module Qt.Arthur.Frame (
ArthurFrame, ArthurWidget, CArthurWidget, arthurFrame, arthurFrame_widget
, arthurFrame_setPaint
, AWInherits(..)
, arthurFrame_use_opengl, arthurFrame_mod_use_opengl, arthurFrame_prefer_image
, arthurFrame_enableOpenGL
, arthurFrame_setDescriptionEnabled, arthurFrame_loadDescription
, arthurFrame_loadSourceFile, arthurFrame_showSource
) where
import Foreign.C.Types
import Qtc.Enums.Classes.Core
import Qth.ClassTypes.Core
import Qth.Core
import Data.IORef
import Qtc.Classes.Base
import Qtc.Classes.Qccs
import Qtc.Classes.Qccs_h
import Qtc.Classes.Core
import Qtc.Classes.Gui
import Qtc.Classes.Gui_h
import Qtc.Classes.Opengl
import Qtc.Classes.Opengl_h
import Qtc.Enums.Base
import Qtc.Core.Base
import Qtc.Gui.Base
import Qtc.ClassTypes.Core
import Qtc.ClassTypes.Gui
import Qtc.ClassTypes.Opengl
import Qtc.Enums.Core.Qt
import Qtc.Core.QCoreApplication
import Qtc.Core.QPoint
import Qtc.Core.QRect
import Qtc.Core.QRectF
import Qtc.Core.QSizeF
import Qtc.Core.QSize
import Qtc.Gui.QColor
import Qtc.Gui.QBrush
import Qtc.Gui.QPen
import Qtc.Gui.QWidget
import Qtc.Gui.QWidget_h
import Qtc.Gui.QPainter
import Qtc.Enums.Gui.QPainter
import Qtc.Gui.QPainterPath
import Qtc.Gui.QPixmap
import Qtc.Gui.QImage
import Qtc.Enums.Gui.QImage
import Qtc.Gui.QResizeEvent
import Qtc.Gui.QPaintEvent
import Qtc.Gui.QPalette
import Qtc.Enums.Gui.QPalette
import Qtc.Enums.Opengl.QGL
import Qtc.Opengl.QGLWidget
import Qtc.Opengl.QGLWidget_h
import Qtc.Opengl.QGLFormat
import Qtc.Core.QFile
import Qtc.Core.QIODevice
import Qtc.Enums.Core.QIODevice
import Qtc.Gui.QTextDocument
import Qtc.Gui.QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
import Qtc.Gui.QLinearGradient
import Qtc.Gui.QGradient
import Qtc.Gui.QRegion
import Qtc.Gui.QTextEdit
import Qtc.Enums.Gui.QTextEdit
import Qtc.Gui.QTextBrowser
import Data.List
type ArthurGLWidget = QGLWidgetSc (CArthurGLWidget)
data CArthurGLWidget = CArthurGLWidget
arthurGLWidget :: QWidget a -> IO (ArthurGLWidget)
arthurGLWidget parent
= do
tf <- qGLFormat_nf fSampleBuffers
glw <- qGLWidget (tf, parent)
setHandler glw "paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)" $ arthurGLWidget_paintEvent
return $ objectCast glw
arthurGLWidget_disableAutoBufferSwap :: ArthurGLWidget -> IO ()
arthurGLWidget_disableAutoBufferSwap glw
= setAutoBufferSwap glw False
arthurGLWidget_paintEvent :: ArthurGLWidget -> QPaintEvent () -> IO ()
arthurGLWidget_paintEvent glw pev
= do
pw <- parentWidget glw ()
update pw ()
data AWInherits = AWInherits__PathDeformRenderer | AWInherits__PathStrokeRenderer | AWInherits__CompositionRenderer | Unspecified deriving Eq
type ArthurWidget = QWidgetSc (CArthurWidget)
data CArthurWidget = CArthurWidget
arthurWidget :: QWidget a -> IO (ArthurWidget)
arthurWidget parent = qSubClass (qWidget parent)
data ArthurFrame
= ArthurFrame
{arthurFrame_widget :: ArthurWidget,
arthurFrame_inherits :: AWInherits,
af_paint_io :: IORef (ArthurFrame -> QPainter () -> RectF -> IO ()),
af_glw_io :: IORef ArthurGLWidget,
af_m_use_opengl_io :: IORef Bool,
