryptedShare where
    get = DecryptedShare <$> get <*> get
    put (DecryptedShare val proof) = put val >> put proof

data Escrow = Escrow
    { escrowExtraGen   :: !ExtraGen
    , escrowPolynomial :: !Polynomial
    , escrowSecret     :: !Secret
    , escrowProof      :: !DLEQ.Proof
    } deriving (Show,Eq,Generic)

instance NFData Escrow

-- | This is a list of participants in one instance of SCRAPE
-- The list has a specific *order*, and the order is important to
-- be kept between various calls in this protocol.
newtype Participants = Participants [PublicKey]
    deriving (Show,Eq,Generic)

instance NFData Participants
instance Binary Participants

-- | Prepare a new escrowing context
-- The only needed parameter is the threshold
-- do not re-use an escrow context for different context.
escrowNew :: MonadRandom randomly
          => Threshold
          -> randomly Escrow
escrowNew threshold = do
    poly <- Polynomial.generate (Polynomial.Degree $ fromIntegral threshold - 1)
    gen  <- pointFromSecret <$> keyGenerate

    let secret = Polynomial.atZero poly
        gS     = pointFromSecret secret
    challenge <- keyGenerate

    let extraPoint = gen .* secret
        dleq  = DLEQ.DLEQ { DLEQ.dleq_g1 = curveGenerator, DLEQ.dleq_h1 = gS, DLEQ.dleq_g2 = gen, DLEQ.dleq_h2 = extraPoint }
        proof = DLEQ.generate challenge secret dleq

    return $ Escrow
        { escrowExtraGen   = ExtraGen gen
        , escrowPolynomial = poly
        , escrowSecret     = Secret gS
        , escrowProof      = proof

-- | Prepare a secret into public encrypted shares for distributions using the PVSS scheme
-- returns:
--  * the encrypted secret
--  * the list of public commitments to the scheme
--  * The encrypted shares that should be distributed to each partipants.
escrow :: MonadRandom randomly
       => Threshold    -- ^ PVSS scheme configuration n/t threshold
       -> Participants -- ^ Participants public keys
       -> randomly (ExtraGen,
escrow t pubs@(Participants nlist)
    | t < 1               = error "cannot create SCRAPE with threshold < 1"
    | t >= fromIntegral n = error "cannot create SCRAPE with threshold equal/above number of participants"
    | otherwise           = do
        e <- escrowNew t
        (eshares, commitments, proofs) <- escrowWith e pubs
        return (escrowExtraGen e, escrowSecret e, eshares, commitments, escrowProof e, proofs)
  where n = length nlist

-- | Escrow with a given polynomial
escrowWith :: MonadRandom randomly
           => Escrow
           -> Participants    -- ^ Participants public keys
           -> randomly ([EncryptedSi], [Commitment], DLEQ.ParallelProofs)
escrowWith escrowParams (Participants pubs) = do
    ws <- replicateM n keyGenerate
    let sis  = map (Si . Polynomial.evaluate (escrowPolynomial escrowParams) . keyFromNum) indexes
        esis = map (uncurry encryptSi) $ zip pubs sis
        vis  = map makeVi sis
        proofParams = zipWith6 makeParallelProofParam indexes pubs vis sis esis ws
        parallelProofs = DLEQ.generateParallel proofParams
    return (esis, vis, parallelProofs)
    indexes :: [Integer]
    indexes = [1..fromIntegral n]
    n       = length pubs
    ExtraGen g = escrowExtraGen escrowParams
    makeVi (Si s) = Commitment (g .* s)
    encryptSi (PublicKey p) (Si s) = EncryptedSi (p .* s)

    makeParallelProofParam _ (PublicKey pub) (Commitment vi) (Si si) (EncryptedSi esi) w =
        let dleq = DLEQ.DLEQ { DLEQ.dleq_g1 = g, DLEQ.dleq_h1 = vi, DLEQ.dleq_g2 = pub, DLEQ.dleq_h2 = esi }
         in (w, si, dleq)

    -- TODO clean this up
    zipWith6 f (u1:us) (v1:vs) (w1:ws) (x1:xs) (y1:ys) (z1:zs) = f u1 v1 w1 x1 y1 z1 : zipWith6 f us vs ws xs ys zs
    zipWith6 _ []      []      []      []      []      []      = []
    zipWith6 _ _       _       _       _       _       _       = error "zipWith6: internal error should have same length"

