{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances,TypeSynonymInstances #-}

-- | This module allows you to issue R commands from Haskell to be executed via Rserve and get the results back in Haskell data types. 

module Network.Rserve.Client 
  , Result
  , RserveError
  , ResultUnpack(..)
  , RSEXP(..)
  , connect
  , eval
  , voidEval
  , login
  , shutdown
  , openFile
  , createFile
  , closeFile
  , removeFile
  --, Network.Rserve.Client.readFile
  , Network.Rserve.Client.writeFile
  , assign
  , unpackRArrayInt
  , unpackRArrayBool
  , unpackRArrayDouble
  , unpackRArrayComplex
  , unpackRArrayString
  , unpackRInt
  , unpackRBool
  , unpackRDouble
  , unpackRString
  , unpackRSym
  , unpackRVector
  , unpackRListTag
  , unpackRSEXPWithAttrib
  , rRepl
  ) where 

 -- TODO :
 -- handle authenticated connections to Rserve
 -- support LARGE 
 -- support readFile (if Rserve fixes their bug omitting DT_BYTESTREAM header, and/or someone asks for readFile)

import Network
import System.IO (hSetBuffering, hFlush, BufferMode(NoBuffering), stdout)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import Data.Binary
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
import Network.Rserve.Constants
import Network.Rserve.Internal 

type RserveError = String

type Result = Either RserveError (Maybe RSEXP)

-- | Connect to Rserve server 
connect :: String      -- ^ server name, e.g. "localhost"
           ->Int       -- ^ port, e.g. 6311
           ->IO RConn  -- ^ the connection
connect server port = do 
  h <- connectTo server (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
  hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
  idString <- B.hGet h 12
  a <- B.hGetNonBlocking h 10000
  let (sig, rserveVersion, protocol, attributes) = parseIdString (B.append idString a)
  return RConn {rcHandle=h, rcRserveSig=sig, rcRserveVersion=rserveVersion, rcProtocol=protocol, rcAttributes=attributes}

-- | evaluate an R expression
eval :: RConn -> String -> IO Result
eval rconn = eval' cmdEval rconn . DTString 

-- | evaluate an R expression, discarding any result
voidEval :: RConn -> String -> IO ()
voidEval rconn cmd = do _ <- eval' cmdVoidEval rconn (DTString cmd)
                        return ()

-- | login to Rserve, not normally required, for authenticated sessions only
login :: RConn 
      -> String  -- ^ user name
      -> String  -- ^ password 
      -> IO Result
login rconn name pwd = eval' cmdLogin rconn (DTString (name ++ "\n" ++ pwd))

-- | shutdown the Rserve server
shutdown :: RConn -> IO()
shutdown rconn = do 
  _ <- eval' cmdShutdown rconn (DTString "")
  return ()

-- | open a file
openFile :: RConn -> String -> IO Result
openFile rconn = eval' cmdOpenFile rconn . DTString 

-- | write content to a file accessible to the Rserve session
writeFile :: RConn -> B.ByteString -> IO Result
writeFile rconn = eval' cmdWriteFile rconn . DTBytestream . map BI.c2w . B.unpack 

-- | create a file
createFile :: RConn -> String -> IO Result
createFile rconn = eval' cmdCreateFile rconn . DTString 

-- | close a file
closeFile :: RConn -> String -> IO Result
closeFile rconn = eval' cmdCloseFile rconn . DTString 

-- | remove a file
removeFile :: RConn -> String -> IO Result
removeFile rconn = eval' cmdRemoveFile rconn . DTString 

-- read file, Rserve seems not to have ever fixed the bug whereby the response is omits the DT_BYTESTREAM header, so we have to write custom serialisation for this one function.
-- nobody's expressed a need for it, so leaving it out for now
--readFile :: RConn -> String -> IO QAP1Message
--readFile rconn = undefined

