{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns #-} module Edit(edit) where import Lexer import Paren import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.List.Extra import Control.Monad.Extra edit :: [PL] -> [PL] edit = editAddPreamble . editAddInstances . editLoop --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HELPERS -- Projecting in on the 'lexeme' inside type L = Lexeme unL = lexeme mkL x = Lexeme 0 0 x "" pattern L x <- (unL -> x) -- Projecting in on the lexeme inside an Item type PL = Paren L unPL (Item (L x)) = Just x unPL _ = Nothing isPL x y = unPL y == Just x pattern PL x <- (unPL -> Just x) mkPL = Item . mkL -- Whitespace pattern NoW x <- (\v -> if null $ getWhite v then Just v else Nothing -> Just x) paren [x] = x paren xs = case unsnoc xs of Just (xs,x) -> Paren (mkL "(") (xs `snoc` setWhite "" x) (mkL ")"){whitespace = getWhite x} _ -> Paren (mkL "(") xs (mkL ")") spc = addWhite " " nl = addWhite "\n" addWhite w x = setWhite (getWhite x ++ w) x getWhite (Item x) = whitespace x getWhite (Paren _ _ x) = whitespace x setWhite w (Item x) = Item x{whitespace=w} setWhite w (Paren x y z) = Paren x y z{whitespace=w} isCtor (Item x) = any isUpper $ take 1 $ lexeme x isCtor _ = False -- | This test does not check that the @quoter@ name is a qualified identifier, -- instead relying on lack of whitespace in the opener and existence of a paired -- closed (@|]@) isQuasiQuotation :: PL -> Bool isQuasiQuotation (Paren open@(L "[") inner@(_:_) (L "]")) | null (whitespace open) , qname inner , Item close@(L "|") <- last inner , null (whitespace close) = True where -- a (potentially) qualified name with no whitespace near it, ending with | qname (Item a@(L _) : Item b@(L ".") : c) | null (whitespace a), null (whitespace b) = qname c qname (Item a@(L _) : Item (L x):_) = "|" `isPrefixOf` x qname _ = False isQuasiQuotation _ = False isField (x:_) = x == '_' || isLower x isField _ = False makeField :: [String] -> String makeField [x] = "@" ++ show x makeField xs = "@'(" ++ intercalate "," (map show xs) ++ ")" --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PREAMBLE -- | Add the necessary extensions, imports and local definitions editAddPreamble :: [PL] -> [PL] editAddPreamble o@xs | (premodu, modu:modname@xs) <- break (isPL "module") xs , (prewhr, whr:xs) <- break (isPL "where") xs = nl (mkPL prefix) : premodu ++ modu : prewhr ++ whr : nl (mkPL "") : nl (mkPL imports) : xs ++ [nl $ mkPL "", nl $ mkPL $ trailing modname] | otherwise = blanks ++ nl (mkPL prefix) : nl (mkPL imports) : rest ++ [nl $ mkPL "", nl $ mkPL $ trailing []] where (blanks, rest) = span (isPL "") o prefix = "{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields, DataKinds, FlexibleInstances, TypeApplications, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, GADTs, UndecidableInstances #-}\n" ++ -- it's too hard to avoid generating excessive brackets, so just ignore the code -- only really applies to people using it through Haskell Language Server (see #37) "{- HLINT ignore \"Redundant bracket\" -}" imports = "import qualified GHC.Records.Extra as Z" -- if you import two things that have preprocessor_unused, and export them as modules, you don't want them to clash trailing modName = "_recordDotPreprocessorUnused" ++ uniq ++ " :: Z.HasField \"\" r a => r -> a;" ++ "_recordDotPreprocessorUnused" ++ uniq ++ " = Z.getField @\"\"" where uniq = filter isAlphaNum $ concat $ take 19 $ takeWhile modPart $ map lexeme $ unparens modName modPart x = x == "." || all isUpper (take 1 x) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SELECTORS -- given .lbl1.lbl2 return ([lbl1,lbl2], whitespace, rest) spanFields :: [PL] -> ([String], String, [PL]) spanFields (NoW (PL "."):x@(PL fld):xs) | isField fld = (\(a,b,c) -> (fld:a,b,c)) $ case x of NoW{} -> spanFields xs; _ -> ([], getWhite x, xs) spanFields xs = ([], "", xs) editLoop :: [PL] -> [PL] -- Leave quasiquotations alone editLoop (p : ps) | isQuasiQuotation p = p : editLoop ps -- | a.b.c ==> getField @'(b,c) a editLoop (NoW e : (spanFields -> (fields@(_:_), whitespace, rest))) | not $ isCtor e = editLoop $ addWhite whitespace (paren [spc $ mkPL "Z.getField", spc $ mkPL $ makeField fields, e]) : rest -- (.a.b) ==> (getField @'(a,b)) editLoop (Paren start@(L "(") (spanFields -> (fields@(_:_), whitespace, [])) end:xs) = editLoop $ Paren start [spc $ mkPL "Z.getField", addWhite whitespace $ mkPL $ makeField fields] end : xs -- e{b.c=d, ...