module Control.Distributed.Raketka.HandleMsg where

import Data.Tagged
import Text.Printf
import Control.Distributed.Process as P hiding (Message, handleMessage)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Distributed.Raketka.NewServerInfo
import Control.Distributed.Raketka.Process.Send
import Control.Distributed.Raketka.Type.Server as T
import Control.Distributed.Raketka.Type.Message as M

{- | both 'Info' with 'Ping' and ordinary 'Messages' 


    * 'newServerInfo'
    * 'handleMessage'
    depending on message type
handleRemoteMessage::Content c =>
    Tagged c Server -> Message c -> Process ()
handleRemoteMessage s1@(Tagged Server{..}) msg0 =  
  case msg0 of
    Info ping1 pid1 -> newServerInfo s1 ping1 pid1 
    Message msg1 -> handleMessage s1 msg1

{- | handles replies to 'whereisRemoteAsync', run on init 
in "Control.Distributed.Raketka.Master" -}
handleWhereIsReply::Content c =>
    Tagged c Server -> WhereIsReply -> Process () 
handleWhereIsReply _ (P.WhereIsReply _ Nothing) = pure ()
handleWhereIsReply s1@(Tagged Server{..}) (WhereIsReply _ (Just pid0)) =
  liftIO $ atomically $ 
    sendRemote s1 pid0 $ Info Ping spid

{- | 'ProcessMonitorNotification' e.g. connection lost  -} 
handleMonitorNotification::Content c =>
    Tagged c Server -> ProcessMonitorNotification -> Process ()
       (Tagged Server{..}) (ProcessMonitorNotification _ pid0 _) = do
  say (printf "server on %s dropped connection" (show pid0))
  liftIO $ atomically $ do
    old_pids1 <- readTVar servers
    writeTVar servers (filter (/= pid0) old_pids1)