-- | This module is internal to QuickSpec. -- -- Typed terms and operations on them. {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds, DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances, TypeOperators, DeriveFunctor, FlexibleContexts #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-} module QuickSpec.Internal.Term(module QuickSpec.Internal.Term, module Twee.Base, module Twee.Pretty) where import QuickSpec.Internal.Type import QuickSpec.Internal.Utils import Control.Monad import GHC.Generics(Generic) import Test.QuickCheck(CoArbitrary(..)) import Data.DList(DList) import qualified Data.DList as DList import Twee.Base(Pretty(..), PrettyTerm(..), TermStyle(..), EqualsBonus, prettyPrint) import Twee.Pretty import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Map(Map) import Data.List import Data.Ord -- | A typed term. data Term f = Var {-# UNPACK #-} !Var | Fun !f | !(Term f) :$: !(Term f) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor) -- | A variable, which has a type and a number. data Var = V { var_ty :: !Type, var_id :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic) instance CoArbitrary Var where coarbitrary = coarbitrary . var_id instance Typed Var where typ x = var_ty x otherTypesDL _ = mzero typeSubst_ sub (V ty x) = V (typeSubst_ sub ty) x match :: Eq f => Term f -> Term f -> Maybe (Map Var (Term f)) match (Var x) t = Just (Map.singleton x t) match (Fun f) (Fun g) | f == g = Just Map.empty | otherwise = Nothing match (f :$: x) (g :$: y) = do m1 <- match f g m2 <- match x y guard (and [t == u | (t, u) <- Map.elems (Map.intersectionWith (,) m1 m2)]) return (Map.union m1 m2) unify :: Eq f => Term f -> Term f -> Maybe (Map Var (Term f)) unify t u = loop Map.empty [(t, u)] where loop sub [] = Just sub loop sub ((Fun f, Fun g):xs) | f == g = loop sub xs loop sub ((f :$: x, g :$: y):xs) = loop sub ((f, g):(x, y):xs) loop sub ((Var x, t):xs) | t == Var x = loop sub xs | x `elem` vars t = Nothing | otherwise = loop (Map.insert x t (fmap (replace x t) sub)) [(replace x t u, replace x t v) | (u, v) <- xs] loop sub ((t, Var x):xs) = loop sub ((Var x, t):xs) replace x t (Var y) | x == y = t replace _ _ t = t -- | A class for things that contain terms. class Symbolic f a | a -> f where -- | A different list of all terms contained in the thing. termsDL :: a -> DList (Term f) -- | Apply a substitution to all terms in the thing. subst :: (Var -> Term f) -> a -> a instance Symbolic f (Term f) where termsDL = return subst sub (Var x) = sub x subst _ (Fun x) = Fun x subst sub (t :$: u) = subst sub t :$: subst sub u instance Symbolic f a => Symbolic f [a] where termsDL = msum . map termsDL subst sub = map (subst sub) class Sized a where size :: a -> Int instance Sized f => Sized (Term f) where size (Var _) = 1 size (Fun f) = size f size (t :$: u) = size t + size u + -- Penalise applied function variables, because they can be used -- to build many many terms without any constants at all case t of Var _ -> 1 _ -> 0 instance Pretty Var where pPrint x = parens $ text "X" <#> pPrint (var_id x+1) <+> text "::" <+> pPrint (var_ty x) --pPrint x = text "X" <#> pPrint (var_id x+1) instance PrettyTerm f => Pretty (Term f) where pPrintPrec l p (Var x :@: ts) = pPrintTerm curried l p (pPrint x) ts pPrintPrec l p (Fun f :@: ts) = pPrintTerm (termStyle f) l p (pPrint f) ts -- | All terms contained in a `Symbolic`. terms :: Symbolic f a => a -> [Term f] terms = DList.toList . termsDL -- | All function symbols appearing in a `Symbolic`, in order of appearance, -- with duplicates included. funs :: Symbolic f a => a -> [f] funs x = [ f | t <- terms x, Fun f <- subterms t ] -- | All variables appearing in a `Symbolic`, in order of appearance, -- with duplicates included. vars :: Symbolic f a => a -> [Var] vars x = [ v | t <- terms x, Var v <- subterms t ] -- | Decompose a term into a head and a list of arguments. pattern f :@: ts <- (getApp -> (f, ts)) where f :@: ts = foldl (:$:) f ts getApp :: Term f -> (Term f, [Term f]) getApp (t :$: u) = (f, ts ++ [u]) where (f, ts) = getApp t getApp t = (t, []) -- | Compute the number of a variable which does /not/ appear in the `Symbolic`. freeVar :: Symbolic f a => a -> Int freeVar x = maximum (0:map (succ . var_id) (vars x)) -- | Count how many times a given function symbol occurs. occ :: (Eq f, Symbolic f a) => f -> a -> Int occ x t = length (filter (== x) (funs t)) -- | Count