{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators, ConstraintKinds, PolyKinds, TypeFamilies, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, UndecidableSuperClasses, TypeApplications, ScopedTypeVariables, AllowAmbiguousTypes, ExplicitForAll, RankNTypes, DefaultSignatures, PartialTypeSignatures, LambdaCase, EmptyCase #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-partial-type-signatures #-} module Data.RBR.Internal where import Data.Proxy import Data.Kind import Data.Monoid (Endo(..)) import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Foldable (asum) import GHC.TypeLits import GHC.Generics (D1,C1,S1(..),M1(..),K1(..),Rec0(..)) import qualified GHC.Generics as G import Data.SOP (I(..),K(..),unI,unK,NP(..),NS(..),All,SListI,type (-.->)(Fn,apFn),mapKIK) import Data.SOP.NP (collapse_NP,liftA_NP,liftA2_NP,cliftA_NP,cliftA2_NP,pure_NP) import Data.SOP.NS (collapse_NS,ap_NS,injections,Injection) -- | The color of a node. data Color = R | B deriving Show -- | The Red-Black tree. It will be used, as a kind, to index the 'Record' and 'Variant' types. data RBT k v = E | N Color (RBT k v) k v (RBT k v) deriving Show -- -- -- This code has been copied and adapted from the corresponding Data.SOP code (the All constraint). -- -- Why is this KeysValuesAllF type family needed at all? Why is not KeysValuesAll sufficient by itself? -- In fact, if I delete KeysValuesAllF and use eclusively KeysValuesAll, functions like demoteKeys seem to still work fine. -- -- UndecidableSuperClasses and RankNTypes seem to be required by KeysValuesAllF. type family KeysValuesAllF (c :: k -> v -> Constraint) (t :: RBT k v) :: Constraint where KeysValuesAllF _ E = () KeysValuesAllF c (N color left k v right) = (c k v, KeysValuesAll c left, KeysValuesAll c right) {- | Require a constraint for every key-value pair in a tree. This is a generalization of 'Data.SOP.All' from "Data.SOP". 'cpara_RBT' constructs a 'Record' by means of a constraint for producing the nodes of the tree. The constraint is passed as a 'Data.Proxy.Proxy'. This function seldom needs to be called directly. -} class KeysValuesAllF c t => KeysValuesAll (c :: k -> v -> Constraint) (t :: RBT k v) where cpara_RBT :: proxy c -> r E -> (forall left k v right color . (c k v, KeysValuesAll c left, KeysValuesAll c right) => r left -> r right -> r (N color left k v right)) -> r t instance KeysValuesAll c E where cpara_RBT _p nil _step = nil instance (c k v, KeysValuesAll c left, KeysValuesAll c right) => KeysValuesAll c (N color left k v right) where cpara_RBT p nil cons = cons (cpara_RBT p nil cons) (cpara_RBT p nil cons) {- | Create a 'Record' containing the names of each field. The names are represented by a constant functor 'K' carrying an annotation of type 'String'. This means that there aren't actually any of the type that corresponds to each field, only the 'String' annotations. -} demoteKeys :: forall t. KeysValuesAll KnownKey t => Record (K String) t demoteKeys = cpara_RBT (Proxy @KnownKey) unit go where go :: forall left k v right color. (KnownKey k v, KeysValuesAll KnownKey left, KeysValuesAll KnownKey right) => Record (K String) left -> Record (K String) right -> Record (K String) (N color left k v right) go left right = Node left (K (symbolVal (Proxy @k))) right -- the "class synonym" trick. https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/ab8ypl/monthly_hask_anything_january_2019/edk1ot3/ class KnownSymbol k => KnownKey (k :: Symbol) (v :: z) instance KnownSymbol k => KnownKey k v -- class KeyValueTop (k :: Symbol) (v :: z) -- instance KeyValueTop k v -- -- {- | An extensible product-like type with named fields. The values in the 'Record' come wrapped in a type constructor @f@, which por pure records will be the identity functor 'I'. -} data Record (f :: Type -> Type) (t :: RBT Symbol Type) where Empty :: Record f E Node :: Record f left -> f v -> Record f right -> Record f (N color left k v right) instance (Productlike '[] t result, Show (NP f result)) => Show (Record f t) where show x = "fromNP (" ++ show (toNP x) ++ ")" {- | Show a 'Record' in a friendlier way than the default 'Show' instance. The function argument will usually be 'show', but it can be used to unwrap the value of each field before showing it. -} prettyShowRecord :: forall t flat f. (KeysValuesAll KnownKey t,Productlike '[] t flat, All Show flat, SListI flat) => (forall x. Show x => f x -> String) -> Record f t -> String prettyShowRecord showf r = let keysflat = toNP @t (demoteKeys @t) valuesflat = toNP @t r entries = cliftA2_NP (Proxy @Show) (\(K key) fv -> K (key ++ " = " ++ showf fv)) keysflat valuesflat in "{" ++ mconcat (intersperse ", " (collapse_NP entries)) ++ "}" {- | Like 'prettyShowRecord' but specialized to pure records. -} prettyShowRecordI :: forall t flat. (KeysValuesAll KnownKey t,Productlike '[] t flat, All Show flat, SListI flat) => Record I t -> String prettyShowRecordI r = prettyShowRecord (show . unI) r {-| A Record without components is a boring, uninformative type whose single value can be conjured out of thin air. -} unit :: Record f E unit = Empty {- | An extensible sum-like type with named branches. The values in the 'Variant' come wrapped in a type constructor @f@, which por pure variants will be the identity functor 'I'. -} data Variant (f :: Type -> Type) (t :: RBT Symbol Type) where Here :: f v -> Variant f (N color left k v right) LookRight :: Variant f t -> Variant f (N color' left' k' v' t) LookLeft :: Variant f t -> Variant f (N color' t k' v' right') instance (Sumlike '[] t result, Show (NS f result)) => Show (Variant f t) where show x = "fromNS (" ++ show (toNS x) ++ ")" {-| A Variant without branches doesn't have any values. From an impossible thing, anything can come out. -} impossible :: Variant f E -> b impossible v = case v of {- | Show a 'Variant' in a friendlier way than the default 'Show' instance. The function argument will usually be 'show', but it can be used to unwrap the value of the branch before showing it. -} prettyShowVariant :: forall t flat f. (KeysValuesAll KnownKey t,Productlike '[] t flat, Sumlike '[] t flat, All Show flat, SListI flat) => (forall x. Show x => f x -> String) -> Variant f t -> String prettyShowVariant showf v = let keysflat = toNP @t (demoteKeys @t) eliminators = cliftA_NP (Proxy @Show) (\(K k) -> Fn (\fv -> (K (k ++ " (" ++ showf fv ++ ")")))) keysflat valuesflat = toNS @t v in collapse_NS (ap_NS eliminators valuesflat) {- | Like 'prettyShowVariant' but specialized to pure variants. -} prettyShowVariantI :: forall t flat. (KeysValuesAll KnownKey t,Productlike '[] t flat, Sumlike '[] t flat, All Show flat, SListI flat) => Variant I t -> String prettyShowVariantI v = prettyShowVariant (show . unI) v -- -- -- Insertion {- | Insert a list of type level key / value pairs into a type-level tree. -} type family InsertAll (es :: [(Symbol,Type)]) (t :: RBT Symbol Type) :: RBT Symbol Type where InsertAll '[] t = t InsertAll ( '(name,fieldType) ': es ) t = Insert name fieldType (InsertAll es t) {- | Build a type-level tree out of a list of type level key / value pairs. -} type FromList (es :: [(Symbol,Type)]) = InsertAll es E {- | Alias for 'insert'. -} addField :: forall k v t f . Insertable k v t => f v -> Record f t -> Record f (Insert k v t) addField = insert @k @v @t @f {- | Like 'insert' but specialized to pure 'Record's. -} insertI :: forall k v t . Insertable k v t => v -> Record I t -> Record I (Insert k v t) insertI = insert @k @v @t . I {- | Like 'addField' but specialized to pure 'Record's. -} addFieldI :: forall k v t . Insertable k v t => v -> Record