-- | assign a RSEXP value to a symbol
assign :: RConn -> String -> RSEXP -> IO Result
assign rconn symbol = eval' cmdSetSexp rconn . DTAssign symbol 

-- | The ResultUnpack instances are used to extract R data structures from the Result container. 
class ResultUnpack a where
  unpack :: Result -> Maybe a

-- | unpack RInt
instance ResultUnpack Int where 
  unpack (Right (Just (RInt x))) = Just x
  unpack _ = Nothing

-- | unpack RDouble
instance ResultUnpack Double where
  unpack (Right (Just (RDouble x))) = Just x
  unpack _           = Nothing 

-- | unpack RString, RSym
instance ResultUnpack String where
  unpack (Right (Just (RString x))) = Just x
  unpack (Right (Just (RSym x)))    = Just x
  unpack _           = Nothing

-- | unpack RBool
instance ResultUnpack Bool where
  unpack (Right (Just (RBool x))) = Just x
  unpack _         = Nothing

-- | unpack RArrayInt
instance ResultUnpack [Int] where
  unpack (Right (Just (RArrayInt x))) = Just x
  unpack _ = Nothing

-- | unpack RArrayDouble
instance ResultUnpack [Double] where
  unpack (Right (Just (RArrayDouble x))) = Just x
  unpack _ = Nothing

-- | unpack RArrayString
instance ResultUnpack [String] where
  unpack (Right (Just (RArrayString x))) = Just x
  unpack _ = Nothing

-- | unpack RArrayBool
instance ResultUnpack [Bool] where
  unpack (Right (Just (RArrayBool x))) = Just x
  unpack _ = Nothing

-- | unpack RArrayComplex
instance ResultUnpack [(Double, Double)] where
  unpack (Right (Just (RArrayComplex x))) = Just x
  unpack _ = Nothing

-- | unpack RSEXPWithAttrib
instance ResultUnpack (RSEXP, RSEXP) where
  unpack (Right (Just (RSEXPWithAttrib a v))) = Just (a,v)
  unpack _ = Nothing
-- | unpack RVector
instance ResultUnpack [RSEXP] where
  unpack (Right (Just (RVector v))) = Just v
  unpack _ = Nothing

-- | unpack RListTag
instance ResultUnpack [(RSEXP, RSEXP)] where
  unpack (Right (Just (RListTag l))) = Just l
  unpack _ = Nothing

unpackDT :: DT -> Maybe RSEXP
unpackDT (DTSexp x) = Just x
unpackDT _          = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RArrayInt
unpackRArrayInt :: Result -> Maybe [Int]
unpackRArrayInt (Right (Just (RArrayInt is))) = Just is
unpackRArrayInt _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RArrayDouble
unpackRArrayDouble :: Result -> Maybe [Double]
unpackRArrayDouble (Right (Just (RArrayDouble ds))) = Just ds
unpackRArrayDouble _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RArrayComplex
unpackRArrayComplex :: Result -> Maybe [(Double, Double)]
unpackRArrayComplex (Right (Just (RArrayComplex cs))) = Just cs
unpackRArrayComplex _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RArrayString
unpackRArrayString :: Result -> Maybe [String]
unpackRArrayString (Right (Just (RArrayString ss))) = Just ss
unpackRArrayString _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RArrayBool
unpackRArrayBool :: Result -> Maybe [Bool]
unpackRArrayBool (Right (Just (RArrayBool bs))) = Just bs
unpackRArrayBool _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RInt
unpackRInt :: Result -> Maybe Int
unpackRInt (Right (Just (RInt i))) = Just i
unpackRInt _        = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RDouble
unpackRDouble :: Result -> Maybe Double
unpackRDouble (Right (Just (RDouble d))) = Just d
unpackRDouble _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RString
unpackRString :: Result -> Maybe String
unpackRString (Right (Just (RString s))) = Just s
unpackRString _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RSym
unpackRSym :: Result -> Maybe String
unpackRSym (Right (Just (RSym s))) = Just s
unpackRSym _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RBool
unpackRBool :: Result -> Maybe Bool
unpackRBool (Right (Just (RBool b))) = Just b
unpackRBool _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RVector
unpackRVector :: Result -> Maybe [RSEXP]
unpackRVector (Right (Just (RVector v))) = Just v
unpackRVector _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RListTag
unpackRListTag :: Result -> Maybe [(RSEXP, RSEXP)]
unpackRListTag (Right (Just (RListTag ls))) = Just ls
unpackRListTag _ = Nothing

