qnap-decrypt ============ A program (and library) to decrypt files encoded by QNAP's Hybrid Backup Sync. Installation ------------ 1. [Install Stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade/) 2. Download/clone this repo 3. `cd` into it 4. `stack install` - You may have to add the path of the installation to your PATH or always use the full path Usage ----- The program supports four modes: - Decrypt a single file or - Decrypt a full directory tree - Replace the decrypted file(s) or - Save the file/directory to a new file/directory Example: ``` qnap-decrypt file -p password -s source.file -d target.file ``` Thanks ------ - [Mikiya83](https://github.com/Mikiya83) for hbs_decipher which I used to learn about the file structure