 -      ``Data/Random/Distribution/Uniform''
    MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,
    FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, 
    UndecidableInstances, EmptyDataDecls,

module Data.Random.Distribution.Uniform
    ( Uniform(..)
	, uniform
    , StdUniform(..)
    , stdUniform
    , stdUniformNonneg
    , stdUniformPos
    , integralUniform
    , realFloatUniform
    , floatUniform
    , doubleUniform
    , fixedUniform
    , boundedStdUniform
    , boundedEnumStdUniform
    , realFloatStdUniform
    , fixedStdUniform
    , floatStdUniform
    , doubleStdUniform
    , realStdUniformCDF
    , realUniformCDF
    ) where

import Data.Random.Internal.TH
import Data.Random.Internal.Words
import Data.Random.Internal.Fixed

import Data.Random.Source
import Data.Random.Distribution
import Data.Random.RVar

import Data.Fixed
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Data.List

import Control.Monad.Loops

-- |Compute a random 'Integral' value between the 2 values provided (inclusive).
integralUniform :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> RVar a
integralUniform a b
    | a > b     = compute b a
    | otherwise = compute a b
        compute a b = do
            let m = 1 + toInteger b - toInteger a
            let bytes = bytesNeeded m
                maxXpossible = (powersOf256 !! bytes) - 1
            x <- iterateUntil (maxXpossible - maxXpossible `mod` m >) (nByteInteger bytes)
            return (a + fromInteger (x `mod` m))

integralUniformCDF a b x
    | b < a     = integralUniformCDF b a x
    | x < a     = 0
    | x > b     = 1
    | otherwise = (fromIntegral x - fromIntegral a) / (fromIntegral b - fromIntegral a)

bytesNeeded x = case findIndex (> x) powersOf256 of
    Just x -> x
powersOf256 = iterate (256 *) 1

-- |Compute a random value for a 'Bounded' type, between 'minBound' and 'maxBound'
-- (inclusive for 'Integral' or 'Enum' types, in ['minBound', 'maxBound') for Fractional types.)
boundedStdUniform :: (Distribution Uniform a, Bounded a) => RVar a
boundedStdUniform = uniform minBound maxBound

boundedStdUniformCDF :: (CDF Uniform a, Bounded a) => a -> Double
boundedStdUniformCDF = cdf (Uniform minBound maxBound)

-- |Compute a random value for a 'Bounded' 'Enum' type, between 'minBound' and
-- 'maxBound' (inclusive)
boundedEnumStdUniform :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => RVar a
boundedEnumStdUniform = enumUniform minBound maxBound

boundedEnumStdUniformCDF :: (Enum a, Bounded a, Ord a) => a -> Double
boundedEnumStdUniformCDF = enumUniformCDF minBound maxBound

-- |Compute a uniform random 'Float' value in the range [0,1)
floatStdUniform :: RVar Float
floatStdUniform = do
    x <- getRandomWord
    return (wordToFloat x)

-- |Compute a uniform random 'Double' value in the range [0,1)
doubleStdUniform :: RVar Double
doubleStdUniform = getRandomDouble

-- |Compute a uniform random value in the range [0,1) for any 'RealFloat' type 
realFloatStdUniform :: RealFloat a => RVar a
realFloatStdUniform = do
    let (b, e) = decodeFloat one
    x <- uniform 0 (b-1)
    if x == 0
        then return (0 `asTypeOf` one)
        else return (encodeFloat x e)
    where one = 1

-- |Compute a uniform random 'Fixed' value in the range [0,1), with any
-- desired precision.
fixedStdUniform :: HasResolution r => RVar (Fixed r)
fixedStdUniform = x
        res = resolutionOf2 x
        x = do
            u <- uniform 0 (res)
            return (mkFixed u)

-- |The CDF of the random variable 'realFloatStdUniform'.
realStdUniformCDF :: Real a => a -> Double
realStdUniformCDF x
    | x <= 0    = 0
    | x >= 1    = 1
    | otherwise = realToFrac x

-- |@floatUniform a b@ computes a uniform random 'Float' value in the range [a,b)
floatUniform :: Float -> Float -> RVar Float
floatUniform 0 1 = floatStdUniform
floatUniform a b = do
    x <- floatStdUniform
    return (a + x * (b - a))

-- |@doubleUniform a b@ computes a uniform random 'Double' value in the range [a,b)
doubleUniform :: Double -> Double -> RVar Double
doubleUniform 0 1 = doubleStdUniform
doubleUniform a b = do
    x <- doubleStdUniform
    return (a + x * (b - a))

-- |@realFloatUniform a b@ computes a uniform random value in the range [a,b) for
-- any 'RealFloat' type
realFloatUniform :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> RVar a
realFloatUniform 0 1 = realFloatStdUniform
realFloatUniform a b = do
    x <- realFloatStdUniform
    return (a + x * (b - a))

-- |@fixedUniform a b@ computes a uniform random 'Fixed' value in the range 
-- [a,b), with any desired precision.
fixedUniform :: HasResolution r => Fixed r -> Fixed r -> RVar (Fixed r)
fixedUniform a b = do
    u <- integralUniform (unMkFixed a) (unMkFixed b)
    return (mkFixed u)

-- |@realUniformCDF a b@ is the CDF of the random variable @realFloatUniform a b@.
realUniformCDF :: RealFrac a => a -> a -> a -> Double
realUniformCDF a b x
    | b < a     = realUniformCDF b a x
    | x <= a    = 0
    | x >= b    = 1
    | otherwise = realToFrac ((x-a) / (b-a))