I t -> Record I (Insert k v t) addFieldI = insertI @k @v @t -- -- -- The original term-level code, from the post "Persistent Red Black Trees in Haskell" -- -- https://abhiroop.github.io/Haskell-Red-Black-Tree/ -- -- insert :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a -- insert x s = makeBlack $ ins s -- where ins E = T R E x E -- ins (T color a y b) -- | x < y = balance color (ins a) y b -- | x == y = T color a y b -- | x > y = balance color a y (ins b) -- makeBlack (T _ a y b) = T B a y b -- -- balance :: Color -> Tree a -> a -> Tree a -> Tree a -- balance B (T R (T R a x b) y c) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) -- balance B (T R a x (T R b y c)) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) -- balance B a x (T R (T R b y c) z d) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) -- balance B a x (T R b y (T R c z d)) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) -- balance color a x b = T color a x b {- | Class that determines if the pair of a 'Symbol' key and a 'Type' can be inserted into a type-level tree. The associated type family 'Insert' produces the resulting tree. At the term level, this manifests in 'insert', which adds a new field to a record, and in 'widen', which lets you use a 'Variant' in a bigger context than the one in which is was defined. 'insert' tends to be more useful in practice. If the tree already has the key but with a /different/ type, the insertion fails to compile. -} class Insertable (k :: Symbol) (v :: Type) (t :: RBT Symbol Type) where type Insert k v t :: RBT Symbol Type insert :: f v -> Record f t -> Record f (Insert k v t) widen :: Variant f t -> Variant f (Insert k v t) instance (InsertableHelper1 k v t, CanMakeBlack (Insert1 k v t)) => Insertable k v t where type Insert k v t = MakeBlack (Insert1 k v t) insert fv r = makeBlackR (insert1 @k @v fv r) widen v = makeBlackV (widen1 @k @v v) class CanMakeBlack (t :: RBT Symbol Type) where type MakeBlack t :: RBT Symbol Type makeBlackR :: Record f t -> Record f (MakeBlack t) makeBlackV :: Variant f t -> Variant f (MakeBlack t) instance CanMakeBlack (N color left k v right) where type MakeBlack (N color left k v right) = N B left k v right makeBlackR (Node left fv right) = Node left fv right makeBlackV (Here fv) = Here fv class InsertableHelper1 (k :: Symbol) (v :: Type) (t :: RBT Symbol Type) where type Insert1 k v t :: RBT Symbol Type insert1 :: f v -> Record f t -> Record f (Insert1 k v t) widen1 :: Variant f t -> Variant f (Insert1 k v t) instance InsertableHelper1 k v E where type Insert1 k v E = N R E k v E insert1 fv Empty = Node Empty fv Empty widen1 = impossible instance (CmpSymbol k k' ~ ordering, InsertableHelper2 ordering k v color left k' v' right ) => InsertableHelper1 k v (N color left k' v' right) where -- FIXME possible duplicate work with CmpSymbol: both in constraint and in associated type family. -- Is that bad? How to avoid it? type Insert1 k v (N color left k' v' right) = Insert2 (CmpSymbol k k') k v color left k' v' right insert1 = insert2 @ordering @k @v @color @left @k' @v' @right widen1 = widen2 @ordering @k @v @color @left @k' @v' @right class InsertableHelper2 (ordering :: Ordering) (k :: Symbol) (v :: Type) (color :: Color) (left :: RBT Symbol Type) (k' :: Symbol) (v' :: Type) (right :: RBT Symbol Type) where type Insert2 ordering k v color left k' v' right :: RBT Symbol Type insert2 :: f v -> Record f (N color left k' v' right) -> Record f (Insert2 ordering k v color left k' v' right) widen2 :: Variant f (N color left k' v' right) -> Variant f (Insert2 ordering k v color left k' v' right) instance (InsertableHelper1 k v left, Balanceable color (Insert1 k v left) k' v' right ) => InsertableHelper2 LT k v color left k' v' right where type Insert2 LT k v color left k' v' right = Balance color (Insert1 k v left) k' v' right insert2 fv (Node left fv' right) = balanceR @color @_ @k' @v' @right (Node (insert1 @k @v fv left) fv' right) widen2 v = balanceV @color @(Insert1 k v left) @k' @v' @right $ case v of Here x -> Here x LookLeft x -> LookLeft (widen1 @k @v x) LookRight x -> LookRight x -- This instance implies that we can't change the type associated to an -- existing key. If we did that, we wouldn't be able to widen Variants that -- happen to match that key! instance InsertableHelper2 EQ k v color left k v right where type Insert2 EQ k v color left k v right = N color left k v right insert2 fv (Node left _ right) = Node left fv right widen2 = id instance (InsertableHelper1 k v right, Balanceable color left k' v' (Insert1 k v right) ) => InsertableHelper2 GT k v color left k' v' right where type Insert2 GT k v color left k' v' right = Balance color left k' v' (Insert1 k v right) insert2 fv (Node left fv' right) = balanceR @color @left @k' @v' @_ (Node left fv' (insert1 @k @v fv right)) widen2 v = balanceV @color @left @k' @v' @(Insert1 k v right) $ case v of Here x -> Here x LookLeft x -> LookLeft x LookRight x -> LookRight (widen1 @k @v x) data BalanceAction = BalanceLL | BalanceLR | BalanceRL | BalanceRR | DoNotBalance deriving Show type family ShouldBalance (color :: Color) (left :: RBT k' v') (right :: RBT k' v') :: BalanceAction where ShouldBalance B (N R (N R _ _ _ _) _ _ _) _ = BalanceLL ShouldBalance B (N R _ _ _ (N R _ _ _ _)) _ = BalanceLR ShouldBalance B _ (N R (N R _ _ _ _) _ _ _) = BalanceRL ShouldBalance B _ (N R _ _ _ (N R _ _ _ _)) = BalanceRR ShouldBalance _ _ _ = DoNotBalance class Balanceable (color :: Color) (left :: RBT Symbol Type) (k :: Symbol) (v :: Type) (right :: RBT Symbol Type) where type Balance color left k v right :: RBT Symbol Type balanceR :: Record f (N color left k v right) -> Record f (Balance color left k v right) balanceV :: Variant f (N color left k v right) -> Variant f (Balance color left k v right) instance (ShouldBalance color left right ~ action, BalanceableHelper action color left k v right ) => Balanceable color left k v right where -- FIXME possible duplicate work with ShouldBalance: both in constraint and in associated type family. -- Is that bad? How to avoid it? type Balance color left k v right = Balance' (ShouldBalance color left right) color left k v right balanceR = balanceR' @action @color @left @k @v @right balanceV = balanceV' @action @color @left @k @v @right class BalanceableHelper (action :: BalanceAction) (color :: Color) (left :: RBT Symbol Type) (k :: Symbol) (v :: Type) (right :: RBT Symbol Type) where type Balance' action color left k v right :: RBT Symbol Type balanceR' :: Record f (N color left k v right) -> Record f (Balance' action color left k v right) balanceV' :: Variant f (N color left k v right) -> Variant f (Balance' action color left k v right) instance BalanceableHelper BalanceLL B (N R (N R a k1 v1 b) k2 v2 c) k3 v3 d where type Balance' BalanceLL B (N R (N R a k1 v1 b) k2 v2 c) k3 v3 d = N R (N B a k1 v1 b) k2 v2 (N B c k3 v3 d) balanceR' (Node (Node (Node a fv1 b) fv2 c) fv3 d) = Node (Node a fv1 b) fv2 (Node c fv3 d) balanceV' v = case v of LookLeft (LookLeft x) -> LookLeft (case x of LookLeft y -> LookLeft y Here y -> Here y LookRight y -> LookRight y) LookLeft (Here x) -> Here x LookLeft (LookRight x) -> LookRight (LookLeft x) Here x -> LookRight (Here x) LookRight x -> LookRight (LookRight x) instance BalanceableHelper BalanceLR B (N R a k1 v1 (N R b k2 v2 c)) k3 v3 d where type Balance' BalanceLR B (N R a k1 v1 (N R b k2 v2 c)) k3 v3 d = N R (N B a k1 v1 b) k2 v2 (N B c k3 v3 d) balanceR' (Node (Node a fv1 (Node b fv2 c)) fv3 d) = Node (Node a fv1 b) fv2 (Node c fv3 d) balanceV' v = case v of LookLeft (LookLeft x) -> LookLeft (LookLeft x) LookLeft (Here x) -> LookLeft (Here x) LookLeft (LookRight x) -> case x of LookLeft y -> LookLeft (LookRight y) Here y -> Here y LookRight y -> LookRight (LookLeft y) Here x -> LookRight (Here x) LookRight x -> LookRight (LookRight x) instance BalanceableHelper BalanceRL B a k1 v1 (N R (N R b k2 v2 c) k3 v3 d) where type Balance' BalanceRL B a k1 v1 (N R (N R b k2 v2 c) k3 v3 d) = N R (N B a k1 v1 b) k2 v2 (N B c k3 v3 d) balanceR' (Node a fv1 (Node (Node b fv2 c) fv3 d)) = Node (Node a fv1 b) fv2 (Node c fv3 d) balanceV' v = case v of LookLeft x -> LookLeft (LookLeft x) Here x -> LookLeft (Here x) LookRight (LookLeft x) -> case x of LookLeft y -> LookLeft (LookRight y) Here y -> Here y LookRight y -> LookRight (LookLeft y) LookRight (Here x) -> LookRight (Here x) LookRight (LookRight x) -> LookRight (LookRight x) instance BalanceableHelper BalanceRR B a k1 v1 (N R b k2 v2 (N R c k3 v3 d)) where type Balance' BalanceRR B a k1 v1 (N R b k2 v2 (N R c k3 v3 d)) = N R (N B a k1 v1 b) k2 v2 (N B c k3 v3 d) balanceR' (Node a fv1 (Node b fv2 (Node c fv3 d))) = Node (Node a fv1 b) fv2 (Node c fv3 d) balanceV' v = case v of LookLeft x -> LookLeft (LookLeft x) Here x -> LookLeft (Here x) LookRight (LookLeft x) -> LookLeft (LookRight x) LookRight (Here x) -> Here x LookRight (LookRight x) -> LookRight (case x of LookLeft y -> LookLeft y Here y -> Here y LookRight y -> LookRight y) instance BalanceableHelper DoNotBalance color a k v b where type Balance' DoNotBalance color a k v b = N color a k v b balanceR' = id balanceV' = id -- -- -- Accessing fields {- | Class that determines if a given 'Symbol' key is present in a type-level tree. The 'Value' type family gives the 'Type' corresponding to the key. 'field' takes a field name (given through @TypeApplications@) and a 'Record', and returns a pair of a setter for the field and the original value of the field. 'branch' takes a branch name (given through @TypeApplications@) and returns a pair of a match function and a constructor. -} class Key (k :: Symbol) (t :: RBT Symbol Type) where type Value k t :: Type field :: Record f t -> (f (Value k t) -> Record f t, f (Value k t)) branch :: (Variant f t -> Maybe (f (Value k t)), f (Value k t) -> Variant f t) class KeyHelper (ordering :: Ordering) (k :: Symbol) (t :: RBT Symbol Type) where type Value' ordering k t :: Type field' :: Record f t -> (f (Value' ordering k t) -> Record f t, f (Value' ordering k t)) branch' :: (Variant f t -> Maybe (f (Value' ordering k t)), f (Value' ordering k t) -> Variant f t) instance (CmpSymbol k' k ~ ordering, KeyHelper ordering k (N color left k' v' right)) => Key k (N color left k' v' right) where type Value k (N color left k' v' right) = Value' (CmpSymbol k' k) k (N color left k' v' right) field = field' @ordering @k branch = branch' @ordering @k instance Key k right => KeyHelper LT k (N color left k' v' right) where type Value' LT k (N color left k' v' right) = Value k right field' (Node left fv right) = let (setter,x) = field @k right in (\z -> Node left fv (setter z),x) branch' = let (match,inj) = branch @k @right in (\case LookRight x -> match x _ -> Nothing, \fv -> LookRight (inj fv)) instance Key k left => KeyHelper GT k (N color left k' v' right) where type Value' GT k (N color left k' v' right) = Value k left field' (Node left fv right) = let (setter,x) = field @k left in (\z -> Node (setter z) fv right,x) branch' = let (match,inj) = branch @k @left in (\case LookLeft x -> match x _ -> Nothing, \fv -> LookLeft (inj fv)) instance KeyHelper EQ k (N color left k v right) where type Value' EQ k (N color left k v right) = v field' (Node left fv right) = (\x -> Node left x right, fv) branch' = (\case Here x -> Just x _ -> Nothing, Here) {- | Get the value of a field for a 'Record'. -} project :: forall