af_m_tile_io :: IORef (QPixmap ()),
af_m_show_doc_io :: IORef Bool,
af_m_prefer_image_io :: IORef Bool,
af_m_document_io :: IORef (QTextDocument ()),
af_m_sourceFileName_io :: IORef String,
af_m_static_image_io :: IORef (QImage ())}
arthurFrame_paint :: ArthurFrame -> QPainter () -> RectF -> IO ()
arthurFrame_paint this painter clip
= do
paint <- readIORef $ af_paint_io this
paint this painter clip
arthurFrame_glw :: ArthurFrame -> IO ArthurGLWidget
arthurFrame_glw this = readIORef $ af_glw_io this
arthurFrame_use_opengl :: ArthurFrame -> IO Bool
arthurFrame_use_opengl this = readIORef $ af_m_use_opengl_io this
arthurFrame_tile :: ArthurFrame -> IO (QPixmap ())
arthurFrame_tile this = readIORef $ af_m_tile_io this
arthurFrame_show_doc :: ArthurFrame -> IO Bool
arthurFrame_show_doc this = readIORef $ af_m_show_doc_io this
arthurFrame_prefer_image :: ArthurFrame -> IO Bool
arthurFrame_prefer_image this = readIORef $ af_m_prefer_image_io this
arthurFrame_document :: ArthurFrame -> IO (QTextDocument ())
arthurFrame_document this = readIORef $ af_m_document_io this
arthurFrame_sourceFileName :: ArthurFrame -> IO String
arthurFrame_sourceFileName this = readIORef $ af_m_sourceFileName_io this
arthurFrame_static_image :: ArthurFrame -> IO (QImage ())
arthurFrame_static_image this = readIORef $ af_m_static_image_io this
arthurFrame_setPaint :: ArthurFrame -> (ArthurFrame -> QPainter () -> RectF -> IO ()) -> IO ()
arthurFrame_setPaint this paint
= modifyIORef (af_paint_io this) (\_ -> paint)
arthurFrame_mod_glw :: ArthurFrame -> ArthurGLWidget -> IO ()
arthurFrame_mod_glw this n_glw
= modifyIORef (af_glw_io this) (\_ -> n_glw)
arthurFrame_mod_use_opengl :: ArthurFrame -> Bool -> IO ()
arthurFrame_mod_use_opengl this n_use_opengl
= modifyIORef (af_m_use_opengl_io this) (\_ -> n_use_opengl)
arthurFrame_mod_static_image :: ArthurFrame -> QImage () -> IO ()
arthurFrame_mod_static_image this n_static_image
= modifyIORef (af_m_static_image_io this) (\_ -> n_static_image)
arthurFrame_mod_show_doc :: ArthurFrame -> Bool -> IO ()
arthurFrame_mod_show_doc this show_doc
= modifyIORef (af_m_show_doc_io this) (\_ -> show_doc)
arthurFrame_mod_document :: ArthurFrame -> QTextDocument () -> IO ()
arthurFrame_mod_document this text
= modifyIORef (af_m_document_io this) (\_ -> text)
arthurFrame_mod_sourceFileName :: ArthurFrame -> String -> IO ()
arthurFrame_mod_sourceFileName this name
= modifyIORef (af_m_sourceFileName_io this) (\_ -> name)
arthurFrame :: QWidget a -> AWInherits -> IO (ArthurFrame)
arthurFrame parent inherits
= do
widget <- arthurWidget parent
f <- qGLFormatDefaultFormat ()
setSampleBuffers f True
setStencil f True
setAlpha f True
setAlphaBufferSize f (8::Int)
qGLFormatSetDefaultFormat f
let sz = size 128 128
m_tile_i <- qPixmap sz
cw <- qColor ewhite
fill m_tile_i cw
pt <- qPainter m_tile_i
cc <- qColor (230::Int, 230::Int, 230::Int)
cb <- qBrush cc
fillRect pt (0::Int, 0::Int, 64::Int, 64::Int, cb)
fillRect pt (64::Int, 64::Int, 64::Int, 64::Int, cb)
end pt ()
paint <- newIORef arthurFrame_def_paint
let no = objectCast objectNull