how many times a given variable occurs. occVar :: Symbolic f a => Var -> a -> Int occVar x t = length (filter (== x) (vars t)) -- | Map a function over variables. mapVar :: (Var -> Var) -> Term f -> Term f mapVar f (Var x) = Var (f x) mapVar _ (Fun x) = Fun x mapVar f (t :$: u) = mapVar f t :$: mapVar f u -- | Find all subterms of a term. Includes the term itself. subterms :: Term f -> [Term f] subterms t = t:properSubterms t -- | Find all subterms of a term. Does not include the term itself. properSubterms :: Term f -> [Term f] properSubterms (t :$: u) = subterms t ++ subterms u properSubterms _ = [] subtermsFO :: Term f -> [Term f] subtermsFO t = t:properSubtermsFO t properSubtermsFO :: Term f -> [Term f] properSubtermsFO (_f :@: ts) = concatMap subtermsFO ts properSubtermsFO _ = [] -- | Renames variables so that they appear in a canonical order. -- Also makes sure that variables of different types have different numbers. canonicalise :: Symbolic fun a => a -> a canonicalise t = subst (\x -> Map.findWithDefault undefined x sub) t where sub = Map.fromList [(x, Var (V ty n)) | (x@(V ty _), n) <- zip (nub (vars t)) [0..]] -- | Evaluate a term, given a valuation for variables and function symbols. evalTerm :: (Typed fun, Apply a, Monad m) => (Var -> m a) -> (fun -> m a) -> Term fun -> m a evalTerm var fun = eval where eval (Var x) = var x eval (Fun f) = fun f eval (t :$: u) = liftM2 apply (eval t) (eval u) instance Typed f => Typed (Term f) where typ (Var x) = typ x typ (Fun f) = typ f typ (t :$: _) = typeDrop 1 (typ t) otherTypesDL (Var _) = mempty otherTypesDL (Fun f) = typesDL f otherTypesDL (t :$: u) = typesDL t `mplus` typesDL u typeSubst_ sub = tsub where tsub (Var x) = Var (typeSubst_ sub x) tsub (Fun f) = Fun (typeSubst_ sub f) tsub (t :$: u) = typeSubst_ sub t :$: typeSubst_ sub u instance (PrettyTerm f, Typed f) => Apply (Term f) where tryApply t u = do tryApply (typ t) (typ u) return (t :$: u) depth :: Term f -> Int depth Var{} = 1 depth Fun{} = 1 depth (t :$: u) = depth t `max` (1+depth u) -- | A standard term ordering - size, skeleton, generality. -- Satisfies the property: -- if measure (schema t) < measure (schema u) then t < u. type Measure f = (Int, Int, Int, Int, MeasureFuns f, Int, [Var]) -- | Compute the term ordering for a term. measure :: (Sized f, Typed f) => Term f -> Measure f measure t = (depth t, size t, missing t, -length (vars t), MeasureFuns (skel t), -length (usort (vars t)), vars t) where skel (Var (V ty _)) = Var (V ty 0) skel (Fun f) = Fun f skel (t :$: u) = skel t :$: skel u -- Prefer fully-applied terms to partially-applied ones. -- This function counts how many unsaturated function applications -- occur in a term. missing (Fun f :@: ts) = typeArity (typ f) - length ts + sum (map missing ts) missing (Var _ :@: ts) = sum (map missing ts) -- | A helper for `Measure`. newtype MeasureFuns f = MeasureFuns (Term f) instance Ord f => Eq (MeasureFuns f) where t == u = compare t u == EQ instance Ord f => Ord (MeasureFuns f) where compare (MeasureFuns t) (MeasureFuns u) = compareFuns t u -- | A helper for `Measure`. compareFuns :: Ord f => Term f -> Term f -> Ordering compareFuns (f :@: ts) (g :@: us) = compareHead f g `mappend` comparing (map MeasureFuns) ts us where compareHead (Var x) (Var y) = compare x y compareHead (Var _) _ = LT compareHead _ (Var _) = GT compareHead (Fun f) (Fun g) = compare f g compareHead _ _ = error "viewApp" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Data types a la carte-ish. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A sum type. Intended to be used to build the type of function -- symbols. Comes with instances that are useful for QuickSpec. data a :+: b = Inl a | Inr b deriving (Eq, Ord) instance (Sized fun1, Sized fun2) => Sized (fun1 :+: fun2) where size (Inl x) = size x size (Inr x) = size x instance (Typed fun1, Typed fun2) => Typed (fun1 :+: fun2) where typ (Inl x) = typ x typ (Inr x) = typ x otherTypesDL (Inl x) = otherTypesDL x otherTypesDL (Inr x) = otherTypesDL x typeSubst_ sub (Inl x) = Inl (typeSubst_ sub x) typeSubst_ sub (Inr x) = Inr (typeSubst_ sub x) instance (Pretty fun1, Pretty fun2) => Pretty (fun1 :+: fun2) where pPrintPrec l p (Inl x) = pPrintPrec l p x pPrintPrec l p (Inr x) = pPrintPrec l p x instance (PrettyTerm fun1, PrettyTerm fun2) => PrettyTerm (fun1 :+: fun2) where termStyle (Inl x) = termStyle x termStyle (Inr x) = termStyle x