k t f . Key k t => Record f t -> f (Value k t) project = snd . field @k @t {- | Alias for 'project'. -} getField :: forall k t f . Key k t => Record f t -> f (Value k t) getField = project @k @t @f {- | Set the value of a field for a 'Record'. -} setField :: forall k t f . Key k t => f (Value k t) -> Record f t -> Record f t setField fv r = fst (field @k @t @f r) fv {- | Modify the value of a field for a 'Record'. -} modifyField :: forall k t f . Key k t => (f (Value k t) -> f (Value k t)) -> Record f t -> Record f t modifyField f r = uncurry ($) (fmap f (field @k @t @f r)) {- | Put a value into the branch of a 'Variant'. -} inject :: forall k t f. Key k t => f (Value k t) -> Variant f t inject = snd (branch @k @t) {- | Check if a 'Variant' value is the given branch. -} match :: forall k t f. Key k t => Variant f t -> Maybe (f (Value k t)) match = fst (branch @k @t) {- | Like 'project' but specialized to pure 'Record's. -} projectI :: forall k t . Key k t => Record I t -> Value k t projectI = unI . snd . field @k @t {- | Like 'getField' but specialized to pure 'Record's. -} getFieldI :: forall k t . Key k t => Record I t -> Value k t getFieldI = projectI @k @t {- | Like 'setField' but specialized to pure 'Record's. -} setFieldI :: forall k t . Key k t => Value k t -> Record I t -> Record I t setFieldI v r = fst (field @k @t r) (I v) {- | Like 'modifyField' but specialized to pure 'Record's. -} modifyFieldI :: forall k t . Key k t => (Value k t -> Value k t) -> Record I t -> Record I t modifyFieldI f = modifyField @k @t (I . f . unI) {- | Like 'inject' but specialized to pure 'Variant's. -} injectI :: forall k t. Key k t => Value k t -> Variant I t injectI = snd (branch @k @t) . I {- | Like 'match' but specialized to pure 'Variants's. -} matchI :: forall k t . Key k t => Variant I t -> Maybe (Value k t) matchI v = unI <$> fst (branch @k @t) v {- | Process a 'Variant' using a eliminator 'Record' that carries handlers for each possible branch of the 'Variant'. -} eliminate :: (Productlike '[] t result, Sumlike '[] t result, SListI result) => Record (Case f r) t -> Variant f t -> r eliminate cases variant = let adapt (Case e) = Fn (\fv -> K (e fv)) in collapse_NS (ap_NS (liftA_NP adapt (toNP cases)) (toNS variant)) {- | Represents a handler for a branch of a 'Variant'. -} newtype Case f a b = Case (f b -> a) {- | A form of 'addField' for creating eliminators for 'Variant's. -} addCase :: forall k v t f a. Insertable k v t => (f v -> a) -> Record (Case f a) t -> Record (Case f a) (Insert k v t) addCase f = addField @k @v @t (Case f) {- | A pure version of 'addCase'. -} addCaseI :: forall k v t a. Insertable k v t => (v -> a) -> Record (Case I a) t -> Record (Case I a) (Insert k v t) addCaseI f = addField @k @v @t (Case (f . unI)) -- -- -- Subsetting newtype SetField f a b = SetField { getSetField :: f b -> a -> a } -- this odd trick again... class (Key k t, Value k t ~ v) => PresentIn (t :: RBT Symbol Type) (k :: Symbol) (v :: Type) instance (Key k t, Value k t ~ v) => PresentIn (t :: RBT Symbol Type) (k :: Symbol) (v :: Type) {- | Constraint for trees that represent subsets of fields of 'Record'-like types. -} type ProductlikeSubset (subset :: RBT Symbol Type) (whole :: RBT Symbol Type) (flat :: [Type]) = (KeysValuesAll (PresentIn whole) subset, Productlike '[] subset flat, SListI flat) {- | Like 'field', but targets multiple fields at the same time -} fieldSubset :: forall subset whole flat f. (ProductlikeSubset subset whole flat) => Record f whole -> (Record f subset -> Record f whole, Record f subset) fieldSubset r = (,) (let goset :: forall left k v right color. (PresentIn whole k v, KeysValuesAll (PresentIn whole) left, KeysValuesAll (PresentIn whole) right) => Record (SetField f (Record f whole)) left -> Record (SetField f (Record f