-- | Decrypt an Encrypted share using the party's key pair.
-- Doesn't verify if an encrypted share is valid, for this
-- you need to have use 'verifyEncryptedShares'
-- 1) compute Si = Yi ^ (1/xi) = G^(p(i))
-- 2) create a proof of the valid decryption
shareDecrypt :: MonadRandom randomly
             => KeyPair
             -> EncryptedSi
             -> randomly DecryptedShare
shareDecrypt (KeyPair (PrivateKey xi) (PublicKey yi)) (EncryptedSi _Yi) = do
    challenge <- keyGenerate
    let dleq  = DLEQ.DLEQ curveGenerator yi si _Yi
        proof = DLEQ.generate challenge xi dleq
    return $ DecryptedShare si proof
  where xiInv = keyInverse xi
        si    = _Yi .* xiInv

verifyEncryptedShares :: MonadRandom randomly
                      => ExtraGen
                      -> Threshold
                      -> [Commitment]
                      -> DLEQ.ParallelProofs
                      -> [EncryptedSi]
                      -> Participants
                      -> randomly Bool
verifyEncryptedShares (ExtraGen g) t commitments proofs encryptedShares (Participants pubs) = do
    if DLEQ.verifyParallel dleqs proofs
        then rdCheck
        else return False
    !n = fromIntegral $ length pubs
    indexes = [1..n]
    dleqs = zipWith3 makeDLEQ commitments pubs encryptedShares
    makeDLEQ (Commitment vi) (PublicKey pki) (EncryptedSi esi) =
        DLEQ.DLEQ g vi pki esi
    rdCheck = do
        poly <- Polynomial.generate (Polynomial.Degree $ fromIntegral $ n - t - 1)
        let cPerp = for indexes $ \evalPoint ->
                        vi evalPoint #* Polynomial.evaluate poly (keyFromNum evalPoint)
        let v = mulAndSum $ zipWith (\(Commitment c) cip -> (c,cip)) commitments cPerp
        return $ v == pointIdentity
        for = flip map
        vi i = foldl1 (#*)
             $ for ((\j -> j /= i) `filter` indexes) $ \j -> keyInverse (keyFromNum i #- keyFromNum j)

-- | Verify a decrypted share against the public key and the encrypted share
verifyDecryptedShare :: (EncryptedSi, PublicKey, DecryptedShare)
                     -> Bool
verifyDecryptedShare (EncryptedSi eshare,PublicKey pub,share) =
    DLEQ.verify dleq (decryptedValidProof share)
  where dleq = DLEQ.DLEQ curveGenerator pub (shareDecryptedVal share) eshare

-- | Verify that a secret recovered is the one escrow
verifySecret :: ExtraGen
             -> Threshold
             -> [Commitment]
             -> Secret
             -> DLEQ.Proof
             -> Bool
verifySecret (ExtraGen gen) t commitments (Secret secret) proof =
    DLEQ.verify dleq proof
  where dleq = DLEQ.DLEQ
            { DLEQ.dleq_g1 = curveGenerator
            , DLEQ.dleq_h1 = secret
            , DLEQ.dleq_g2 = gen
            , DLEQ.dleq_h2 = commitmentInterpolate
        t' = fromIntegral t
        indices = take t' $ map keyFromNum [1..]

        commitmentInterpolate =
             foldl' (.+) pointIdentity $ map (uncurry lagrangeBasis)
                                       $ zip [1..] (take t' commitments)
        lagrangeBasis idx (Commitment x) =
            x .* (Polynomial.lambda (fromList indices) (Offset $ idx - 1))

reorderDecryptShares :: Participants
                     -> [(PublicKey, DecryptedShare)] -- the list of participant decrypted share identified by a public key
                     -> Maybe [(ShareId, DecryptedShare)]
reorderDecryptShares (Participants participants) shares =
    sequence $ map indexSharesByParticipants shares
    idxParticipants = zip participants [1..]
    indexSharesByParticipants (pub, dshare) =
        case lookup pub idxParticipants of
            Nothing -> Nothing
            Just i  -> Just (i, dshare)

-- | Recover the DhSecret used
-- Need to pass the correct amount of shares (threshold),
-- preferably from a 'reorderDecryptShares' call
recover :: [(ShareId, DecryptedShare)] -- the list of participant decrypted share identified by a public key
        -> Secret
recover shares = Secret $ foldl' (.+) pointIdentity $ map interpolate (zip shares [0..])
    t = fromIntegral $ length shares
    aShares = fromList shares

    interpolate :: ((Integer, DecryptedShare), ShareId) -> Point
    interpolate (share, sid) = shareDecryptedVal (snd share) .* calc 0 (keyFromNum 1)
        !si = keyFromNum $ fst (aShares `unsafeIndex` fromIntegral sid)
        calc :: Integer -> Scalar -> Scalar
        calc !j !acc
            | j == t       = acc
            | j == sid     = calc (j+1) acc
            | otherwise    =
                let sj = keyFromNum $ fst (aShares `unsafeIndex` fromIntegral j)
                    e  = sj #* keyInverse (sj #- si)
                 in calc (j+1) (acc #* e)

    unsafeIndex :: Array a -> Int -> a
    unsafeIndex v i = maybe (error $ "accessing index : " <> show i <> " out of bound") id $ (v ! Offset i)