} ==> setField @'(b,c) d editLoop (e:Paren (L "{") inner end:xs) | not $ isCtor e , not $ isPL "::" e , getWhite e == "" , Just updates <- mapM f $ split (isPL ",") inner , let end2 = [Item end{lexeme=""} | whitespace end /= ""] = editLoop $ renderUpdate (Update e updates) : end2 ++ xs where f (NoW (PL field1) : (spanFields -> (fields, whitespace, xs))) | isField field1 = g (field1:fields) xs f (x@(PL field1):xs) | isField field1 = g [field1] xs f _ = Nothing g fields (op:xs) = Just (fields, if isPL "=" op then Nothing else Just op, Just $ paren xs) g fields [] = Just (fields, Nothing, Nothing) editLoop (Paren a b c:xs) = Paren a (editLoop b) c : editLoop xs editLoop (x:xs) = x : editLoop xs editLoop [] = [] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UPDATES data Update = Update PL -- The expression being updated [([String], Maybe PL, Maybe PL)] -- (fields, operator, body) renderUpdate :: Update -> PL renderUpdate (Update e upd) = case unsnoc upd of Nothing -> e Just (rest, (field, operator, body)) -> paren [spc $ mkPL $ if isNothing operator then "Z.setField" else "Z.modifyField" ,spc $ mkPL $ makeField $ if isNothing body then [last field] else field ,spc (renderUpdate (Update e rest)) ,case (operator, body) of (Just o, Just b) -> paren [spc $ if isPL "-" o then mkPL "subtract" else o, b] (Nothing, Just b) -> b (Nothing, Nothing) | [field] <- field -> mkPL field | f1:fs <- field -> paren [spc $ mkPL "Z.getField", spc $ mkPL $ makeField fs, mkPL f1] _ -> error "renderUpdate, internal error" ] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- INSTANCES editAddInstances :: [PL] -> [PL] editAddInstances xs = xs ++ concatMap (\x -> [nl $ mkPL "", mkPL x]) [ "instance (aplg ~ (" ++ ftyp ++ ")) => Z.HasField \"" ++ fname ++ "\" " ++ rtyp ++ " aplg " ++ "where hasField _r = (\\_x -> case _r of {" ++ intercalate " ; " [ if fname `elem` map fst fields then "(" ++ cname ++ " " ++ unwords [if fst field == fname then "_" else "_x" ++ show i | (i, field) <- zipFrom 1 fields] ++ ") -> " ++ cname ++ " " ++ unwords [if fst field == fname then "_x" else "_x" ++ show i | (i, field) <- zipFrom 1 fields] else cname ++ "{} -> Prelude.error " ++ show ("Cannot update " ++ msg cname) | Ctor cname fields <- ctors] ++ "}, case _r of {" ++ intercalate " ; " [ if fname `elem` map fst fields then "(" ++ cname ++ " " ++ unwords [if fst field == fname then "_x1" else "_" | field <- fields] ++ ") -> _x1" else cname ++ "{} -> Prelude.error " ++ show ("Cannot get " ++ msg cname) | Ctor cname fields <- ctors] ++ "})" | Record rname rargs ctors <- parseRecords xs , let rtyp = "(" ++ unwords (rname : rargs) ++ ")" , (fname, ftyp) <- nubOrd $ concatMap ctorFields ctors , let msg cname = "field " ++ show fname ++ " of type " ++ show rname ++ " with constructor " ++ show cname ] -- | Represent a record, ignoring constructors. For example: -- -- > data Type a b = Ctor1 {field1 :: Int, field2 :: String} | Ctor2 {field1 :: Int, field3 :: [Bool]} -- -- Gets parsed as: -- -- > Record "Type" ["a","b"] -- > [Ctor "Ctor1" [("field1","Int"), ("field2","String")] -- > [Ctor "Ctor2" [("field1","Int"), ("field3","[Bool]")] data Record = Record {recordName :: String -- Name of the type (not constructor) ,recordTyArgs :: [String] -- Type arguments ,recordCtors :: [Ctor] } deriving Show data Ctor = Ctor {ctorName :: String -- Name of constructor ,ctorFields :: [(String, String)] -- (field, type) } deriving Show -- | Find all the records and parse them parseRecords :: [PL] -> [Record] parseRecords = mapMaybe whole . drop1 . split (isPL "data" ||^ isPL "newtype") where whole :: [PL] -> Maybe Record whole xs | PL typeName : xs <- xs , (typeArgs, _:xs) <- break (isPL "=" ||^ isPL "where") xs = Just $ Record typeName (mapMaybe typeArg typeArgs) $ ctor xs whole _ = Nothing -- some types are raw, some are in brackets (with a kind signature) typeArg (PL x) = Just x typeArg (Paren _ (x:_) _) = typeArg x typeArg _ = Nothing ctor xs | xs <- dropContext xs , PL ctorName : xs <- xs , xs <- dropWhile (isPL "::") xs , xs <- dropContext xs , Paren (L "{") inner _ : xs <- xs = Ctor ctorName (fields $ map (break (isPL "::")) $ split (isPL ",") inner) : case xs of PL "|":xs -> ctor xs _ -> [] ctor _ = [] -- we don't use a full parser so dealing with context like -- Num a => V3 { xx, yy, zz :: a } -- is hard. Fake it as best we can dropContext (Paren (L "(") _ _ : PL "=>" : xs) = xs dropContext (_ : _ : PL "=>": xs) = xs dropContext xs = xs fields ((x,[]):(y,z):rest) = fields $ (x++y,z):rest fields ((names, _:typ):rest) = [(name, dropWhile (== '!') $ trim $ unlexer $ unparens typ) | PL name <- names] ++ fields rest fields _ = [] -- if the user has a trailing comment want to rip it out so our brackets still work unlexer = concatMap $ \x -> lexeme x ++ [' ' | whitespace x /= ""]