whole)) right -> Record (SetField f (Record f whole)) (N color left k v right) goset left right = Node left (SetField (\v w -> fst (field @k @whole w) v)) right setters = toNP @subset @_ @(SetField f (Record f whole)) (cpara_RBT (Proxy @(PresentIn whole)) unit goset) appz (SetField func) fv = K (Endo (func fv)) in \toset -> appEndo (mconcat (collapse_NP (liftA2_NP appz setters (toNP toset)))) r) (let goget :: forall left k v right color. (PresentIn whole k v, KeysValuesAll (PresentIn whole) left, KeysValuesAll (PresentIn whole) right) => Record f left -> Record f right -> Record f (N color left k v right) goget left right = Node left (project @k @whole r) right in cpara_RBT (Proxy @(PresentIn whole)) unit goget) {- | Like 'project', but extracts multiple fields at the same time. Can also be used to convert between structurally dissimilar trees that nevertheless have the same entries. -} projectSubset :: forall subset whole flat f. (ProductlikeSubset subset whole flat) => Record f whole -> Record f subset projectSubset = snd . fieldSubset {- | Alias for 'projectSubset'. -} getFieldSubset :: forall subset whole flat f. (ProductlikeSubset subset whole flat) => Record f whole -> Record f subset getFieldSubset = projectSubset {- | Like 'setField', but sets multiple fields at the same time. -} setFieldSubset :: forall subset whole flat f. (ProductlikeSubset subset whole flat) => Record f subset -> Record f whole -> Record f whole setFieldSubset subset whole = fst (fieldSubset whole) subset {- | Like 'modifyField', but modifies multiple fields at the same time. -} modifyFieldSubset :: forall subset whole flat f. (ProductlikeSubset subset whole flat) => (Record f subset -> Record f subset) -> Record f whole -> Record f whole modifyFieldSubset f r = uncurry ($) (fmap f (fieldSubset @subset @whole r)) {- | Constraint for trees that represent subsets of branches of 'Variant'-like types. -} type SumlikeSubset (subset :: RBT Symbol Type) (whole :: RBT Symbol Type) (subflat :: [Type]) (wholeflat :: [Type]) = (KeysValuesAll (PresentIn whole) subset, Productlike '[] whole wholeflat, Sumlike '[] whole wholeflat, SListI wholeflat, Productlike '[] subset subflat, Sumlike '[] subset subflat, SListI subflat) {- | Like 'branch', but targets multiple branches at the same time. -} branchSubset :: forall subset whole subflat wholeflat f. (SumlikeSubset subset whole subflat wholeflat) => (Variant f whole -> Maybe (Variant f subset), Variant f subset -> Variant f whole) branchSubset = let inj2case :: forall t flat f v. Sumlike '[] t flat => (_ -> _) -> Injection _ flat v -> Case _ _ v inj2case = \adapt -> \fn -> Case (\fv -> adapt (fromNS @t (unK (apFn fn fv)))) -- The intuition is that getting the setter and the getter together might be faster at compile-time. -- The intuition might be wrong. subs :: forall f. Record f whole -> (Record f subset -> Record f whole, Record f subset) subs = fieldSubset @subset @whole in (,) (let injs :: Record (Case f (Maybe (Variant f subset))) subset injs = fromNP @subset (liftA_NP (inj2case Just) (injections @subflat)) wholeinjs :: Record (Case f (Maybe (Variant f subset))) whole wholeinjs = fromNP @whole (pure_NP (Case (\_ -> Nothing))) mixedinjs = fst (subs wholeinjs) injs in eliminate mixedinjs) (let wholeinjs :: Record (Case f (Variant f whole)) whole wholeinjs = fromNP @whole (liftA_NP (inj2case id) (injections @wholeflat)) injs = snd (subs wholeinjs) in eliminate injs) {- | Like 'inject', but injects one of several possible branches. -} injectSubset :: forall subset whole subflat wholeflat f. (SumlikeSubset subset whole subflat wholeflat) => Variant f subset -> Variant f whole injectSubset = snd (branchSubset @subset @whole @subflat @wholeflat) {- | Like 'match', but matches more than one branch. -} matchSubset :: forall