-- | This module provides alternating finger trees, which are similar
-- to "Data.Sequence" in the @containers@ package, or
-- "Data.FingerTree" in the @fingertree@ package, except that, between
-- every element (of type @e@) in the \'normal\' finger tree, there is
-- a \'separator\' of type @a@. @'TwoFingerOddA' e ()@ is isomorphic
-- to @[e]@, and @'TwoFingerOddA' e a@ is isomorphic to @([(a, e)], a)@.
-- (The type variables are in that order because that permits a
-- 'Traversable1' instance for 'TwoFingerOddA'.)
-- Four flavours of alternating finger trees are present,
-- corresponding to different element patterns:
--   * @'TwoFingerOddA' e a@, which is like @a (e a)*@.
--   * @'TwoFingerOddE' e a@, which is like @e (a e)*@.
--   * @'TwoFingerEvenA' e a@, which is like @(a e)*@.
--   * @'TwoFingerEvenE' e a@, which is like @(e a)*@.
-- The flavours' names first describe whether they have the same
-- number of @a@s and @e@s within them (the @Even@ flavours do, the
-- @Odd@ ones do not), and then whether the first element is an @e@ or
-- an @a@.
-- (Full) conses and snocs prepend or append a pair of elements to the
-- front or rear of an alternating finger tree, keeping the flavour
-- the same. Half-conses and -snocs transform between these flavours,
-- adding only half the pair. All cons-like operations have an inverse
-- operation. Some half-conses and -snocs and their inverses are
-- \(O(1)\) amortised, with \(O(\log n)\) worst case, while some are \(O(1)\)
-- always. All full conses, snocs and inverses are \(O(1)\) amortised
-- and \(O(\log n)\) worst case.
-- Note that the names of half-conses and -snocs take the flavour that
-- they operate on, which means that, for example, 'halfconsOddA' and
-- 'halfunconsOddA' are __not__ inverses; the actual inverse pairs are
-- 'halfconsOddA' + 'halfunconsEvenE' and 'halfconsEvenE' +
-- 'halfunconsOddA'.
-- Appending alternating finger trees is also efficient. As well as
-- the usual 'Monoid' and 'Semigroup' instances, the two @Even@
-- flavours can be viewed as monoid actions of the @Odd@ flavours. All
-- append-like operations are \(O(\log(\min(n, m)))\) amortised and
-- \(O(\log(\max(n, m)))\) worst case.
-- For more information on finger trees, see:
--    * Ralf Hinze and Ross Paterson,
--      \"Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure\",
--      /Journal of Functional Programming/ 16:2 (2006) pp 197-217.
--      <http://staff.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree.html>
-- This package's alternating finger trees are not annotated with
-- sizes as described in section 4 of the paper.
-- Many of the functions in this package follow laws, which are not
-- documented inline. [tests/Properties.hs](https://github.com/quasicomputational/mega/blob/master/packages/twofinger/test/Properties.hs)
--is an  automatically-tested QuickCheck suite of properties.
module Q4C12.TwoFinger
  ( -- * TwoFingerOddA
    -- ** Construction and analysis
    singletonOddA, unitOddA, onlyOddA, interleavingOddA,
    -- ** Full conses
    consOddA, unconsOddA, snocOddA, unsnocOddA,
    -- ** Half conses
    halfconsOddA, halfunconsOddA, halfsnocOddA, halfunsnocOddA,
    -- ** Lenses
    firstOddA, lastOddA,
    -- * TwoFingerOddE
    -- ** Construction
    -- ** Full conses
    consOddE, snocOddE, unconsOddE, unsnocOddE,
    -- ** Half conses
    halfconsOddE, halfsnocOddE, halfunconsOddE, halfunsnocOddE,
    -- * TwoFingerEvenA
    -- ** Full conses
    consEvenA, unconsEvenA, snocEvenA, unsnocEvenA,
    -- ** Half conses
    halfconsEvenA, halfsnocEvenA, halfunconsEvenA, halfunsnocEvenA,
    -- * TwoFingerEvenE
    -- ** Full conses
    consEvenE, unconsEvenE, snocEvenE, unsnocEvenE,
    -- ** Half conses
    halfconsEvenE, halfsnocEvenE, halfunconsEvenE, halfunsnocEvenE,
    -- * Appending different flavours
    -- $monoid_action_properties
    -- ** Monoid actions
    appendEvenAOddA, appendOddEEvenA,
    appendOddAEvenE, appendEvenEOddE,
    -- ** Two odds make an even
    appendOddAOddE, appendOddEOddA,
    -- * Aligning (zipping)
    alignLeftOddAOddA, alignLeftOddAEvenA,
    alignLeftOddEOddE, alignLeftOddEEvenE,
    -- * Infinite trees
    repeatOddA, repeatOddE,
    repeatEvenA, repeatEvenE,
    infiniteOddA, infiniteOddE,
    infiniteEvenA, infiniteEvenE

import Q4C12.TwoFinger.Internal
    singletonOddA, unitOddA, onlyOddA, interleavingOddA,
    consOddA, unconsOddA, snocOddA, unsnocOddA,
    halfconsOddA, halfunconsOddA, halfsnocOddA, halfunsnocOddA,
    firstOddA, lastOddA,
    consOddE, snocOddE, unconsOddE, unsnocOddE,
    halfconsOddE, halfsnocOddE, halfunconsOddE, halfunsnocOddE,
    consEvenA, unconsEvenA, snocEvenA, unsnocEvenA,
    halfconsEvenA, halfsnocEvenA, halfunconsEvenA, halfunsnocEvenA,
    consEvenE, unconsEvenE, snocEvenE, unsnocEvenE,
    halfconsEvenE, halfsnocEvenE, halfunconsEvenE, halfunsnocEvenE,
    appendEvenAOddA, appendOddEEvenA,
    appendOddAEvenE, appendEvenEOddE,
    appendOddAOddE, appendOddEOddA,
    alignLeftOddAOddA, alignLeftOddAEvenA,
    alignLeftOddEOddE, alignLeftOddEEvenE,
    repeatOddA, repeatOddE,
    repeatEvenA, repeatEvenE,
    infiniteOddA, infiniteOddE,
    infiniteEvenA, infiniteEvenE