{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Config ( makeTestServerConfig, makeTestServerConfigR, testClientConfig, testClientConfigR, setServerQlog, setClientQlog, withPipe, Scenario (..), newSessionManager, ) where import Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.IORef import qualified Data.List as L import Network.Socket import Network.Socket.ByteString import Network.TLS hiding (Version) import Network.QUIC.Client import Network.QUIC.Internal makeTestServerConfig :: IO ServerConfig makeTestServerConfig = do cred <- either error id <$> credentialLoadX509 "test/servercert.pem" "test/serverkey.pem" let credentials = Credentials [cred] return testServerConfig { scCredentials = credentials , scALPN = Just chooseALPN } testServerConfig :: ServerConfig testServerConfig = defaultServerConfig { -- Don't use "" and "::" for Windows (UDP dispatching bug) scAddresses = [("", 50003)] } makeTestServerConfigR :: IO ServerConfig makeTestServerConfigR = do cred <- either error id <$> credentialLoadX509 "test/servercert.pem" "test/serverkey.pem" let credentials = Credentials [cred] return testServerConfigR { scCredentials = credentials , scALPN = Just chooseALPN } testServerConfigR :: ServerConfig testServerConfigR = defaultServerConfig { -- Don't use "" and "::" for Windows (UDP dispatching bug) scAddresses = [("", 50003)] } testClientConfig :: ClientConfig testClientConfig = defaultClientConfig { ccServerName = "" , ccPortName = "50003" , ccValidate = False , ccDebugLog = True } testClientConfigR :: ClientConfig testClientConfigR = defaultClientConfig { ccServerName = "" , ccPortName = "50002" , ccValidate = False , ccDebugLog = True } setServerQlog :: ServerConfig -> ServerConfig setServerQlog sc = sc setClientQlog :: ClientConfig -> ClientConfig setClientQlog cc = cc data Scenario = Randomly Int | DropClientPacket [Int] | DropServerPacket [Int] withPipe :: Scenario -> IO () -> IO () withPipe scenario body = do addrC <- resolve "50002" let saC = addrAddress addrC addrS <- resolve "50003" let saS = addrAddress addrS irefC <- newIORef 0 irefS <- newIORef 0 E.bracket (openSocket addrC) close $ \sockC -> E.bracket (openSocket addrS) close $ \sockS -> do setSocketOption sockC ReuseAddr 1 setSocketOption sockS ReuseAddr 1 bind sockC saC connect sockS saS -- from client tid0 <- forkIO $ do (bs, saO) <- recvFrom sockC 2048 connect sockC saO n0 <- atomicModifyIORef' irefC $ \x -> (x + 1, x) dropPacket0 <- shouldDrop scenario True n0 unless dropPacket0 $ void $ send sockS bs forever $ do bs1 <- recv sockC 2048 n <- atomicModifyIORef' irefC $ \x -> (x + 1, x) dropPacket <- shouldDrop scenario True n unless dropPacket $ void $ send sockS bs1 -- from server tid1 <- forkIO $ forever $ do bs <- recv sockS 2048 n <- atomicModifyIORef' irefS $ \x -> (x + 1, x) dropPacket <- shouldDrop scenario False n unless dropPacket $ void $ send sockC bs body killThread tid0 killThread tid1 where hints = defaultHints { addrSocketType = Datagram , addrFlags = [AI_NUMERICHOST] , addrFamily = AF_INET } resolve port = head <$> getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just "") (Just port) shouldDrop (Randomly n) _ _ = do w <- getRandomOneByte return ((w `mod` fromIntegral n) == 0) shouldDrop (DropClientPacket ns) fromC pn | fromC = return (pn `elem` ns) | otherwise = return False shouldDrop (DropServerPacket ns) fromC pn | fromC = return False | otherwise = return (pn `elem` ns) chooseALPN :: Version -> [ByteString] -> IO ByteString chooseALPN _ver protos = return $ case mh3idx of Nothing -> case mhqidx of Nothing -> "" Just _ -> "hq" Just h3idx -> case mhqidx of Nothing -> "h3" Just hqidx -> if h3idx < hqidx then "h3" else "hq" where mh3idx = "h3" `L.elemIndex` protos mhqidx = "hq" `L.elemIndex` protos newSessionManager :: IO SessionManager newSessionManager = sessionManager <$> newIORef Nothing sessionManager :: IORef (Maybe (SessionID, SessionData)) -> SessionManager sessionManager ref = noSessionManager { sessionEstablish = establish , sessionResume = resume , sessionResumeOnlyOnce = resume , sessionInvalidate = \_ -> return () , sessionUseTicket = False } where establish sid sdata = writeIORef ref (Just (sid, sdata)) >> return Nothing resume sid = do mx <- readIORef ref case mx of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (s, d) | s == sid -> return $ Just d | otherwise -> return Nothing