glw <- newIORef no
m_use_opengl <- newIORef False
m_tile <- newIORef m_tile_i
m_show_doc <- newIORef False
m_prefer_image <- newIORef False
m_document <- newIORef no
m_sourceFileName <- newIORef ""
m_static_image <- newIORef no
let afi = ArthurFrame widget inherits paint glw m_use_opengl m_tile m_show_doc m_prefer_image m_document m_sourceFileName m_static_image
setHandler widget "paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)" $ arthurFrame_paintEvent afi
setHandler widget "resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*)" $ arthurFrame_resizeEvent afi
return afi
arthurFrame_enableOpenGL :: ArthurFrame -> ArthurWidget -> Bool -> IO ()
arthurFrame_enableOpenGL this widget use_opengl
= do
arthurFrame_mod_use_opengl this use_opengl
let widget = arthurFrame_widget this
cglw <- arthurFrame_glw this
glw <- if (objectIsNull cglw)
nglw <- arthurGLWidget widget
setAutoFillBackground nglw False
arthurGLWidget_disableAutoBufferSwap nglw
size <- qsize widget ()
rsze <- qResizeEvent_nf (size, size)
qCoreApplicationPostEvent (widget, rsze)
return nglw
return cglw
arthurFrame_mod_glw this glw
if (use_opengl)
qshow glw ()
hide glw ()
update widget ()
arthurFrame_paintEvent :: ArthurFrame -> ArthurWidget -> QPaintEvent () -> IO ()
arthurFrame_paintEvent this widget pev
= do
painter <- qPainter_nf ()
mpi <- arthurFrame_prefer_image this
muo <- arthurFrame_use_opengl this
if (mpi && (not (muo)))
msi <- arthurFrame_static_image this
ws <- qsize widget ()
let sw = width ws
sh = height ws
si_size <- if (objectIsNull msi)
return $ sizeNull
cs <- qsize msi ()
let csw = width cs
csh = height cs
if ((sw /= csw) || (sh /= csh))
return $ sizeNull
return cs
csi <- if (isNull si_size)
if (not (objectIsNull msi))
qImage_delete msi
return ()
ncsi <- qImage (ws, eQImageFormat_RGB32)
arthurFrame_mod_static_image this ncsi
return ncsi
return msi
begin painter csi
let o = 10::Int
z = 0::Int
tp <- palette widget ()
bg <- brush tp eBackground
fillRect painter ((sw o), z, o, o, bg)
fillRect painter (z, (sh o), o, o, bg)
fillRect painter ((sw o), (sh o), o, o, bg)
if (muo)
glw <- arthurFrame_glw this
begin painter glw
gw <- qwidth glw ()
gh <- qheight glw ()
let trf = rectF 0.0 0.0 (fromIntegral gw) (fromIntegral gh)
tp <- palette widget ()
tb <- backgroundRole widget ()
gw <- qwidth glw ()
pc <- color tp tb
pb <- qBrush pc
fillRect painter (trf, pb)
begin painter widget
return ()
cr <- qrect pev ()
setClipRect painter cr
setRenderHint painter (eAntialiasing::RenderHint)
r <- qrect widget ()
let rx = x r
ry = y r
rr = rightq r
rb = bottomq r
cleft = fromIntegral $ rx + 1 :: Double
ctop = fromIntegral $ ry + 1 :: Double
cright = fromIntegral $ rr + 1 :: Double
cbottom = fromIntegral $ rb + 1 :: Double
radius2 = fromIntegral $ 8 * 2 :: Double
clipPath <- qPainterPath ()
qmoveTo clipPath $! ((cright radius2), ctop)
arcTo clipPath $! ((cright radius2), ctop, radius2, radius2, 90::Double, (90)::Double)
arcTo clipPath $! ((cright radius2), (cbottom radius2), radius2, radius2, 0::Double, (90)::Double)
