{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-tabs -fplugin=Plugin.TypeCheck.Nat.Simple #-} module Data.List.Range.RangeR ( -- ** Type RangeR(..), -- ** PushR PushR, (.:++), -- ** AddR AddR, (+++), -- ** LoosenRMin and LoosenRMax -- *** loosenR loosenR, -- *** loosenRMin LoosenRMin, loosenRMin, -- *** loosenRMax LoosenRMax, loosenRMax, -- ** Unfoldl -- *** class Unfoldl, -- *** unfoldlRange -- **** without monad unfoldlRange, unfoldlRangeWithBase, unfoldlRangeWithBaseWithS, -- **** with monad unfoldlMRange, unfoldlMRangeWithBase, -- *** unfoldlRangeMaybe -- **** without monad unfoldlRangeMaybe, unfoldlRangeMaybeWithBase, -- **** with monad unfoldlMRangeMaybe, unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase, -- ** ZipR ZipR, zipR, zipWithR, zipWithMR ) where import GHC.TypeNats (Nat, type (+), type (-), type (<=)) import GHC.Exts import Control.Arrow (first, second, (***), (&&&)) import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity(..)) import Control.Monad.State (StateR(..)) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Foldable import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe) -- import Data.String --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * TYPE -- + RANGE RIGHT -- + INSTANCE FUNCTOR -- + INSTANCE FOLDABLE -- * PUSH -- * ADD -- * LOOSEN -- + LOOSEN RIGHT -- + LOOSEN RIGHT MIN -- + LOOSEN RIGHT MAX -- * UNFOLDL -- + CLASS -- + INSTANCE -- + UNFOLDL RANGE -- + UNFOLDL RANGE MAYBE -- * ZIP -- + CLASS AND INSTANCE -- + FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TYPE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RANGE RIGHT data RangeR :: Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where NilR :: 0 <= m => RangeR 0 m a (:++) :: 1 <= m => RangeR 0 (m - 1) a -> a -> RangeR 0 m a (:+) :: (1 <= n, 1 <= m) => RangeR (n - 1) (m - 1) a -> a -> RangeR n m a {-^ @RangeR n m a@ is a list of type @a@ values whose element number is at minimum @n@, and at maximum @m@. You can push and pop an element from right. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> sampleRangeR = NilR :++ 'h' :++ 'e' :+ 'l' :+ 'l' :+ 'o' :: RangeR 3 8 Char -} infixl 6 :+, :++ deriving instance Eq a => Eq (RangeR n m a) deriving instance Ord a => Ord (RangeR n m a) deriving instance Show a => Show (RangeR n m a) -- INSTANCE FUNCTOR instance Functor (RangeR 0 0) where _ `fmap` NilR = NilR instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Functor (RangeR 0 (m - 1)) => Functor (RangeR 0 m) where fmap f = \case NilR -> NilR; xs :++ x -> (f <$> xs) :++ f x instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, Functor (RangeR (n - 1) (m - 1))) => Functor (RangeR n m) where f `fmap` (xs :+ x) = (f <$> xs) :+ f x -- INSTANCE FOLDABLE instance Foldable (RangeR 0 0) where foldr _ z NilR = z instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Foldable (RangeR 0 (m - 1)) => Foldable (RangeR 0 m) where foldr (-<) z = \case NilR -> z; xs :++ x -> foldr (-<) (x -< z) xs instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, Foldable (RangeR (n - 1) (m - 1))) => Foldable (RangeR n m) where foldr (-<) z (xs :+ x) = foldr (-<) (x -< z) xs -- INSTANCE TRAVERSABLE instance Traversable (RangeR 0 0) where traverse _ NilR = pure NilR instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Traversable (RangeR 0 (m - 