-- |@realFloatUniform a b@ computes a uniform random value in the range [a,b) for
-- any 'Enum' type
enumUniform :: Enum a => a -> a -> RVar a
enumUniform a b = do
    x <- integralUniform (fromEnum a) (fromEnum b)
    return (toEnum x)

enumUniformCDF :: (Enum a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> Double
enumUniformCDF a b x
    | b < a     = enumUniformCDF b a x
    | x <= a    = 0
    | x >= b    = 1
    | otherwise = (e2f x - e2f a) / (e2f b - e2f a)
    where e2f = fromIntegral . fromEnum

-- @uniform a b@ computes a uniformly distributed random value in the range
-- [a,b] for 'Integral' or 'Enum' types and in the range [a,b) for 'Fractional'
-- types.  Requires a @Distribution Uniform@ instance for the type.
uniform :: Distribution Uniform a => a -> a -> RVar a
uniform a b = rvar (Uniform a b)

-- |Get a \"standard\" uniformly distributed value.
-- For integral types, this means uniformly distributed over the full range
-- of the type (and hence there is no support for Integer).  For fractional
-- types, this means uniformly distributed on the interval [0,1).
stdUniform :: (Distribution StdUniform a) => RVar a
stdUniform = rvar StdUniform

-- |Like 'stdUniform', but uses 'abs' to return only positive or zero values.
stdUniformNonneg :: (Distribution StdUniform a, Num a) => RVar a
stdUniformNonneg = abs `fmap` stdUniform

-- |Like 'stdUniform' but only returns positive values.
stdUniformPos :: (Distribution StdUniform a, Num a) => RVar a
stdUniformPos = do
    x <- stdUniformNonneg
    if x /= 0
        then return x
        else stdUniformPos

-- |A definition of a uniform distribution over the type @t@.  See also 'uniform'.
data Uniform t = 
    -- |A uniform distribution defined by a lower and upper range bound.
    -- For 'Integral' and 'Enum' types, the range is inclusive.  For 'Fractional'
    -- types the range includes the lower bound but not the upper.
    Uniform !t !t

-- |A name for the \"standard\" uniform distribution over the type @t@,
-- if one exists.  See also 'stdUniform'.
-- For 'Integral' and 'Enum' types that are also 'Bounded', this is
-- the uniform distribution over the full range of the type.
-- For un-'Bounded' 'Integral' types this is not defined.
-- For 'Fractional' types this is a random variable in the range [0,1)
-- (that is, 0 to 1 including 0 but not including 1).
data StdUniform t = StdUniform

$( replicateInstances ''Int integralTypes [d|
        instance Distribution Uniform Int   where rvar (Uniform a b) = integralUniform a b
        instance CDF Uniform Int            where cdf  (Uniform a b) = integralUniformCDF a b

-- Some integral types have specialized StdUniform rvars:
instance Distribution StdUniform Int8       where rvar ~StdUniform = fmap fromIntegral getRandomByte
instance Distribution StdUniform Word8      where rvar ~StdUniform = getRandomByte
instance Distribution StdUniform Word64     where rvar ~StdUniform = getRandomWord
-- and Integer has none...
$( replicateInstances ''Int (integralTypes \\ [''Int8, ''Word8, ''Word64, ''Integer]) [d|
        instance Distribution StdUniform Int    where rvar ~StdUniform = fmap fromIntegral getRandomWord

$( replicateInstances ''Int (integralTypes \\ [''Integer]) [d|
        instance CDF StdUniform Int         where cdf  ~StdUniform = boundedStdUniformCDF

instance Distribution Uniform Float         where rvar (Uniform a b) = floatUniform  a b
instance Distribution Uniform Double        where rvar (Uniform a b) = doubleUniform a b
instance CDF Uniform Float                  where cdf  (Uniform a b) = realUniformCDF a b
instance CDF Uniform Double                 where cdf  (Uniform a b) = realUniformCDF a b

instance Distribution StdUniform Float      where rvar ~StdUniform = floatStdUniform
instance Distribution StdUniform Double     where rvar ~StdUniform = doubleStdUniform
instance CDF StdUniform Float               where cdf  ~StdUniform = realStdUniformCDF
instance CDF StdUniform Double              where cdf  ~StdUniform = realStdUniformCDF

instance HasResolution r => 
         Distribution Uniform (Fixed r)     where rvar (Uniform a b) = fixedUniform  a b
instance HasResolution r => 
         CDF Uniform (Fixed r)              where cdf  (Uniform a b) = realUniformCDF a b
instance HasResolution r =>
         Distribution StdUniform (Fixed r)  where rvar ~StdUniform = fixedStdUniform
instance HasResolution r => 
         CDF StdUniform (Fixed r)           where cdf  ~StdUniform = realStdUniformCDF

instance Distribution Uniform ()            where rvar (Uniform a b) = return ()
instance CDF Uniform ()                     where cdf  (Uniform a b) = return 1
$( replicateInstances ''Char [''Char, ''Bool, ''Ordering] [d|
        instance Distribution Uniform Char  where rvar (Uniform a b) = enumUniform a b
        instance CDF Uniform Char           where cdf  (Uniform a b) = enumUniformCDF a b


instance Distribution StdUniform ()         where rvar ~StdUniform = return ()
instance CDF StdUniform ()                  where cdf  ~StdUniform = return 1
instance Distribution StdUniform Bool       where rvar ~StdUniform = fmap even getRandomByte
instance CDF StdUniform Bool                where cdf  ~StdUniform = boundedEnumStdUniformCDF

instance Distribution StdUniform Char       where rvar ~StdUniform = boundedEnumStdUniform
instance CDF StdUniform Char                where cdf  ~StdUniform = boundedEnumStdUniformCDF
instance Distribution StdUniform Ordering   where rvar ~StdUniform = boundedEnumStdUniform
instance CDF StdUniform Ordering            where cdf  ~StdUniform = boundedEnumStdUniformCDF