-- This file is part of Qtah. -- -- Copyright 2015-2020 The Qtah Authors. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . module Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Widgets.QGraphicsView ( aModule, c_QGraphicsView, e_DragMode, e_ViewportAnchor, e_ViewportUpdateMode, e_OptimizationFlag, fl_OptimizationFlags, e_CacheModeFlag, fl_CacheMode ) where import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Spec ( addReqIncludes, classSetEntityPrefix, ident, ident1, includeStd, makeClass, mkMethod, mkMethod', mkConstMethod, mkConstMethod', mkCtor, np, ) import Foreign.Hoppy.Generator.Types ( boolT, constT, enumT, intT, objT, ptrT, voidT, ) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Flags (flagsT) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.Types (e_AspectRatioMode, fl_Alignment, qreal) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QPoint (c_QPoint) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QPointF (c_QPointF) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QRect (c_QRect) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Core.QRectF (c_QRectF) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QBrush (c_QBrush) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QPainter (c_QPainter, e_RenderHint, fl_RenderHints) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QPolygon (c_QPolygon) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QPolygonF (c_QPolygonF) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QTransform (c_QTransform) -- import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QPainter import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Gui.QPainterPath (c_QPainterPath) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Widgets.QAbstractScrollArea (c_QAbstractScrollArea) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Widgets.QGraphicsItem (c_QGraphicsItem) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Widgets.QGraphicsScene (c_QGraphicsScene) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Interface.Widgets.QWidget (c_QWidget) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Module (AModule (AQtModule), makeQtModule) import Graphics.UI.Qtah.Generator.Types {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-} aModule = AQtModule $ makeQtModule ["Widgets", "QGraphicsView"] $ [ qtExport c_QGraphicsView , qtExport e_CacheModeFlag , qtExport fl_CacheMode , qtExport e_DragMode , qtExport e_OptimizationFlag , qtExport fl_OptimizationFlags , qtExport e_ViewportAnchor , qtExport e_ViewportUpdateMode ] c_QGraphicsView = addReqIncludes [includeStd "QGraphicsView"] $ classSetEntityPrefix "" $ makeClass (ident "QGraphicsView") Nothing [c_QAbstractScrollArea] [ mkCtor "new" np , mkCtor "newWithScene" [ptrT $ objT c_QGraphicsScene] , mkCtor "newWithParent" [ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] , mkCtor "newWithSceneAndParent" [ptrT $ objT c_QGraphicsScene, ptrT $ objT c_QWidget] , mkConstMethod "alignment" np $ flagsT fl_Alignment , mkConstMethod "backgroundBrush" np $ objT c_QBrush , mkConstMethod "cacheMode" np $ flagsT fl_CacheMode , mkMethod' "centerOn" "centerOnPointF" [objT c_QPointF] voidT , mkMethod' "centerOn" "centerOnRaw" [qreal, qreal] voidT , mkMethod' "centerOn" "centerOnItem" [ptrT $ constT $ objT c_QGraphicsItem] voidT , mkConstMethod "dragMode" np $ enumT e_DragMode , mkMethod' "ensureVisible" "ensureVisibleRectF" [objT c_QRectF] voidT , mkMethod' "ensureVisible" "ensureVisibleRaw" [qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal] voidT , mkMethod' "ensureVisible" "ensureVisibleItem" [ptrT $ constT $ objT c_QGraphicsItem] voidT , mkMethod' "ensureVisible" "ensureVisibleRectFAll" [objT c_QRectF, intT, intT] voidT , mkMethod' "ensureVisible" "ensureVisibleRawAll" [qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, intT, intT] voidT , mkMethod' "ensureVisible" "ensureVisibleItemAll" [ptrT $ constT $ objT c_QGraphicsItem, intT, intT] voidT , mkMethod' "fitInView" "fitInViewRectF" [objT c_QRectF] voidT , mkMethod' "fitInView" "fitInViewRect" [qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal] voidT , mkMethod' "fitInView" "fitInViewItem" [ptrT $ constT $ objT c_QGraphicsItem] voidT , mkMethod' "fitInView" "fitInViewRectFAll" [objT c_QRectF, enumT e_AspectRatioMode] voidT , mkMethod' "fitInView" "fitInViewRectAll" [qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, enumT e_AspectRatioMode] voidT , mkMethod' "fitInView" "fitInViewItemAll" [ptrT $ constT $ objT c_QGraphicsItem, enumT e_AspectRatioMode] voidT , mkConstMethod "foregroundBrush" np $ objT c_QBrush , mkConstMethod "isInteractive" np boolT , mkConstMethod "isTransformed" np boolT , mkConstMethod' "itemAt" "itemAtPoint" [objT c_QPoint] $ ptrT $ objT c_QGraphicsItem , mkConstMethod' "itemAt" "itemAtRaw" [intT, intT] $ ptrT $ objT c_QGraphicsItem -- TODO mkConstMethod "items" np $ objT c_QList -- TODO mkConstMethod "items" [objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QList -- TODO mkConstMethod "items" [intT, intT] $ objT c_QList -- TODO mkConstMethod "items" [intT, intT, intT, intT, objT c_Qt::ItemSelectionMode] $ -- objT c_QList -- TODO mkConstMethod "items" [objT c_QRect, objT c_Qt::ItemSelectionMode] $ -- objT c_QList -- TODO mkConstMethod "items" [objT c_QPolygon, objT c_Qt::ItemSelectionMode] $ -- objT c_QList -- TODO mkConstMethod "items" [objT c_QPainterPath, objT c_Qt::ItemSelectionMode] $ -- objT c_QList , mkConstMethod' "mapFromScene" "mapFromScenePointF" [objT c_QPointF] $ objT c_QPoint , mkConstMethod' "mapFromScene" "mapFromSceneRectF" [objT c_QRectF] $ objT c_QPolygon , mkConstMethod' "mapFromScene" "mapFromScenePolygonF" [objT c_QPolygonF] $ objT c_QPolygon , mkConstMethod' "mapFromScene" "mapFromScenePainterPath" [objT c_QPainterPath] $ objT c_QPainterPath , mkConstMethod' "mapFromScene" "mapFromScenePointFRaw" [qreal, qreal] $ objT c_QPoint , mkConstMethod' "mapFromScene" "mapFromSceneRectFRaw" [qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal] $ objT c_QPolygon , mkConstMethod' "mapToScene" "mapToScenePoint" [objT c_QPoint] $ objT c_QPointF , mkConstMethod' "mapToScene" "mapToSceneRect" [objT c_QRect] $ objT c_QPolygonF , mkConstMethod' "mapToScene" "mapToScenePolygon" [objT c_QPolygon] $ objT c_QPolygonF , mkConstMethod' "mapToScene" "mapToScenePainterPath" [objT c_QPainterPath] $ objT c_QPainterPath , mkConstMethod' "mapToScene" "mapToScenePointRaw" [intT, intT] $ objT c_QPointF , mkConstMethod' "mapToScene" "mapToSceneRectRaw" [intT, intT, intT, intT] $ objT c_QPolygonF -- TODO mkConstMethod "matrix" np $ objT c_QMatrix , mkConstMethod "optimizationFlags" np $ flagsT fl_OptimizationFlags , mkMethod "render" [ptrT $ objT c_QPainter] voidT , mkMethod' "render" "renderAll" [ptrT $ objT c_QPainter, objT c_QRectF, objT c_QRect, enumT e_AspectRatioMode] voidT , mkConstMethod "renderHints" np $ flagsT fl_RenderHints , mkMethod "resetCachedContent" np voidT , mkMethod "resetMatrix" np voidT , mkMethod "resetTransform" np voidT , mkConstMethod "resizeAnchor" np $ enumT e_ViewportAnchor , mkMethod "rotate" [qreal] voidT -- TODO