{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
module Reactive.Banana.Prim.Combinators where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import Reactive.Banana.Prim.Plumbing
    ( neverP, newPulse, newLatch, cachedLatch
    , dependOn, keepAlive, changeParent
    , getValueL
    , readPulseP, readLatchP, readLatchFutureP, liftBuildP,
import qualified Reactive.Banana.Prim.Plumbing (pureL)
import           Reactive.Banana.Prim.Types    (Latch, Future, Pulse, Build)

import Debug.Trace
-- debug s = trace s
debug s = id

    Combinators - basic
mapP :: (a -> b) -> Pulse a -> Build (Pulse b)
mapP f p1 = do
    p2 <- newPulse "mapP" $ {-# SCC mapP #-} fmap f <$> readPulseP p1
    p2 `dependOn` p1
    return p2

-- | Tag a 'Pulse' with future values of a 'Latch'.
-- This is in contrast to 'applyP' which applies the current value
-- of a 'Latch' to a pulse.
tagFuture :: Latch a -> Pulse b -> Build (Pulse (Future a))
tagFuture x p1 = do
    p2 <- newPulse "tagFuture" $
        fmap . const <$> readLatchFutureP x <*> readPulseP p1
    p2 `dependOn` p1
    return p2

filterJustP :: Pulse (Maybe a) -> Build (Pulse a)
filterJustP p1 = do
    p2 <- newPulse "filterJustP" $ {-# SCC filterJustP #-} join <$> readPulseP p1
    p2 `dependOn` p1
    return p2

unsafeMapIOP :: (a -> IO b) -> Pulse a -> Build (Pulse b)
unsafeMapIOP f p1 = do
        p2 <- newPulse "unsafeMapIOP" $
            {-# SCC unsafeMapIOP #-} eval =<< readPulseP p1
        p2 `dependOn` p1
        return p2
    eval (Just x) = Just <$> liftIO (f x)
    eval Nothing  = return Nothing

unionWithP :: (a -> a -> a) -> Pulse a -> Pulse a -> Build (Pulse a)
unionWithP f px py = do
        p <- newPulse "unionWithP" $
            {-# SCC unionWithP #-} eval <$> readPulseP px <*> readPulseP py
        p `dependOn` px
        p `dependOn` py
        return p
    eval (Just x) (Just y) = Just (f x y)
    eval (Just x) Nothing  = Just x
    eval Nothing  (Just y) = Just y
    eval Nothing  Nothing  = Nothing

-- See note [LatchRecursion]
applyP :: Latch (a -> b) -> Pulse a -> Build (Pulse b)
applyP f x = do
    p <- newPulse "applyP" $
        {-# SCC applyP #-} fmap <$> readLatchP f <*> readPulseP x
    p `dependOn` x
    return p

pureL :: a -> Latch a
pureL = Reactive.Banana.Prim.Plumbing.pureL

-- specialization of   mapL f = applyL (pureL f)
mapL :: (a -> b) -> Latch a -> Latch b
mapL f lx = cachedLatch $ {-# SCC mapL #-} f <$> getValueL lx

applyL :: Latch (a -> b) -> Latch a -> Latch b
applyL lf lx = cachedLatch $
    {-# SCC applyL #-} getValueL lf <*> getValueL lx

accumL :: a -> Pulse (a -> a) -> Build (Latch a, Pulse a)
accumL a p1 = do
    (updateOn, x) <- newLatch a
    p2 <- applyP (mapL (\x f -> f x) x) p1
    updateOn p2
    return (x,p2)

-- specialization of accumL
stepperL :: a -> Pulse a -> Build (Latch a)
stepperL a p = do
    (updateOn, x) <- newLatch a
    updateOn p
    return x

    Combinators - dynamic event switching
switchL :: Latch a -> Pulse (Latch a) -> Build (Latch a)
switchL l pl = mdo
    x <- stepperL l pl
    return $ cachedLatch $ getValueL x >>= getValueL

executeP :: Pulse (b -> Build a) -> b -> Build (Pulse a)
executeP p1 b = do
        p2 <- newPulse "executeP" $ {-# SCC executeP #-} eval =<< readPulseP p1
        p2 `dependOn` p1
        return p2
    eval (Just x) = Just <$> liftBuildP (x b)
    eval Nothing  = return Nothing

switchP :: Pulse (Pulse a) -> Build (Pulse a)
switchP pp = mdo
    never <- neverP
    lp    <- stepperL never pp
        -- switch to a new parent
        switch = do
            mnew <- readPulseP pp
            case mnew of
                Nothing  -> return ()
                Just new -> liftBuildP $ p2 `changeParent` new
            return Nothing
        -- fetch value from old parent
        eval = readPulseP =<< readLatchP lp
    p1 <- newPulse "switchP_in" switch :: Build (Pulse ())
    p1 `dependOn` pp
    p2 <- newPulse "switchP_out" eval
    p2 `keepAlive` p1
    return p2