{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {- HLINT ignore "Monad law, left identity" -} {- HLINT ignore "Use let" -} module Data.RdsDataSpec where import Data.Generics.Product.Any import Data.Maybe import Data.RdsData.Internal.Aeson () import Data.RdsData.Types.Value import Data.Time (TimeOfDay (..)) import Hedgehog import Lens.Micro import qualified Amazonka.RDSData as AWS import qualified Data.Aeson as J import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as J import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.RdsData.Decode.Row as DEC import qualified Data.RdsData.Encode.Row as ENC import qualified Data.RdsData.TestTypes as TT import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Hedgehog as H import qualified Hedgehog.Extras as H import qualified Hedgehog.Extras.Test.Golden as H hprop_stub :: Property hprop_stub = H.propertyOnce $ do H.evalIO $ pure () response <- H.evalIO (J.eitherDecodeFileStrict @AWS.ExecuteStatementResponse "test/files/row.json") >>= either (const H.failure) pure records <- pure (response ^. the @"records") >>= maybe H.failure pure values <- pure $ mapMaybe fromField <$> records rows <- pure do DEC.decodeRows do TT.Record <$> DEC.int <*> DEC.int <*> DEC.bool <*> DEC.bytestring <*> DEC.text <*> DEC.text <*> DEC.text <*> DEC.text <*> DEC.day <*> DEC.double <*> DEC.integer <*> DEC.json <*> DEC.json <*> DEC.text <*> DEC.text <*> DEC.double <*> DEC.int <*> DEC.int <*> DEC.int <*> DEC.text <*> DEC.timeOfDay <*> DEC.timeOfDay <*> DEC.utcTime <*> DEC.utcTime <*> DEC.ulid <*> DEC.uuid values >>= either (\s -> H.noteShow_ s >> H.failure) pure rows === [ TT.Record { TT.bigint = 1234567890 , TT.bigserial = 1 , TT.boolean = True , TT.bytea = "EjQ=" , TT.character = "A" , TT.characters = "AB" , TT.varyingCharacter = "C" , TT.varyingCharacters = "CD" , TT.date = read "2024-02-04" , TT.double = 3.14159265359 , TT.integer = 42 , TT.json = fromJust $ J.decode "{\"key\": \"value\"}" , TT.jsonb = fromJust $ J.decode "{\"key\": \"value\"}" , TT.numeric = "1234.56" , TT.numerics = "12.34" , TT.real = 3.14 , TT.smallint = 12345 , TT.smallserial = 1 , TT.serial = 1 , TT.text = "Some text" , TT.time = TimeOfDay 12 34 56 , TT.times = TimeOfDay 12 34 56.78 , TT.timestamp = read "2024-02-04 12:34:56 UTC" , TT.timestamps = read "2024-02-04 12:34:56 UTC" , TT.ulid = read "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRS" , TT.uuid = read "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" } ] hprop_stub2 :: Property hprop_stub2 = H.propertyOnce $ do record <- pure TT.Record { TT.bigint = 1234567890 , TT.bigserial = 1 , TT.boolean = True , TT.bytea = "EjQ=" , TT.character = "A" , TT.characters = "AB" , TT.varyingCharacter = "C" , TT.varyingCharacters = "CD" , TT.date = read "2024-02-04" , TT.double = 3.14159265359 , TT.integer = 42 , TT.json = fromJust $ J.decode "{\"key\": \"value\"}" , TT.jsonb = fromJust $ J.decode "{\"key\": \"value\"}" , TT.numeric = "1234.56" , TT.numerics = "12.34" , TT.real = 3.14 , TT.smallint = 12345 , TT.smallserial = 1 , TT.serial = 1 , TT.text = "Some text" , TT.time = TimeOfDay 12 34 56 , TT.times = TimeOfDay 12 34 56.78 , TT.timestamp = read "2024-02-04 12:34:56 UTC" , TT.timestamps = read "2024-02-04 12:34:56 UTC" , TT.ulid = read "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRS" , TT.uuid = read "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" } row <- pure $ mconcat [ ENC.encodeRow ENC.int (record ^. the @"bigint" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.int (record ^. the @"bigserial" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.bool (record ^. the @"boolean" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.bytestring (record ^. the @"bytea" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.text (record ^. the @"character" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.text (record ^. the @"characters" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.text (record ^. the @"varyingCharacter" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.text (record ^. the @"varyingCharacters") [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.day (record ^. the @"date" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.double (record ^. the @"double" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.integer (record ^. the @"integer" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.json (record ^. the @"json" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.json (record ^. the @"jsonb" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.text (record ^. the @"numeric" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.text (record ^. the @"numerics" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.double (record ^. the @"real" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.int (record ^. the @"smallint" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.int (record ^. the @"smallserial" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.int (record ^. the @"serial" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.text (record ^. the @"text" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.timeOfDay (record ^. the @"time" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.timeOfDay (record ^. the @"times" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.utcTime (record ^. the @"timestamp" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.utcTime (record ^. the @"timestamps" ) [] , ENC.encodeRow ENC.uuid (record ^. the @"uuid" ) [] ] json <- pure $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 $ LBS.toStrict $ J.encodePretty row H.diffVsGoldenFile json "test/files/golden/row.json" response <- pure $ AWS.newExecuteStatementResponse 0 & the @"records" .~ Just [toField <$> row] responseJson <- pure $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 $ LBS.toStrict $ J.encodePretty response H.diffVsGoldenFile responseJson "test/files/golden/rds-row.json" True === True