1)) => Traversable (RangeR 0 m) where traverse f = \case NilR -> pure NilR; xs :++ x -> (:++) <$> traverse f xs <*> f x instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, Traversable (RangeR (n - 1) (m - 1))) => Traversable (RangeR n m) where traverse f (xs :+ x) = (:+) <$> traverse f xs <*> f x -- INSTANCE APPLICATIVE instance Applicative (RangeR 0 0) where pure _ = NilR; _ <*> _ = NilR instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, Functor (RangeR n n), Applicative (RangeR (n - 1) (n - 1)), Unfoldl 0 n n) => Applicative (RangeR n n) where pure = unfoldlRange (const True) (\x -> (x, x)) fs :+ f <*> xs :+ x = (fs <*> xs) :+ f x instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Functor (RangeR 0 m), Applicative (RangeR 0 (m - 1)), Unfoldl 0 0 m) => Applicative (RangeR 0 m) where pure = unfoldlRange (const True) (\x -> (x, x)) NilR <*> _ = NilR _ <*> NilR = NilR fs :++ f <*> xs :++ x = (fs <*> xs) :++ f x instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, Functor (RangeR n m), Applicative (RangeR (n - 1) (m - 1)), Unfoldl 0 n m) => Applicative (RangeR n m) where pure = unfoldlRange (const True) (\x -> (x, x)) fs :+ f <*> xs :+ x = (fs <*> xs) :+ f x instance Applicative (RangeR 0 0) => Monad (RangeR 0 0) where NilR >>= _ = NilR instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, Applicative (RangeR n n), Monad (RangeR (n - 1) (n - 1))) => Monad (RangeR n n) where xs :+ x >>= f = (xs >>= \z -> case f z of zs :+ _ -> zs) :+ y where _ :+ y = f x -- INSTANCE ISSTRING instance Unfoldl 0 n m => IsString (RangeR n m Char) where fromString s = fromMaybe (error $ "The string " ++ show s ++ " is not within range.") . unfoldlRangeMaybe (\case "" -> Nothing; c : cs -> Just (cs, c)) $ reverse s instance (Foldable (RangeR n m), Unfoldl 0 n m) => IsList (RangeR n m a) where type Item (RangeR n m a) = a fromList lst = fromMaybe (error $ "The list is not within range.") . unfoldlRangeMaybe (\case [] -> Nothing; x : xs -> Just (xs, x)) $ reverse lst toList = Data.Foldable.toList --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PUSH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- infixl 5 .:++ class PushR n m where (.:++) :: RangeR n m a -> a -> RangeR n (m + 1) a {-^ To push an optional element. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> samplePushR = NilR :++ 'h' :+ 'e' :+ 'l' :+ 'l' :: RangeR 3 7 Char >>> samplePushR .:++ 'o' ((((NilR :++ 'h') :++ 'e') :+ 'l') :+ 'l') :+ 'o' >>> :type samplePushR .:++ 'o' samplePushR .:++ 'o' :: RangeR 3 8 Char -} instance PushR 0 m where (.:++) = \case NilR -> (NilR :++); xs@(_ :++ _) -> (xs :++) instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, PushR (n - 1) (m - 1)) => PushR n m where xs :+ x .:++ y = (xs .:++ x) :+ y --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ADD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- infixl 5 +++ class AddR n m v w where (+++) :: RangeR n m a -> RangeR v w a -> RangeR (n + v) (m + w) a {-^ To concatenate two lists whose types are @RangeR n m a@ and @RangeR v w a@. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> sampleRangeR1 = NilR :++ 'f' :+ 'o' :+ 'o' :: RangeR 2 5 Char >>> sampleRangeR2 = NilR :++ 'b' :++ 'a' :+ 'r' :: RangeR 1 6 Char >>> sampleRangeR1 +++ sampleRangeR2 (((((NilR :++ 'f') :++ 'o') :++ 'o') :+ 'b') :+ 'a') :+ 'r' >>> :type sampleRangeR1 +++ sampleRangeR2 sampleRangeR1 +++ sampleRangeR2 :: RangeR 3 11 Char -} instance AddR n m 0 0 where xs +++ NilR = xs instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (PushR n (m + w - 1), AddR n m 0 (w - 1), LoosenRMax n m (m + w)) => AddR n m 0 w where (+++) :: forall a . RangeR n m a -> RangeR 0 w a -> RangeR n (m + w) a (+++) xs = \case NilR -> loosenRMax xs ys :++ y -> (xs +++ ys :: RangeR n (m + w - 1) a) .:++ y instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= v, AddR n m (v - 1) (w - 1)) => AddR n m v w where xs +++ ys :+ y = (xs +++ ys) :+ y --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LOOSEN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LOOSEN RIGHT loosenR :: (LoosenRMin n m v, LoosenRMax v m w) => RangeR n m a -> RangeR v w a loosenR = loosenRMax . loosenRMin {-^ To loosen a range of element number. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> sampleLoosenR = NilR :++ 'h' :+ 'e' :+ 'l' :+ 'l' :+ 'o' :: RangeR 4 6 Char >>> loosenR sampleLoosenR :: RangeR 2 8 Char ((((NilR :++ 'h') :++ 'e') :++ 'l') :+ 'l') :+ 'o' -} -- LOOSEN RIGHT MIN class LoosenRMin n m v where loosenRMin :: RangeR n m a -> RangeR v m a {-^ To loosen a lower bound of element number. >>> :set -XDataKinds -fno-warn-tabs >>> :{ sampleLoosenRMin :: RangeR 4 6 Char sampleLoosenRMin = NilR :++ 'h' :+ 'e' :+ 'l' :+ 'l' :+ 'o' :} >>> loosenRMin sampleLoosenRMin :: RangeR 2 6 Char ((((NilR :++ 'h') :++ 'e') :++ 'l') :+ 'l') :+ 'o' -} instance LoosenRMin 0 m 0 where loosenRMin = \case NilR -> NilR; xs@(_ :++ _) -> xs instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, LoosenRMin (n - 1) (m - 1) 0) => LoosenRMin n m 0 where loosenRMin (xs :+ x) = loosenRMin xs :++ x instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, 1 <= v, LoosenRMin (n - 1) (m - 1) (v - 1)) => LoosenRMin n m v where loosenRMin (xs :+ x) = loosenRMin xs :+ x -- LOOSEN RIGHT MAX class LoosenRMax n m w where loosenRMax :: RangeR n m a -> RangeR n w a {-^ To loosen an upper bound of element number. >>> :set -XDataKinds -fno-warn-tabs >>> :{ sampleLoosenRMax :: RangeR 4 6 Char sampleLoosenRMax = NilR :++ 'h' :+ 'e' :+ 'l' :+ 'l' :+ 'o' :} >>> loosenRMax sampleLoosenRMax :: RangeR 4 8 Char ((((NilR :++ 'h') :+ 'e') :+ 'l') :+ 'l') :+ 'o' -} instance LoosenRMax 0 0 m where loosenRMax NilR = NilR instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= w, LoosenRMax 0 (m - 1) (w - 1)) => LoosenRMax 0 m w where loosenRMax = \case NilR -> NilR; xs :++ x -> loosenRMax xs :++ x instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, 1 <= w, LoosenRMax (n - 1) (m - 1) (w - 1)) => LoosenRMax n m w where loosenRMax (xs :+ x) = loosenRMax xs :+ x --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UNFOLDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CLASS class Unfoldl n v w where unfoldlMRangeWithBase :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> RangeR n w a -> m (RangeR v w a) {-^ It is like @unfoldlMRange@. But it has already prepared values. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> :module + Data.IORef >>> r <- newIORef 1 >>> count = readIORef r >>= \n -> n * 3 <$ writeIORef r (n + 1) >>> xs = NilR :++ 123 :+ 456 :: RangeR 1 5 Integer >>> :{ unfoldlMRangeWithBase ((< 3) <$> readIORef r) count xs :: IO (RangeR 3 5 Integer) :} (((NilR :++ 6) :+ 3) :+ 123) :+ 456 -} unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> RangeR n w a -> m (Maybe (RangeR v w a)) {-^ It is like @unfoldrMRangeMaybe@. But it has already prepared values. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> :module + Data.IORef >>> r <- newIORef 1 >>> check = (< 3) <$> readIORef r >>> count = readIORef r >>= \n -> n * 3 <$ writeIORef r (n + 1) >>> xs = NilR :++ 123 :+ 456 :: RangeR 1 5 Integer >>> :{ unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase check count xs :: IO (Maybe (RangeR 3 5 Integer)) :} Just ((((NilR :++ 6) :+ 3) :+ 123) :+ 456) -} -- INSTANCE instance Unfoldl 0 0 0 where unfoldlMRangeWithBase _ _ NilR = pure NilR unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p _ NilR = bool (Just NilR) Nothing <$> p instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= w, Unfoldl 0 0 (w - 1)) => Unfoldl 0 0 w where unfoldlMRangeWithBase p f = \case NilR -> (p >>=) . bool (pure NilR) $ f >>= \x -> (:++ x) <$> unfoldlMRangeWithBase p f NilR xs :++ x -> (:++ x) <$> unfoldlMRangeWithBase p f xs unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p f = \case NilR -> (p >>=) . bool (pure $ Just NilR) $ f >>= \x -> ((:++ x) <$>) <$> unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p f NilR xs :++ x -> ((:++ x) <$>) <$> unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p f xs instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= v, 1 <= w, Unfoldl 0 (v - 1) (w - 1)) => Unfoldl 0 v w where unfoldlMRangeWithBase p f = \case NilR -> f >>= \x -> (:+ x) <$> unfoldlMRangeWithBase p f NilR xs :++ x -> (:+ x) <$> unfoldlMRangeWithBase p f xs unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p f = \case NilR -> (p >>=) . bool (pure Nothing) $ f >>= \x -> ((:+ x) <$>) <$> unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p f NilR xs :++ x -> ((:+ x) <$>) <$> unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p f xs instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (1 <= n, 1 <= v, Unfoldl (n - 1) (v - 1) (w - 1)) => Unfoldl n v w where unfoldlMRangeWithBase p f (xs :+ x) = (:+ x) <$> unfoldlMRangeWithBase p f xs unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p f (xs :+ x) = ((:+ x) <$>) <$> unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p f xs -- UNFOLDL RANGE unfoldlRange :: Unfoldl 0 v w => (s -> Bool) -> (s -> (s, a)) -> s -> RangeR v w a unfoldlRange p f s = unfoldlRangeWithBase p f s NilR {-^ To eveluate a function to construct a list. The function recieve a state and return an element and a new state. The first argument is a predication which is evaluated when an element number is greater than a minimum and not greater than a maximum. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> unfoldlRange (< 2) (\n -> (n + 1, n * 3)) 1 :: RangeR 3 5 Int ((NilR :+ 9) :+ 6) :+ 3 >>> unfoldlRange (< 5) (\n -> (n + 1, n * 3)) 1 :: RangeR 3 5 Int (((NilR :++ 12) :+ 9) :+ 6) :+ 3 >>> unfoldlRange (< 10) (\n -> (n + 1, n * 3)) 1 :: RangeR 3 5 Int ((((NilR :++ 15) :++ 12) :+ 9) :+ 6) :+ 3 -} unfoldlRangeWithBase :: Unfoldl n v w => (s -> Bool) -> (s -> (s, a)) -> s -> RangeR n w a -> RangeR v w a unfoldlRangeWithBase p f = (snd .) . unfoldlRangeWithBaseWithS p f {-^ It is like @unfoldlRange@. But it has already prepared values. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> xs = NilR :++ 123 :+ 456 :: RangeR 1 5 Integer >>> unfoldlRangeWithBase (< 3) (\n -> (n + 1, n * 3)) 1 xs :: RangeR 3 5 Integer (((NilR :++ 6) :+ 3) :+ 123) :+ 456 -} unfoldlRangeWithBaseWithS :: Unfoldl n v w => (s -> Bool) -> (s -> (s, a)) -> s -> RangeR n w a -> (s, RangeR v w a) unfoldlRangeWithBaseWithS p f = flip $ runStateR . unfoldlMRangeWithBase (StateR $ id &&& p) (StateR f) {-^ It is like @unfoldlRangeWithBase@. But it return not only a list but also a state value. >>> :set -XDataKinds -fno-warn-tabs >>> xs = NilR :++ 123 :+ 456 :: RangeR 1 5 Integer >>> :{ unfoldlRangeWithBaseWithS (< 3) (\n -> (n + 1, n * 3)) 1 xs :: (Integer, RangeR 3 5 Integer) :} (3,(((NilR :++ 6) :+ 3) :+ 123) :+ 456) -} unfoldlMRange :: (Unfoldl 0 v w, Monad m) => m Bool -> m a -> m (RangeR v w a) unfoldlMRange p f = unfoldlMRangeWithBase p f NilR {-^ It is like @unfoldlRange@. But it use a monad instead of a function. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> :module + Data.IORef >>> r <- newIORef 1 >>> count = readIORef r >>= \n -> n * 3 <$ writeIORef r (n + 1) >>> unfoldlMRange ((< 5) <$> readIORef r) count :: IO (RangeR 3 5 Integer) (((NilR :++ 12) :+ 9) :+ 6) :+ 3 -} -- UNFOLDL RANGE MAYBE unfoldlRangeMaybe :: Unfoldl 0 v w => (s -> Maybe (s, a)) -> s -> Maybe (RangeR v w a) unfoldlRangeMaybe f s = unfoldlRangeMaybeWithBase f s NilR {-^ To evaluate a function to construct a list. The function recieves a state and return a nothing value or an element and a new state. If the number of created elements is less than a minimum number of list elements or greater than a maximum number, then return @Nothing@. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> count n0 n = if n < n0 then Just (n + 1, n * 3) else Nothing >>> unfoldlRangeMaybe (count 2) 1 :: Maybe (RangeR 3 5 Int) Nothing >>> unfoldlRangeMaybe (count 5) 1 :: Maybe (RangeR 3 5 Int) Just ((((NilR :++ 12) :+ 9) :+ 6) :+ 3) >>> unfoldlRangeMaybe (count 10) 1 :: Maybe (RangeR 3 5 Int) Nothing -} unfoldlRangeMaybeWithBase :: Unfoldl n v w => (s -> Maybe (s, a)) -> s -> RangeR n w a -> Maybe (RangeR v w a) unfoldlRangeMaybeWithBase f s xs = snd $ unfoldlRangeMaybeWithBaseGen (id &&& isJust) (maybe (error "never occur") (f `first`)) xs (f s) {-^ It is like @unfoldlRangeMaybe@. But it has already prepared values. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> count n = if n < 3 then Just (n + 1, n * 3) else Nothing >>> xs = NilR :++ 123 :+ 456 :: RangeR 1 5 Int >>> unfoldlRangeMaybeWithBase count 1 xs :: Maybe (RangeR 3 5 Int) Just ((((NilR :++ 6) :+ 3) :+ 123) :+ 456) -} type St s a r = Maybe (s, a) -> (Maybe (s, a), r) unfoldlRangeMaybeWithBaseGen :: Unfoldl n v w => St s a Bool -> St s a a -> RangeR n w a -> St s a (Maybe (RangeR v w a)) unfoldlRangeMaybeWithBaseGen p f = runStateR . unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase (StateR p) (StateR f) unfoldlMRangeMaybe :: (Unfoldl 0 v w, Monad m) => m Bool -> m a -> m (Maybe (RangeR v w a)) unfoldlMRangeMaybe p f = unfoldlMRangeMaybeWithBase p f NilR {-^ It is like @unfoldlRangeMaybe@. But it use a monad instead of a function. The first argument monad returns a boolean value. It creates values while this boolean value is @True@. If this boolean value is @False@ before to create enough values or @True@ after to create full values, then @unfoldlMRangeMaybe@ returns Nothing. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> :module + Data.IORef >>> r <- newIORef 1 >>> check n0 = (< n0) <$> readIORef r >>> count = readIORef r >>= \n -> n * 3 <$ writeIORef r (n + 1) >>> unfoldlMRangeMaybe (check 2) count :: IO (Maybe (RangeR 3 5 Integer)) Nothing >>> writeIORef r 1 >>> unfoldlMRangeMaybe (check 5) count :: IO (Maybe (RangeR 3 5 Integer)) Just ((((NilR :++ 12) :+ 9) :+ 6) :+ 3) >>> writeIORef r 1 >>> unfoldlMRangeMaybe (check 10) count :: IO (Maybe (RangeR 3 5 Integer)) Nothing -} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ZIP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CLASS AND INSTANCE class ZipR n m v w where zipWithMR :: Monad q => (a -> b -> q c) -> RangeR n m a -> RangeR v w b -> q (RangeR (n - w) (m - v) a, RangeR v w c) {-^ It is like @zipWithR@. But it uses a function which returns a monad instead of a simple value. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> ns = NilR :++ 1 :+ 2 :+ 3 :+ 4 :+ 5 :+ 6 :: RangeR 5 7 Int >>> cs = NilR :++ 'a' :+ 'b' :+ 'c' :: RangeR 2 4 Char >>> zipWithMR (\n -> putStrLn . replicate n) ns cs cccccc bbbbb aaaa (((NilR :++ 1) :++ 2) :+ 3,((NilR :++ ()) :+ ()) :+ ()) -} instance ZipR n m 0 0 where zipWithMR _ xs NilR = pure (xs, NilR) instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ( 1 <= n, 1 <= m, w <= n, LoosenRMin n m (n - w), LoosenRMax (n - w) (m - 1) m, ZipR (n - 1) (m - 1) 0 (w - 1) ) => ZipR n m 0 w where zipWithMR _ xs NilR = pure (loosenRMin xs, NilR) zipWithMR (%) (xs :+ x) (ys :++ y) = x % y >>= \z -> (loosenRMax *** (:++ z)) <$> zipWithMR (%) xs ys instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ( 1 <= n, 1 <= v, v <= m, w <= n, ZipR (n - 1) (m - 1) (v - 1) (w - 1) ) => ZipR n m v w where zipWithMR (%) (xs :+ x) (ys :+ y) = x % y >>= \z -> ((:+ z) `second`) <$> zipWithMR (%) xs ys -- FUNCTION zipR :: ZipR n m v w => RangeR n m a -> RangeR v w b -> (RangeR (n - w) (m - v) a, RangeR v w (a, b)) zipR = zipWithR (,) {-^ To recieve two lists and return a tuple list and rest of the first list. The second list must be shorter or equal than the first list. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> sampleZipR1 = NilR :++ 1 :+ 2 :+ 3 :+ 4 :+ 5 :+ 6 :: RangeR 5 7 Integer >>> sampleZipR2 = NilR :++ 3 :+ 2 :+ 1 :: RangeR 2 4 Integer >>> zipR sampleZipR1 sampleZipR2 (((NilR :++ 1) :++ 2) :+ 3,((NilR :++ (4,3)) :+ (5,2)) :+ (6,1)) >>> :type zipR sampleZipR1 sampleZipR2 zipR sampleZipR1 sampleZipR2 :: (RangeR 1 5 Integer, RangeR 2 4 (Integer, Integer)) -} zipWithR :: ZipR n m v w => (a -> b -> c) -> RangeR n m a -> RangeR v w b -> (RangeR (n - w) (m - v) a, RangeR v w c) zipWithR op = (runIdentity .) . zipWithMR ((Identity .) . op) {-^ It is like @zipR@. But it evaluates a function to make values instead of puts together in tuples. >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> sampleZipWithR1 = NilR :++ 1 :+ 2 :+ 3 :+ 4 :+ 5 :+ 6 :: RangeR 5 7 Integer >>> sampleZipWithR2 = NilR :++ 7 :+ 6 :+ 5 :: RangeR 2 4 Integer >>> zipWithR (+) sampleZipWithR1 sampleZipWithR2 (((NilR :++ 1) :++ 2) :+ 3,((NilR :++ 11) :+ 11) :+ 11) >>> :type zipWithR (+) sampleZipWithR1 sampleZipWithR2 zipWithR (+) sampleZipWithR1 sampleZipWithR2 :: (RangeR 1 5 Integer, RangeR 2 4 Integer) -}