module TLexer ( testModule -- tests the module Lexer ) where -- imports -- import Test.HUnit import InterfaceDT as IDT import qualified Lexer -- functions -- testLexer01 = "Proper turning: " ~: res [Constant "1"] @=? run [" \\", " \\ /-t-#", " ---/--f-#"] testLexer02 = "Reflection: " ~: res [Constant "1"] @=? run [" \\", " \\ # # #", " \\ f f f", " \\ \\|/", " #t-------@-f#", " /|\\", " f f f", " # # #"] testLexer03 = "Rail crash: " ~: crash @=? run [" /", "#"] testLexer04 = "One liner: " ~: crash @=? run [] testLexer05 = "Endless loop: " ~: IDT.ILS [("main",[(1,Start,2),(2,Constant "1",3),(3,NOP,3)])] @=? run [" 1 ", " \\", " @--@"] testLexer06 = "Junction test: " ~: IDT.ILS [("main", [(1, Start, 2), (2, Junction 3, 5), (3, Constant "1", 4), (4, Finish, 0), (5, Constant "0", 6), (6, Finish, 0)])] @=? run [" \\", " \\ /-1#", " -<", " \\-0#"] testLexer07 = "Simple Junction test: " ~: crash @=? run [" *-1#"] testLexer08 = "Two Junctions: " ~: IDT.ILS [("main", [(1, Start, 2), (2, Junction 3, 5), (3, Junction 4, 5), (4, Finish, 0), (5, Constant "0", 6), (6, Finish, 0)])] @=? run [" \\ --\\ -#", " \\ / \\ /", " -< --<", " \\ \\", " ---------0#"] testLexer09 = "Merging Junctions: " ~: IDT.ILS [("main", [(1, Start, 2), (2, Junction 3, 3), (3, Finish, 0)])] @=? run [" \\ -\\", " \\ / \\", " -< -#", " \\ /", " -/"] testLexer10 = "Push and Pop: " ~: res [Constant "1", Pop "x", Push "x"] @=? run [" \\", " --1(!x!)(x)#"] testLexer11 = "Illegal cross Junctions: " ~: crash @=? run [" \\", " +-#"] testLexer12 = "While: " ~: IDT.ILS [("main", [(1, Start, 2), (2, EOF, 3), (3, Junction 2, 4), (4, Finish, 0)])] @=? run [" \\ /----\\", " \\ | |", " \\ \\ /", " ---e-<", " \\-#"] testLexer13 = "Empty Junction ends: " ~: IDT.ILS [("main",[(1, Start, 2), (2, Junction 0, 3), (3, Junction 4, 0), (4, Junction 5, 6), (5, Finish, 0), (6, Finish, 0)])] @=? run [" \\", " \\ / /--\\ /-#", " \\--< --< --<", " \\--/ \\ \\-#"] testLexer14 = "Turning on Lexeme: " ~: crash @=? run [" \\", " \\#"] -- helper functions run :: IDT.Grid2D -> IDT.Lexer2SynAna run grid = Lexer.process (IDT.IPL ["$ 'main'":grid]) res :: [Lexeme] -> IDT.Lexer2SynAna res lexeme = IDT.ILS [("main", (1, Start, 2):nodes 2 lexeme)] where nodes i [] = [(i, Finish, 0)] nodes i (x:xs) = (i, x, i+1):nodes (i+1) xs crash :: IDT.Lexer2SynAna crash = IDT.ILS [("main", [(1, Start, 0)])] testModule = [testLexer01, testLexer02, testLexer03, testLexer04, testLexer05, testLexer06, testLexer07, testLexer08, testLexer09, testLexer10, testLexer11, testLexer12, testLexer13, testLexer14]