arcTo clipPath $! (cleft, (cbottom radius2), radius2, radius2, 270::Double, (90)::Double)
arcTo clipPath $! (cleft, ctop, radius2, radius2, 180::Double, (90)::Double)
closeSubpath clipPath ()
save painter ()
setClipPath painter $! (clipPath, eIntersectClip)
at <- arthurFrame_tile this
drawTiledPixmap painter (r, at)
clip <- qboundingRect clipPath ()
arthurFrame_paint this painter clip
restore painter ()
save painter ()
msd <- arthurFrame_show_doc this
if (msd)
arthurFrame_paintDescription this widget painter
return ()
restore painter ()
let level = 180::Int
tc <- qColor (level, level, level)
tb <- qBrush tc
tp <- qPen (tb, 2::Double)
setPen painter tp
setBrush painter eNoBrush
drawPath painter clipPath
mpi <- arthurFrame_prefer_image this
muo <- arthurFrame_use_opengl this
if (mpi && (not $ muo))
end painter ()
begin painter widget
tr <- qrect pev ()
msi <- arthurFrame_static_image this
drawImage painter (tr, msi, tr)
return ()
let inherits = arthurFrame_inherits this
if (muo && ((inherits == AWInherits__PathDeformRenderer) ||
(inherits == AWInherits__PathStrokeRenderer) ||
(inherits == AWInherits__CompositionRenderer) || msd))
glw <- arthurFrame_glw this
swapBuffers glw ()
return ()
qPainter_delete painter
arthurFrame_def_paint :: ArthurFrame -> QPainter () -> RectF -> IO ()
arthurFrame_def_paint this painter clip
= return ()
arthurFrame_resizeEvent :: ArthurFrame -> ArthurWidget -> QResizeEvent () -> IO ()
arthurFrame_resizeEvent this widget rev
= do
glw <- arthurFrame_glw this
if (not $ objectIsNull glw)
ws <- qsize rev ()
let w = (width ws) 1
h = (height ws) 1
setGeometry glw ((0::Int), (0::Int), w, h)
return ()
resizeEvent_h widget rev
arthurFrame_setDescriptionEnabled :: ArthurFrame -> ArthurWidget -> Bool -> IO ()
arthurFrame_setDescriptionEnabled this widget enabled
= do
m_show_doc <- arthurFrame_show_doc this
if (m_show_doc /= enabled)
arthurFrame_mod_show_doc this enabled
emitSignal widget "setDescriptionEnabled(bool)" m_show_doc
update widget ()
return ()
arthurFrame_loadDescription :: ArthurFrame -> String -> IO ()
arthurFrame_loadDescription this fileName
= do
textFile <- qFile fileName
ok <- open textFile fReadOnly
text <- if (ok)
readAll textFile ()
return $ "Unable to load resource file: " ++ fileName
arthurFrame_setDescription this text
arthurFrame_setDescription :: ArthurFrame -> String -> IO ()
arthurFrame_setDescription this text
= do
m_document <- qTextDocument $ arthurFrame_widget this
setHtml m_document text
arthurFrame_mod_document this m_document
arthurFrame_paintDescription :: ArthurFrame -> ArthurWidget -> QPainter () -> IO ()
arthurFrame_paintDescription this widget painter
= do
m_document <- arthurFrame_document this
if (objectIsNull m_document)
return ()
ww <- qwidth widget ()
wh <- qheight widget ()
let pageWidth = max (ww 100) 100
pageHeight = max (wh 100) 100
psz <- pageSize m_document ()
let tpw = width psz
if (tpw /= (fromIntegral pageWidth))
let nps = sizeF (fromIntegral pageWidth) (fromIntegral pageHeight)
setPageSize m_document nps
return ()
let textRect = rect ((div ww 2) (div pageWidth 2)) ((div wh 2) (div pageHeight 2)) pageWidth pageHeight
