module Network.QUIC.Packet.Frame ( encodeFrames, encodeFramesWithPadding, decodeFramesBS, decodeFramesBuffer, countZero, -- testing ) where import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as Short import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, alignPtr, castPtr, minusPtr, plusPtr) import Foreign.Storable (alignment, peek) import Network.Socket.Internal (zeroMemory) import Network.QUIC.Imports import Network.QUIC.Types ---------------------------------------------------------------- encodeFrames :: [Frame] -> IO ByteString encodeFrames frames = withWriteBuffer 2048 $ \wbuf -> mapM_ (encodeFrame wbuf) frames encodeFramesWithPadding :: Buffer -> BufferSize -> [Frame] -> IO Int -- ^ payload size without paddings encodeFramesWithPadding buf siz frames = do zeroMemory buf $ fromIntegral siz -- padding wbuf <- newWriteBuffer buf siz save wbuf mapM_ (encodeFrame wbuf) frames savingSize wbuf encodeFrame :: WriteBuffer -> Frame -> IO () encodeFrame wbuf (Padding n) = replicateM_ n $ write8 wbuf 0x00 encodeFrame wbuf Ping = write8 wbuf 0x01 encodeFrame wbuf (Ack (AckInfo largest range1 ranges) (Milliseconds delay)) = do write8 wbuf 0x02 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral largest encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral delay encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral $ length ranges encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral range1 mapM_ putRanges ranges where putRanges (gap, rng) = do encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral gap encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral rng encodeFrame wbuf (ResetStream sid (ApplicationProtocolError err) finalLen) = do write8 wbuf 0x04 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral sid encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral err encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral finalLen encodeFrame wbuf (StopSending sid (ApplicationProtocolError err)) = do write8 wbuf 0x05 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral sid encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral err encodeFrame wbuf (CryptoF off cdata) = do write8 wbuf 0x06 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral off encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral $ BS.length cdata copyByteString wbuf cdata encodeFrame wbuf (NewToken token) = do write8 wbuf 0x07 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral $ BS.length token copyByteString wbuf token encodeFrame wbuf (StreamF sid off dats fin) = do let flag0 = 0x08 .|. 0x02 -- len flag1 | off /= 0 = flag0 .|. 0x04 -- off | otherwise = flag0 flag2 | fin = flag1 .|. 0x01 -- fin | otherwise = flag1 write8 wbuf flag2 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral sid when (off /= 0) $ encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral off encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral $ totalLen dats mapM_ (copyByteString wbuf) dats encodeFrame wbuf (MaxData n) = do write8 wbuf 0x10 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral n encodeFrame wbuf (MaxStreamData sid n) = do write8 wbuf 0x11 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral sid encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral n encodeFrame wbuf (MaxStreams dir ms) = do case dir of Bidirectional -> write8 wbuf 0x12 Unidirectional -> write8 wbuf 0x13 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral ms encodeFrame wbuf (DataBlocked n) = do write8 wbuf 0x14 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral n encodeFrame wbuf (StreamDataBlocked sid n) = do write8 wbuf 0x15 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral sid encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral n encodeFrame wbuf (StreamsBlocked dir ms) = do case dir of Bidirectional -> write8 wbuf 0x16 Unidirectional -> write8 wbuf 0x17 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral ms encodeFrame wbuf (NewConnectionID cidInfo rpt) = do write8 wbuf 0x18 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral $ cidInfoSeq cidInfo encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral rpt let (cid, len) = unpackCID $ cidInfoCID cidInfo write8 wbuf len copyShortByteString wbuf cid let StatelessResetToken token = cidInfoSRT cidInfo copyShortByteString wbuf token encodeFrame wbuf (RetireConnectionID seqNum) = do write8 wbuf 0x19 encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral seqNum encodeFrame wbuf (PathChallenge (PathData pdata)) = do write8 wbuf 0x1a copyByteString wbuf $ Short.fromShort pdata encodeFrame wbuf (PathResponse (PathData pdata)) = do write8 wbuf 0x1b copyByteString wbuf $ Short.fromShort pdata encodeFrame wbuf (ConnectionClose (TransportError err) ftyp reason) = do write8 wbuf 0x1c encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral err encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral ftyp encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral $ Short.length reason copyShortByteString wbuf reason encodeFrame wbuf (ConnectionCloseApp (ApplicationProtocolError err) reason) = do write8 wbuf 0x1d encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral err encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral $ Short.length reason copyShortByteString wbuf reason encodeFrame wbuf HandshakeDone = write8 wbuf 0x1e encodeFrame wbuf (UnknownFrame typ) = write8 wbuf $ fromIntegral typ ---------------------------------------------------------------- decodeFramesBS :: ByteString -> IO (Maybe [Frame]) decodeFramesBS bs = withReadBuffer bs decodeFrames decodeFramesBuffer :: Buffer -> BufferSize -> IO (Maybe [Frame]) decodeFramesBuffer buf bufsiz = newReadBuffer buf bufsiz >>= decodeFrames decodeFrames :: ReadBuffer -> IO (Maybe [Frame]) decodeFrames rbuf = loop id where loop frames = do ok <- (>= 1) <$> remainingSize rbuf if ok then do frame <- decodeFrame rbuf case frame of UnknownFrame _ -> return Nothing _ -> loop (frames . (frame :)) else return $ Just $ frames [] decodeFrame :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeFrame rbuf = do ftyp <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf case ftyp :: FrameType of 0x00 -> decodePadding rbuf 0x01 -> return Ping 0x02 -> decodeAck rbuf -- 0x03 -> Ack with ECN Counts 0x04 -> decodeResetStream rbuf 0x05 -> decodeStopSending rbuf 0x06 -> decodeCrypto rbuf 0x07 -> decodeNewToken rbuf x | 0x08 <= x && x <= 0x0f -> do let off = testBit x 2 len = testBit x 1 fin = testBit x 0 decodeStream rbuf off len fin 0x10 -> decodeMaxData rbuf 0x11 -> decodeMaxStreamData rbuf 0x12 -> decodeMaxStreams rbuf Bidirectional 0x13 -> decodeMaxStreams rbuf Unidirectional 0x14 -> decodeDataBlocked rbuf 0x15 -> decodeStreamDataBlocked rbuf 0x16 -> decodeStreamsBlocked rbuf Bidirectional 0x17 -> decodeStreamsBlocked rbuf Unidirectional 0x18 -> decodeNewConnectionID rbuf 0x19 -> decodeRetireConnectionID rbuf 0x1a -> decodePathChallenge rbuf 0x1b -> decodePathResponse rbuf 0x1c -> decodeConnectionClose rbuf 0x1d -> decodeConnectionCloseApp rbuf 0x1e -> return HandshakeDone x -> return $ UnknownFrame x decodePadding :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodePadding rbuf = do n <- withCurrentOffSet rbuf $ \beg -> do rest <- remainingSize rbuf let end = beg `plusPtr` rest countZero beg end ff rbuf n return $ Padding (n + 1) countZero :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO Int countZero beg0 end0 | (end0 `minusPtr` beg0) <= ali = fst <$> countBy1 beg0 end0 0 | otherwise = do let beg1 = alignPtr beg0 ali end1' = alignPtr end0 ali end1 | end0 == end1' = end1' | otherwise = end1' `plusPtr` negate ali (n1, cont1) <- countBy1 beg0 beg1 0 if not cont1 then return n1 else do (n2, beg2) <- countBy8 (castPtr beg1) (castPtr end1) 0 (n3, _) <- countBy1 (castPtr beg2) end0 0 return (n1 + n2 + n3) where ali = alignment (0 :: Word64) countBy1 :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO (Int, Bool) countBy1 beg end n | beg < end = do ftyp <- peek beg if ftyp == 0 then countBy1 (beg `plusPtr` 1) end (n + 1) else return (n, False) | otherwise = return (n, True) countBy8 :: Ptr Word64 -> Ptr Word64 -> Int -> IO (Int, Ptr Word64) countBy8 beg end n | beg < end = do ftyp <- peek beg if ftyp == 0 then countBy8 (beg `plusPtr` ali) end (n + ali) else return (n, beg) | otherwise = return (n, beg) decodeCrypto :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeCrypto rbuf = do off <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf len <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf cdata <- extractByteString rbuf len return $ CryptoF off cdata decodeAck :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeAck rbuf = do largest <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf delay <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf count <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf range1 <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf ranges <- getRanges count id return $ Ack (AckInfo largest range1 ranges) $ Milliseconds delay where getRanges 0 build = return $ build [] getRanges n build = do gap <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf rng <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf let n' = n - 1 :: Int getRanges n' (build . ((gap, rng) :)) decodeResetStream :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeResetStream rbuf = do sID <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf err <- ApplicationProtocolError . fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf finalLen <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf return $ ResetStream sID err finalLen decodeStopSending :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeStopSending rbuf = do sID <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf err <- ApplicationProtocolError . fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf return $ StopSending sID err decodeNewToken :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeNewToken rbuf = do len <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf NewToken <$> extractByteString rbuf len decodeStream :: ReadBuffer -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Frame decodeStream rbuf hasOff hasLen fin = do sID <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf off <- if hasOff then fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf else return 0 dat <- if hasLen then do len <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf extractByteString rbuf len else do len <- remainingSize rbuf extractByteString rbuf len return $ StreamF sID off [dat] fin ---------------------------------------------------------------- decodeMaxData :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeMaxData rbuf = MaxData . fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf decodeMaxStreamData :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeMaxStreamData rbuf = do sID <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf maxstrdata <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf return $ MaxStreamData sID maxstrdata decodeMaxStreams :: ReadBuffer -> Direction -> IO Frame decodeMaxStreams rbuf dir = MaxStreams dir . fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf ---------------------------------------------------------------- decodeDataBlocked :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeDataBlocked rbuf = DataBlocked . fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf decodeStreamDataBlocked :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeStreamDataBlocked rbuf = do sID <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf msd <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf return $ StreamDataBlocked sID msd decodeStreamsBlocked :: ReadBuffer -> Direction -> IO Frame decodeStreamsBlocked rbuf dir = StreamsBlocked dir . fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf ---------------------------------------------------------------- decodeConnectionClose :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeConnectionClose rbuf = do err <- TransportError . fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf ftyp <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf len <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf reason <- extractShortByteString rbuf len return $ ConnectionClose err ftyp reason decodeConnectionCloseApp :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeConnectionCloseApp rbuf = do err <- ApplicationProtocolError . fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf len <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf reason <- extractShortByteString rbuf len return $ ConnectionCloseApp err reason decodeNewConnectionID :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeNewConnectionID rbuf = do seqNum <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf rpt <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf cidLen <- fromIntegral <$> read8 rbuf cID <- makeCID <$> extractShortByteString rbuf cidLen token <- StatelessResetToken <$> extractShortByteString rbuf 16 return $ NewConnectionID (CIDInfo seqNum cID token) rpt decodeRetireConnectionID :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodeRetireConnectionID rbuf = do seqNum <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf return $ RetireConnectionID seqNum decodePathChallenge :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodePathChallenge rbuf = PathChallenge . PathData <$> extractShortByteString rbuf 8 decodePathResponse :: ReadBuffer -> IO Frame decodePathResponse rbuf = PathResponse . PathData <$> extractShortByteString rbuf 8