{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, OverloadedStrings, DeriveFunctor, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Rasa.Internal.Range ( Coord(..) , Offset(..) , asCoord , clampCoord , clampRange , Range(..) , sizeOf , sizeOfR , moveRange , moveRangeByN , moveCursorByN , moveCursor , Span(..) , combineSpans , clamp , beforeC , afterC ) where import Control.Lens import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.List import Rasa.Internal.Text import qualified Yi.Rope as Y -- | This represents a range between two coordinates ('Coord') data Range = Range Coord Coord deriving (Show, Eq) instance Ord Range where Range start end <= Range start' end' | end == end' = start <= start' | otherwise = end <= end' -- | (Coord Row Column) represents a char in a block of text. (zero indexed) -- e.g. Coord 0 0 is the first character in the text, -- Coord 2 1 is the second character of the third row data Coord = Coord Int Int deriving (Show, Eq) instance Ord Coord where Coord a b <= Coord a' b' | a < a' = True | a > a' = False | otherwise = b <= b' -- | An 'Offset' represents an exact position in a file as a number of characters from the start. newtype Offset = Offset Int deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Moves a 'Range' by a given 'Coord' -- It may be unintuitive, but for (Coord row col) a given range will be moved down by row and to the right by col. moveRange :: Coord -> Range -> Range moveRange amt (Range start end) = Range (moveCursor amt start) (moveCursor amt end) -- | Moves a range forward by the given amount moveRangeByN :: Int -> Range -> Range moveRangeByN amt (Range start end) = Range (moveCursorByN amt start) (moveCursorByN amt end) -- | Moves a 'Coord' forward by the given amount of columns moveCursorByN :: Int -> Coord -> Coord moveCursorByN amt (Coord row col) = Coord row (col + amt) -- | Adds the rows and columns of the given two 'Coord's. moveCursor :: Coord -> Coord -> Coord moveCursor (Coord row col) (Coord row' col') = Coord (row + row') (col + col') instance Num Coord where Coord row col + Coord row' col' = Coord (row + row') (col + col') Coord row col - Coord row' col' = Coord (row - row') (col - col') Coord row col * Coord row' col' = Coord (row * row') (col * col') abs (Coord row col) = Coord (abs row) (abs col) fromInteger i = Coord 0 (fromInteger i) signum (Coord row col) = Coord (signum row) (signum col) -- | Given the text you're operating over, creates an iso from an 'Offset' to a 'Coord'. asCoord :: Y.YiString -> Iso' Offset Coord asCoord txt = iso (toCoord txt) (toOffset txt) -- | Given the text you're operating over, converts a 'Coord' to an 'Offset'. toOffset :: Y.YiString -> Coord -> Offset toOffset txt (Coord row col) = Offset $ lenRows + col where lenRows = Y.length . Y.concat . take row . Y.lines' $ txt -- | Given the text you're operating over, converts an 'Offset' to a 'Coord'. toCoord :: Y.YiString -> Offset -> Coord toCoord txt (Offset offset) = Coord numRows numColumns where numRows = Y.countNewLines . Y.take offset $ txt numColumns = (offset -) . Y.length . Y.concat . take numRows . Y.lines' $ txt -- | This will restrict a given 'Coord' to a valid one which lies within the given text. clampCoord :: Y.YiString -> Coord -> Coord clampCoord txt (Coord row col) = Coord (clamp 0 maxRow row) (clamp 0 maxColumn col) where maxRow = Y.countNewLines txt maxColumn = fromMaybe col (txt ^? to Y.lines' . ix row . to Y.length) -- | This will restrict a given 'Range' to a valid one which lies within the given text. clampRange :: Y.YiString -> Range -> Range clampRange txt (Range start end) = Range (clampCoord txt start) (clampCoord txt end) -- | A span which maps a piece of Monoidal data over a range. data Span a = Span { _getRange :: Range , _data :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor) -- | A Helper only used when combining many spans. data Marker = Start | End deriving (Show, Eq) type ID = Int -- | Combines a list of spans containing some monoidal data into a list of offsets with -- with the data that applies from each Offset forwards. combineSpans :: forall a. Monoid a => [Span a] -> [(Coord, a)] combineSpans spans = combiner [] $ sortOn (view _3) (splitStartEnd idSpans) where idSpans :: [(ID, Span a)] idSpans = zip [1 ..] spans splitStartEnd :: [(ID, Span a)] -> [(Marker, ID, Coord, a)] splitStartEnd [] = [] splitStartEnd ((i, Span (Range s e) d):rest) = (Start, i, s, d) : (End, i, e, d) : splitStartEnd rest withoutId :: ID -> [(ID, a)] -> [(ID, a)] withoutId i = filter ((/= i) . fst) combiner :: [(ID, a)] -> [(Marker, ID, Coord, a)] -> [(Coord, a)] combiner _ [] = [] combiner cur ((Start, i, crd, mData):rest) = let dataSum = foldMap snd cur <> mData newData = (i, mData) : cur in (crd, dataSum) : combiner newData rest combiner cur ((End, i, crd, _):rest) = let dataSum = foldMap snd newData newData = withoutId i cur in (crd, dataSum) : combiner newData rest -- | @clamp min max val@ restricts val to be within min and max (inclusive) clamp :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int clamp mn mx n | n < mn = mn | n > mx = mx | otherwise = n -- | Returns the number of rows and columns that a 'Range' spans as a 'Coord' sizeOfR :: Range -> Coord sizeOfR (Range start end) = end - start -- | Returns the number of rows and columns that a chunk of text spans as a 'Coord' sizeOf :: Y.YiString -> Coord sizeOf txt = Coord (Y.countNewLines txt) (Y.length (txt ^. asLines . _last)) -- | A lens over text before a given 'Coord' beforeC :: Coord -> Lens' Y.YiString Y.YiString beforeC c@(Coord row col) = lens getter setter where getter txt = txt ^.. asLines . taking (row + 1) traverse & _last %~ Y.take col & Y.unlines setter old new = let suffix = old ^. afterC c in new <> suffix -- | A lens over text after a given 'Coord' afterC :: Coord -> Lens' Y.YiString Y.YiString afterC c@(Coord row col) = lens getter setter where getter txt = txt ^.. asLines . dropping row traverse & _head %~ Y.drop col & Y.unlines setter old new = let prefix = old ^. beforeC c in prefix <> new