pad = 10::Int
clearRect = adjust textRect (pad) (pad) pad pad
setPen painter eNoPen
c1 <- qColor (0::Int, 0::Int, 0::Int, 63::Int)
b1 <- qBrush c1
setBrush painter b1
let shade = 10::Int
cR_x = x clearRect
cR_w = width clearRect
cR_y = y clearRect
cR_h = height clearRect
drawRect painter ((cR_x + cR_w + 1), (cR_y + shade), shade, (cR_h + 1))
drawRect painter ((cR_x + shade), (cR_y + cR_h + 1), (cR_w shade + 1), shade)
setRenderHint painter (eAntialiasing::RenderHint, False)
c2 <- qColor (255::Int, 255::Int, 255::Int, 220::Int)
b2 <- qBrush c2
setBrush painter b2
c3 <- qColor eblack
setPen painter c3
drawRect painter clearRect
trg <- qRegion textRect
setClipRegion painter (trg, eIntersectClip)
let tl = topLeft textRect
qtranslate painter tl
ctx <- qAbstractTextDocumentLayout__PaintContext
let tR_w = width textRect
tR_h = height textRect
tR_wf = fromIntegral tR_w :: Double
tR_hf = fromIntegral tR_h :: Double
g <- qLinearGradient (0.0::Double, 0.0::Double, 0.0::Double, tR_hf)
cb <- qColor eblack
ct <- qColor etransparent
setColorAt g (0.0::Double, cb)
setColorAt g (0.9::Double, cb)
setColorAt g (1.0::Double, ct)
pal <- palette widget ()
bg <- qBrush g
setBrush pal (eText::ColorRole, bg)
qAbstractTextDocumentLayout__PaintContext_setPalette ctx pal
r <- qRectF (0.0::Double, (0.0::Double), tR_wf, tR_hf)
qAbstractTextDocumentLayout__PaintContext_setClip ctx r
tdl <- documentLayout m_document ()
draw tdl (painter, ctx)
arthurFrame_loadSourceFile :: ArthurFrame -> String -> IO ()
arthurFrame_loadSourceFile this name
= do
arthurFrame_mod_sourceFileName this name
arthurFrame_showSource :: ArthurFrame -> ArthurWidget -> IO ()
arthurFrame_showSource this widget
= do
tctb <- findChild widget "<QTextBrowser*>"
tctbb <- qObjectIsNull tctb
if (not tctbb)
return ()
m_sourceFileName <- arthurFrame_sourceFileName this
objectName <- objectName widget
contents <- if (m_sourceFileName == "")
return $ "No source for widget: " ++ objectName
f <- qFile m_sourceFileName
ok <- open f fReadOnly
if (not ok)
return $ "Could not openfile: " ++ m_sourceFileName
readAll f ()
let cr0 = "\n" ++ contents
cr1 = replace_symbol [("&", "&"), ("<","<"), (">", ">")] cr0
cr2 = replace_color ["if", "then", "else", "case", "of", "do", "let", "=", "$", "<-", "->", "++"] "brown" cr1
cr3 = replace_num cr2
cr4 = replace_symbol_color [":", "\\"] "brown" cr3
cr5 = replace_color ["module", "where", "data", "type", "instance", "class"] "green" cr4
cr6 = replace_color ["import", "qualified", "as"] "purple" cr5
cr7 = replace_str cr6
html = "<html><pre>" ++ (drop 1 cr7) ++ "</pre></html>"
sourceViewer <- qTextBrowser ()
setWindowTitle sourceViewer $ "Source: " ++ m_sourceFileName
setParent sourceViewer (widget, fDialog)
setAttribute sourceViewer eWA_DeleteOnClose
setLineWrapMode sourceViewer eNoWrap
setHtml sourceViewer html
resize sourceViewer (600::Int, 600::Int)
qshow sourceViewer ()
stripStr :: Int -> Char -> String -> String -> Maybe (String, String)
stripStr 0 _ _ (y:ys)
| ((y == '(') || (y == ' ') || (y == '\n'))