-- | unpack a Result containing an RSEXPWithAttrib
unpackRSEXPWithAttrib :: Result -> Maybe (RSEXP, RSEXP)
unpackRSEXPWithAttrib (Right (Just (RSEXPWithAttrib attrib value)))=Just (attrib, value)
unpackRSEXPWithAttrib _ = Nothing

eval' :: Word32 -> RConn -> DT -> IO Result 
eval' rcmd rconn cmd = do
  let msg = createMessage rcmd (Just cmd)
  response <- request rconn msg
  if responseOK response then return (Right (qap1Content response  >>= unpackDT))
                         else return (Left (getError response))

request :: RConn -> QAP1Message -> IO QAP1Message
request rconn msg = do
  let msgContent = encode msg
--  putStrLn ("request:"++ show (lazyByteStringToString msgContent))
  BL.hPut h msgContent
  header <- BL.hGet h 16
  let rheader = decode header :: QAP1Header
--  putStrLn ("header:"++show (lazyByteStringToString header))
  let bodyLength = fromIntegral(headerLen rheader) :: Int
  body <- if bodyLength > 0 then BL.hGet h bodyLength else return (BL.pack "")
--  putStrLn ("bodylen:"++show bodyLength)
  let content = if bodyLength > 0 then Just (decode body :: DT) else Nothing
--  putStrLn ("body:"++show (lazyByteStringToString body))
  return QAP1Message {qap1Header = rheader, qap1Content = content }
  where h = rcHandle rconn

createMessage :: Word32 -> Maybe DT -> QAP1Message
createMessage cmdId content = QAP1Message (QAP1Header cmdId tlen 0 0) content
  where tlen = fromIntegral contentLength :: Word32
        contentLength = case content of 
                          Nothing -> 0
                          Just x -> BL.length (encode x)

{- | Read-evaluate-print-loop for interacting with Rserve session. 
in ghci, load this module and run this command to test and play with Rserve
this is useful to check the actual types returned by Rserve, e.g.

$ ghci

Prelude>:m Network.Rserve.Client

Prelude Network.Rserve.Client> rRepl


Just (RArrayDouble [1.0,2.0,3.0])


Just (RSEXPWithAttrib (RListTag [(RArrayString [\"Min.\",\"1st Qu.\",\"Median\",\"Mean\",\"3rd Qu.\",\"Max.\"],RSym \"names\"),(RArrayString [\"table\"],RSym \"class\")]) (RArrayDouble [-2.914,-0.5481,0.1618,0.1491,0.9279,3.001]))
rRepl :: IO()
rRepl = connect "localhost" 6311 >>= rReplLoop
rReplLoop :: RConn -> IO()
rReplLoop conn = do
  putStr ">"
  hFlush stdout
  cmd <- getLine
  response <- eval conn cmd
  case response of 
    Right x -> print x
    Left x -> print ("Error:"++show x)
  rReplLoop conn

responseOK :: QAP1Message -> Bool
responseOK h = headerCmd (qap1Header h) .&. respOK == respOK

getError :: QAP1Message -> String
getError h = if errmatch == [] then show h ++ " cmd stat:"++ show s else snd (head errmatch)
  where s = cmdStat (headerCmd (qap1Header h))
        errmatch = filter (\(c,_) -> c == s) errorStats