rec-def - Pure recursive definition =================================== This library provides safe APIs that allow you to define and calculate values recursively, and still get a result out: >>> :{ let s1 = RS.insert 23 s2 s2 = RS.insert 42 s1 in RS.get s1 :} fromList [23,42] See the [`examples.hs`](examples.hs) file for more examples. It also provides (unsafe) building blocks to build such APIs, see `Data.Propagator.Purify`. Related work ------------ * Edward Kmett's [`Data.Propagator.Prop` module]( achieves something similar, and allows to construct more the graphs more flexibly, but requires a stricter phase control akin to `runST`. * Jeannin, Kozen and Silva’s work on [“CoCaml: Functional Programming with Regular Coinductive Types”]( in Ocaml even goes a step further and not only allow the recursive definitions to be written down as here, but even allows functions _consume_ regular recursive values, and still produces something that can be solved.