= stripStr 1 y "" ys
stripStr 0 _ _ _ = Nothing
stripStr 1 c1 p (y:ys)
| (y == '"')
= stripStr 2 c1 (p ++ [y]) ys
stripStr 2 c1 p (y:ys)
| (y /= '"')
= stripStr 2 c1 (p ++ [y]) ys
stripStr 2 c1 p (y:ys)
| (y == '"')
= stripStr 3 c1 (p ++ [y]) ys
stripStr 3 c1 p (y:ys)
| (y == ')')
= Just (([c1] ++ "<font color=red>" ++ (ns p) ++ "</font>" ++ [y]), ys)
stripStr 3 c1 p xs@(y:_)
| (y == ' ' || y == '\n')
= Just (([c1] ++ "<font color=red>" ++ (ns p) ++ "</font>"), xs)
stripStr _ _ _ _ = Nothing
ns :: String -> String
ns str = replace_symbol [("<font color=brown>", ""), ("<font color=green>", ""), ("<font color=purple>", ""), ("</font>", "")] str
stripNum :: Bool -> Bool -> Char -> String -> String -> Maybe (String, String)
stripNum True _ _ _ (y:ys)
| ((y == '(') || (y == ' ') || (y == '\n'))
= stripNum False True y "" ys
stripNum True _ _ _ _ = Nothing
stripNum False first c1 p (y:ys)
| ((y <= '9' && y >= '0') || (y == '.') || (first && (y == '-')))
= stripNum False False c1 (p ++ [y]) ys
stripNum False False c1 p (y:ys)
| ((y == ')') || (y == ':'))
= Just (([c1] ++ "<font color=red>" ++ p ++ "</font>" ++ [y]), ys)
stripNum False False c1 p xs@(y:_)
| (y == ' ' || y == '\n')
= Just (([c1] ++ "<font color=red>" ++ p ++ "</font>"), xs)
stripNum False False c1 p []
= Just (([c1] ++ "<font color=red>" ++ p ++ "</font>"), [])
stripNum _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
replace_str :: String -> String
replace_str [] = []
replace_str xs@(y:ys) =
case stripStr 0 ' ' "" xs of
Nothing -> y : replace_str ys
Just (ps, ys') -> ps ++ replace_str ys'
replace_num :: String -> String
replace_num [] = []
replace_num xs@(y:ys) =
case stripNum True False ' ' "" xs of
Nothing -> y : replace_num ys
Just (ps, ys') -> ps ++ replace_num ys'
replace :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
replace _ _ [] = []
replace old new xs@(y:ys) =
case stripPrefix old xs of
Nothing -> y : replace old new ys
Just ys' -> new ++ replace old new ys'
replace_symbol :: [(String, String)] -> String -> String
replace_symbol _ [] = []
replace_symbol [] contents = contents
replace_symbol (x:xs) contents
= replace_symbol xs $ replace (fst x) (snd x) contents
replace_symbol_color :: [String] -> String -> String -> String
replace_symbol_color _ _ [] = []
replace_symbol_color [] _ contents = contents
replace_symbol_color (x:xs) color contents
= replace_symbol_color xs color $ replace x ("<font color=" ++ color ++ ">" ++ x ++ "</font>") contents
replace_color :: [String] -> String -> String -> String
replace_color kwl color contents
= replace_color_s kwl color " " "\n" $
replace_color_s kwl color "\n" " " $
replace_color_s kwl color " " " " contents
replace_color_s :: [String] -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String
replace_color_s _ _ _ _ [] = []
replace_color_s _ "" _ _ _ = []
replace_color_s [] _ _ _ contents = contents
replace_color_s (x:xs) color pre suf contents
= replace_color_s xs color pre suf $ replace (pre ++ x ++ suf) (pre ++ "<font color=" ++ color ++ ">" ++ x ++ "</font>" ++ suf) contents