-- This file is part of Qtah. -- -- Copyright 2015-2020 The Qtah Authors. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . module Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QWindow ( minVersion, aModule, c_QWindow, e_Visibility, ) where import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec ( addReqIncludes, classSetEntityPrefix, ident, ident1, includeStd, makeClass, mkBoolIsProp, mkConstMethod, mkConstMethod', mkCtor, mkMethod, mkMethod', mkProp, np, ) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Types (boolT, enumT, intT, objT, ptrT, voidT) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Version (collect, just, test) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Config (qtVersion) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Flags (flagsT) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QMargins (c_QMargins) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QObject (c_QObject) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QPoint (c_QPoint) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QRect (c_QRect) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QSize (c_QSize) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QString (c_QString) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.Types ( e_ScreenOrientation, fl_WindowFlags, e_WindowModality, e_WindowState, e_WindowType, qreal, ) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QCursor (c_QCursor) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QIcon (c_QIcon) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QRegion (c_QRegion) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QSurface (c_QSurface, e_SurfaceType) import {-# SOURCE #-} Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Internal.Listener ( listener, listenerBool, listenerInt, listenerPtrQObject, listenerQreal, listenerQString, listenerQWindowVisibility, listenerScreenOrientation, listenerWindowModality, listenerWindowState, ) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Module (AModule (AQtModule), makeQtModuleWithMinVersion) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Types {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-} minVersion = [5, 0] aModule = AQtModule $ makeQtModuleWithMinVersion ["Gui", "QWindow"] minVersion $ [ QtExportClassAndSignals c_QWindow signals , qtExport e_AncestorMode , qtExport e_Visibility ] (c_QWindow, signals) = makeQtClassAndSignals signalGens $ addReqIncludes [includeStd "QWindow"] $ classSetEntityPrefix "" $ makeClass (ident "QWindow") Nothing [c_QObject, c_QSurface] $ collect [ just $ mkCtor "new" np , just $ mkCtor "newWithParent" [ptrT $ objT c_QWindow] -- TODO mkCtor "newWithScreen" [ptrT $ objT c_QScreen] , test (qtVersion >= [5, 1]) $ mkMethod "alert" [intT] voidT , just $ mkProp "baseSize" $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkMethod "close" np voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "contentOrientation" np $ enumT e_ScreenOrientation , just $ mkMethod "create" np voidT , just $ mkProp "cursor" $ objT c_QCursor , just $ mkMethod "destroy" np voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "devicePixelRatio" np qreal , just $ mkProp "filePath" $ objT c_QString , just $ mkProp "flags" $ flagsT fl_WindowFlags , just $ mkConstMethod "focusObject" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QObject , just $ mkConstMethod "frameGeometry" np $ objT c_QRect , just $ mkConstMethod "frameMargins" np $ objT c_QMargins , just $ mkProp "framePosition" $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkProp "geometry" $ objT c_QRect , just $ mkProp "height" intT , just $ mkMethod "hide" np voidT , just $ mkProp "icon" $ objT c_QIcon , test (qtVersion >= [5, 1]) $ mkConstMethod "isActive" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isAncestorOf" [ptrT $ objT c_QWindow, enumT e_AncestorMode] boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isExposed" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isModal" np boolT , just $ mkConstMethod "isTopLevel" np boolT , just $ mkMethod "lower" np voidT , just $ mkConstMethod "mapFromGlobal" [objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkConstMethod "mapToGlobal" [objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkProp "mask" $ objT c_QRegion , just $ mkProp "maximumHeight" intT , just $ mkProp "maximumSize" $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkProp "maximumWidth" intT , just $ mkProp "minimumHeight" intT , just $ mkProp "minimumSize" $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkProp "minimumWidth" intT , just $ mkProp "modality" $ enumT e_WindowModality , test (qtVersion >= [5, 1]) $ mkProp "opacity" qreal , just $ mkProp "parent" $ ptrT $ objT c_QWindow , just $ mkProp "position" $ objT c_QPoint , just $ mkMethod "raise" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "reportContentOrientationChange" [enumT e_ScreenOrientation] voidT , just $ mkMethod "requestActivate" np voidT , test (qtVersion >= [5, 5]) $ mkMethod "requestUpdate" np voidT -- TODO mkConstMethod "requestedFormat" np $ objT c_QSurfaceFormat , just $ mkMethod' "resize" "resize" [objT c_QSize] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "resize" "resizeRaw" [intT, intT] voidT -- TODO mkProp "screen" $ ptrT $ objT c_QScreen -- TODO mkMethod "setFormat" [objT c_QSurfaceFormat] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setGeometry" "setGeometryRaw" [intT, intT, intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setKeyboardGrabEnabled" [boolT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setMouseGrabEnabled" [boolT] voidT , just $ mkMethod' "setPosition" "setPositionRaw" [intT, intT] voidT , just $ mkMethod "setSurfaceType" [enumT e_SurfaceType] voidT , just $ mkMethod "show" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "showFullScreen" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "showMaximized" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "showMinimized" np voidT , just $ mkMethod "showNormal" np voidT , just $ mkProp "sizeIncrement" $ objT c_QSize , just $ mkProp "title" $ objT c_QString , just $ mkProp "transientParent" $ ptrT $ objT c_QWindow , just $ mkConstMethod' "type" "getType" np $ enumT e_WindowType , just $ mkMethod "unsetCursor" np voidT , test (qtVersion >= [5, 1]) $ mkProp "visibility" $ enumT e_Visibility , just $ mkBoolIsProp "visible" , just $ mkProp "width" intT -- TODO winId , just $ mkProp "windowState" $ enumT e_WindowState , just $ mkProp "x" intT , just $ mkProp "y" intT ] signalGens :: [SignalGen] signalGens = [ makeSignal "activeChanged" listener , makeSignal "contentOrientationChanged" listenerScreenOrientation , makeSignal "focusObjectChanged" listenerPtrQObject , makeSignal "heightChanged" listenerInt , makeSignal "maximumHeightChanged" listenerInt , makeSignal "maximumWidthChanged" listenerInt , makeSignal "minimumHeightChanged" listenerInt , makeSignal "minimumWidthChanged" listenerInt , makeSignal "modalityChanged" listenerWindowModality , makeSignal "opacityChanged" listenerQreal -- TODO makeSignal "screenChanged" listenerPtrQScreen , makeSignal "visibilityChanged" listenerQWindowVisibility , makeSignal "visibleChanged" listenerBool , makeSignal "widthChanged" listenerInt , makeSignal "windowStateChanged" listenerWindowState , makeSignal "windowTitleChanged" listenerQString , makeSignal "xChanged" listenerInt , makeSignal "yChanged" listenerInt ] e_AncestorMode = makeQtEnum (ident1 "QWindow" "AncestorMode") [includeStd "QWindow"] [ "ExcludeTransients" , "IncludeTransients" ] e_Visibility = makeQtEnum (ident1 "QWindow" "Visibility") [includeStd "QWindow"] [ "Hidden" , "AutomaticVisibility" , "Windowed" , "Minimized" , "Maximized" , "FullScreen" ]