0.3.22 * Add `Void` instances. 0.3.21 * Use time-compat * Add `Function` instances for vector, unordered-containers, scientific, nats 0.3.20 * Support QuickCheck-2.13 * Faster ByteString `arbitrary` 0.3.19 * Instances for `MaybeT` 0.3.18 * `ShortByteString` instances for all supported `bytestring` 0.3.17 * Support GHC-8.4.1 * Split package into per-package modules * Add instances for `ShortByteString` * Add Function `ByteString` and `ShortByteString` instances (bytestring >= 0.10.4) * Enable PolyKinds for `Tagged` instances (GHC >= 7.6) * Support QuickCheck-2.11 * Bump lower bounds on boot-library dependencies to the versions distributed with GHC-7.4.2 * Bump lower bound on some other dependencies, as cannot test previous lower bound (no install-plans). 0.3.16 * Instances for `Semigroup` newtypes: `Min`, `Max`, `First`, `Last`, `Option` and `WrappedMonoid`. 0.3.15 * `QuickCheck-2.10` support. * `Arbitrary1/2` instances. 0.3.14 * Fix `Tree` bug. * Add `UUID` instances. 0.3.13 Author: Oleg Grenrus * Add case-insensitive instances 0.3.12 Author: Oleg Grenrus * Add vector and scientific instances Author: RyanGlScott * Fix build with GHC 8.0.1, QuickCheck-2.8.2 0.3.11 Author: Timo von Holtz * Add some Instances for Function Author: Antoine Latter * Allow building against QuickCheck 2.8. 0.3.10 Author: Antoine Latter * Allow building against newer versions of the time package. 0.3.9 Author: RyanGlScott * Bump text upper version bounds 0.3.8 Author: Antoine Latter * Allow building against QuickCheck version 2.7 0.3.7 Author: Antoine Latter * Update list of covered libraries. * Allow newer version of "text" as a dependency. 0.3.6 Author: Joao Cristovao * Added unordered-containers. 0.3.5 Author: Antoine Latter * No change - bumping version to re-upload to hackage, due to bugs in the 0.3.4 tarball. 0.3.4 Author: Antoine Latter * Allow newer versions of "text" and "array" as dependencies. 0.3.3 Author: Kyle Raftogianis * Generate UTC time offsets from -12:00 to +14:00 0.3.2 Author: Antoine Latter * Allow building against newer QuickCheck 0.3.1 Author: Antoine Latter * Allow building against newer bytestring 0.3.0 Author: Antoine Latter * Update for QuickCheck-2.5.0 * Update instances for Ordering and RealFrac based on instances provided in QuickCheck-2.5.0 * Allow building against newer containers packages 0.2.0 Author: Antoine Latter * Add support for older versions of QuickCheck. Author: PHO * Provide 'CoArbitrary' instances for types. * Provide 'shrink' for more instances of 'Arbitrary'. 0.1.0 * Initial release