mkConstMethod "rubberBandSelectionMode" np $ objT c_Qt::ItemSelectionMode , mkMethod "scale" [qreal, qreal] voidT , mkConstMethod "scene" np $ ptrT $ objT c_QGraphicsScene , mkConstMethod "sceneRect" np $ objT c_QRectF , mkMethod "setAlignment" [flagsT fl_Alignment] voidT , mkMethod "setBackgroundBrush" [objT c_QBrush] voidT , mkMethod "setCacheMode" [flagsT fl_CacheMode] voidT , mkMethod "setDragMode" [enumT e_DragMode] voidT , mkMethod "setForegroundBrush" [objT c_QBrush] voidT , mkMethod "setInteractive" [boolT] voidT -- TODO mkMethod "setMatrix" [objT c_QMatrix] voidT -- TODO mkMethod' "setMatrix" "setMatrixAll" [objT c_QMatrix, boolT] voidT , mkMethod "setOptimizationFlag" [enumT e_OptimizationFlag] voidT , mkMethod' "setOptimizationFlag" "setOptimizationFlagAll" [enumT e_OptimizationFlag, boolT] voidT , mkMethod "setOptimizationFlags" [flagsT fl_OptimizationFlags] voidT , mkMethod "setRenderHint" [enumT e_RenderHint] voidT , mkMethod' "setRenderHint" "setRenderHintAll" [enumT e_RenderHint, boolT] voidT , mkMethod "setRenderHints" [flagsT fl_RenderHints] voidT , mkMethod "setResizeAnchor" [enumT e_ViewportAnchor] voidT -- TODO mkMethod "setRubberBandSelectionMode" [objT c_Qt::ItemSelectionMode] voidT , mkMethod "setScene" [ptrT $ objT c_QGraphicsScene] voidT , mkMethod' "setSceneRect" "setSceneRectF" [objT c_QRectF] voidT , mkMethod' "setSceneRect" "setSceneRectRaw" [qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal] voidT , mkMethod "setTransform" [objT c_QTransform] voidT , mkMethod' "setTransform" "setTransformAll" [objT c_QTransform, boolT] voidT , mkMethod "setTransformationAnchor" [enumT e_ViewportAnchor] voidT , mkMethod "setViewportUpdateMode" [enumT e_ViewportUpdateMode] voidT , mkMethod "shear" [qreal, qreal] voidT , mkConstMethod "transform" np $ objT c_QTransform , mkConstMethod "transformationAnchor" np $ enumT e_ViewportAnchor , mkMethod "translate" [qreal, qreal] voidT , mkConstMethod "viewportTransform" np $ objT c_QTransform ] (e_CacheModeFlag, fl_CacheMode) = makeQtEnumAndFlags (ident1 "QGraphicsView" "CacheModeFlag") "CacheMode" [includeStd "QGraphicsView"] [ "CacheNone" , "CacheBackground" ] e_DragMode = makeQtEnum (ident1 "QGraphicsView" "DragMode") [includeStd "QGraphicsView"] [ "NoDrag" , "ScrollHandDrag" , "RubberBandDrag" ] (e_OptimizationFlag, fl_OptimizationFlags) = makeQtEnumAndFlags (ident1 "QGraphicsView" "OptimizationFlag") "OptimizationFlags" [includeStd "QGraphicsView"] [ "DontClipPainter" , "DontSavePainterState" , "DontAdjustForAntialiasing" , "IndirectPainting" ] e_ViewportAnchor = makeQtEnum (ident1 "QGraphicsView" "ViewportAnchor") [includeStd "QGraphicsView"] [ "NoAnchor" , "AnchorViewCenter" , "AnchorUnderMouse" ] e_ViewportUpdateMode = makeQtEnum (ident1 "QGraphicsView" "ViewportUpdateMode") [includeStd "QGraphicsView"] [ "FullViewportUpdate" , "MinimalViewportUpdate" , "SmartViewportUpdate" , "BoundingRectViewportUpdate" , "NoViewportUpdate" ] -- Methods with optional arguments that weren't handled properly in the bindings above -- (i.e. `foo` + `fooAll`). {- QList items (int x, int y, int w, int h, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode = Qt::IntersectsItemShape) const QList items (const QRect & rect, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode = Qt::IntersectsItemShape) const QList items (const QPolygon & polygon, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode = Qt::IntersectsItemShape) const QList items (const QPainterPath & path, Qt::ItemSelectionMode mode = Qt::IntersectsItemShape) const -}