{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Network.QUIC.Recovery.LossRecovery ( onPacketSent, onPacketReceived, onAckReceived, onPacketNumberSpaceDiscarded, ) where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewR (..), (|>)) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Network.QUIC.Connector import Network.QUIC.Imports import Network.QUIC.Qlog import Network.QUIC.Recovery.Constants import Network.QUIC.Recovery.Detect import Network.QUIC.Recovery.Metrics import Network.QUIC.Recovery.Misc import Network.QUIC.Recovery.PeerPacketNumbers import Network.QUIC.Recovery.Release import Network.QUIC.Recovery.Timer import Network.QUIC.Recovery.Types import Network.QUIC.Recovery.Utils import Network.QUIC.Types ---------------------------------------------------------------- onPacketSent :: LDCC -> SentPacket -> IO () onPacketSent ldcc@LDCC{..} sentPacket = do let lvl0 = spEncryptionLevel sentPacket let lvl | lvl0 == RTT0Level = RTT1Level | otherwise = lvl0 discarded <- getPacketNumberSpaceDiscarded ldcc lvl unless discarded $ do onPacketSentCC ldcc sentPacket when (spAckEliciting sentPacket) $ atomicModifyIORef'' (lossDetection ! lvl) $ \ld -> ld { timeOfLastAckElicitingPacket = spTimeSent sentPacket } atomicModifyIORef'' (sentPackets ! lvl) $ \(SentPackets db) -> SentPackets (db |> sentPacket) setLossDetectionTimer ldcc lvl onPacketSentCC :: LDCC -> SentPacket -> IO () onPacketSentCC ldcc@LDCC{..} sentPacket = metricsUpdated ldcc $ atomically $ modifyTVar' recoveryCC $ \cc -> cc { bytesInFlight = bytesInFlight cc + sentBytes , numOfAckEliciting = numOfAckEliciting cc + countAckEli sentPacket } where sentBytes = spSentBytes sentPacket ---------------------------------------------------------------- onPacketReceived :: LDCC -> EncryptionLevel -> PacketNumber -> IO () onPacketReceived ldcc lvl pn = do discarded <- getPacketNumberSpaceDiscarded ldcc lvl unless discarded $ addPeerPacketNumbers ldcc lvl pn ---------------------------------------------------------------- onAckReceived :: LDCC -> EncryptionLevel -> AckInfo -> Microseconds -> IO () onAckReceived ldcc@LDCC{..} lvl ackInfo@(AckInfo largestAcked _ _) ackDelay = do changed <- atomicModifyIORef' (lossDetection ! lvl) update when changed $ do let predicate = fromAckInfoToPred ackInfo . spPacketNumber releaseLostCandidates ldcc lvl predicate >>= updateCConAck releaseByPredicate ldcc lvl predicate >>= detectLossUpdateCC where update ld@LossDetection{..} = (ld', changed) where ld' = ld { largestAckedPacket = max largestAckedPacket largestAcked , previousAckInfo = ackInfo } changed = previousAckInfo /= ackInfo detectLossUpdateCC newlyAckedPackets = case Seq.viewr newlyAckedPackets of EmptyR -> return () _ :> lastPkt -> do -- If the largest acknowledged is newly acked and -- at least one ack-eliciting was newly acked, update the RTT. when ( spPacketNumber lastPkt == largestAcked && any spAckEliciting newlyAckedPackets ) $ do rtt <- getElapsedTimeMicrosecond $ spTimeSent lastPkt let latestRtt = max rtt kGranularity updateRTT ldcc lvl latestRtt ackDelay {- fimxe -- Process ECN information if present. if (ACK frame contains ECN information): ProcessECN(ack, lvl) -} lostPackets <- detectAndRemoveLostPackets ldcc lvl unless (null lostPackets) $ do mode <- ccMode <$> readTVarIO recoveryCC if lvl == RTT1Level && mode /= SlowStart then mergeLostCandidates ldcc lostPackets else do -- just in case lostPackets' <- mergeLostCandidatesAndClear ldcc lostPackets onPacketsLost ldcc lostPackets' retransmit ldcc lostPackets' -- setLossDetectionTimer in updateCConAck updateCConAck newlyAckedPackets updateCConAck newlyAckedPackets | newlyAckedPackets == Seq.empty = return () | otherwise = do onPacketsAcked ldcc newlyAckedPackets -- Sec 6.2.1. Computing PTO -- "The PTO backoff factor is reset when an acknowledgement is -- received, except in the following case. A server might -- take longer to respond to packets during the handshake -- than otherwise. To protect such a server from repeated -- client probes, the PTO backoff is not reset at a client -- that is not yet certain that the server has finished -- validating the client's address." validated <- peerCompletedAddressValidation ldcc when validated $ metricsUpdated ldcc $ atomicModifyIORef'' recoveryRTT $ \rtt -> rtt{ptoCount = 0} setLossDetectionTimer ldcc lvl releaseLostCandidates :: LDCC -> EncryptionLevel -> (SentPacket -> Bool) -> IO (Seq SentPacket) releaseLostCandidates ldcc@LDCC{..} lvl predicate = do packets <- atomically $ do SentPackets db <- readTVar lostCandidates let (pkts, db') = Seq.partition predicate db writeTVar lostCandidates $ SentPackets db' return pkts removePacketNumbers ldcc lvl packets return packets onPacketsAcked :: LDCC -> Seq SentPacket -> IO () onPacketsAcked ldcc@LDCC{..} ackedPackets = metricsUpdated ldcc $ do maxPktSiz <- getMaxPacketSize ldcc oldcc <- readTVarIO recoveryCC atomically $ modifyTVar' recoveryCC $ modify maxPktSiz newcc <- readTVarIO recoveryCC when (ccMode oldcc /= ccMode newcc) $ qlogContestionStateUpdated ldcc $ ccMode newcc where modify maxPktSiz cc@CC{..} = cc { bytesInFlight = bytesInFlight' , congestionWindow = congestionWindow' , bytesAcked = bytesAcked' , ccMode = ccMode' , numOfAckEliciting = numOfAckEliciting' } where (bytesInFlight', congestionWindow', bytesAcked', ccMode', numOfAckEliciting') = foldl' (.+) (bytesInFlight, congestionWindow, bytesAcked, ccMode, numOfAckEliciting) ackedPackets (bytes, cwin, acked, _, cnt) .+ sp@SentPacket{..} = (bytes', cwin', acked', mode', cnt') where isRecovery = inCongestionRecovery spTimeSent congestionRecoveryStartTime bytes' = bytes - spSentBytes ackedA = acked + spSentBytes cnt' = cnt - countAckEli sp (cwin', acked', mode') -- Do not increase congestion window in recovery period. | isRecovery = (cwin, acked, Recovery) -- fixme: Do not increase congestion_window if application -- limited or flow control limited. -- -- Slow start. | cwin < ssthresh = (cwin + spSentBytes, acked, SlowStart) -- Congestion avoidance. -- In this implementation, maxPktSiz == spSentBytes. -- spSentBytes is large enough, so we don't care -- the roundup issue of `div`. | ackedA >= cwin = (cwin + maxPktSiz, ackedA - cwin, Avoidance) | otherwise = (cwin, ackedA, Avoidance) ---------------------------------------------------------------- onPacketNumberSpaceDiscarded :: LDCC -> EncryptionLevel -> IO () onPacketNumberSpaceDiscarded ldcc lvl = do let (lvl', label) = case lvl of InitialLevel -> (HandshakeLevel, "initial") _ -> (RTT1Level, "handshake") qlogDebug ldcc $ Debug (label <> " discarded") void $ discard ldcc lvl setLossDetectionTimer ldcc lvl'