Name: rank1dynamic Version: Synopsis: Like Data.Dynamic/Data.Typeable but with support for rank-1 polymorphic types Description: "Data.Typeable" and "Data.Dynamic" only support monomorphic types. In this package we provide similar functionality but with support for rank-1 polymorphic types. Homepage: License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Edsko de Vries Maintainer: Facundo Domínguez Bug-Reports: Copyright: Well-Typed LLP, Tweag I/O Limited Category: Data Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >=1.8 extra-source-files: ChangeLog Source-Repository head Type: git Location: Library Exposed-Modules: Data.Rank1Dynamic, Data.Rank1Typeable Build-Depends: base >= 4.4 && < 5, ghc-prim >= 0.2 && < 0.5, binary >= 0.5 && < 0.8 HS-Source-Dirs: src GHC-Options: -Wall Extensions: EmptyDataDecls, DeriveDataTypeable, ViewPatterns, CPP Test-Suite TestRank1Dynamic Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Main-Is: test.hs Build-Depends: base >= 4.4 && < 5, HUnit >= 1.2 && < 1.4, rank1dynamic, test-framework >= 0.6 && < 0.9, test-framework-hunit >= 0.2.0 && < 0.4 ghc-options: -Wall HS-Source-Dirs: tests