subset whole subflat wholeflat f. (SumlikeSubset subset whole subflat wholeflat) => Variant f whole -> Maybe (Variant f subset) matchSubset = fst (branchSubset @subset @whole @subflat @wholeflat) {- | Like 'eliminate', but allows the eliminator 'Record' to have more fields than there are branches in the 'Variant'. -} eliminateSubset :: forall subset whole subflat wholeflat f r. (SumlikeSubset subset whole subflat wholeflat) => Record (Case f r) whole -> Variant f subset -> r eliminateSubset cases = let reducedCases = getFieldSubset @subset @whole cases in eliminate reducedCases -- -- -- Interaction with Data.SOP {- | Class from converting 'Record's to and from the n-ary product type 'NP' from "Data.SOP". 'prefixNP' flattens a 'Record' and adds it to the initial part of the product. 'breakNP' reconstructs a 'Record' from the initial part of the product and returns the unconsumed part. The functions 'toNP' and 'fromNP' are usually easier to use. -} class Productlike (start :: [Type]) (t :: RBT Symbol Type) (result :: [Type]) | start t -> result, result t -> start where prefixNP:: Record f t -> NP f start -> NP f result breakNP :: NP f result -> (Record f t, NP f start) instance Productlike start E start where prefixNP _ start = start breakNP start = (Empty, start) instance (Productlike start right middle, Productlike (v ': middle) left result) => Productlike start (N color left k v right) result where prefixNP (Node left fv right) start = prefixNP @_ @left @result left (fv :* prefixNP @start @right @middle right start) breakNP result = let (left, fv :* middle) = breakNP @_ @left @result result (right, start) = breakNP @start @right middle in (Node left fv right, start) {- | Convert a 'Record' into a n-ary product. -} toNP :: forall t result f. Productlike '[] t result => Record f t -> NP f result toNP r = prefixNP r Nil {- | Convert a n-ary product into a compatible 'Record'. -} fromNP :: forall t result f. Productlike '[] t result => NP f result -> Record f t fromNP np = let (r,Nil) = breakNP np in r {- | Class from converting 'Variant's to and from the n-ary sum type 'NS' from "Data.SOP". 'prefixNS' flattens a 'Variant' and adds it to the initial part of the sum. 'breakNS' reconstructs a 'Variant' from the initial part of the sum and returns the unconsumed part. The functions 'toNS' and 'fromNS' are usually easier to use. -} class Sumlike (start :: [Type]) (t :: RBT Symbol Type) (result :: [Type]) | start t -> result, result t -> start where prefixNS :: Either (NS f start) (Variant f t) -> NS f result breakNS :: NS f result -> Either (NS f start) (Variant f t) instance Sumlike start (N color E k v E) (v ': start) where prefixNS = \case Left l -> S l Right x -> case x of Here fv -> Z @_ @v @start fv breakNS = \case Z x -> Right (Here x) S x -> Left x instance (Sumlike start (N colorR leftR kR vR rightR) middle, Sumlike (v ': middle) (N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) result) => Sumlike start (N color (N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) k v (N colorR leftR kR vR rightR)) result where prefixNS = \case Left x -> prefixNS @_ @(N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) (Left (S (prefixNS @_ @(N colorR leftR kR vR rightR) (Left x)))) Right x -> case x of LookLeft x -> prefixNS @(v ': middle) @(N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) @result (Right x) Here x -> prefixNS @_ @(N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) (Left (Z x)) LookRight x -> prefixNS @_ @(N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) (Left (S (prefixNS (Right x)))) breakNS ns = case breakNS @(v ': middle) @(N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) ns of Left x -> case x of Z x -> Right (Here x) S x -> case breakNS @start @(N colorR leftR kR vR rightR) x of Left ns -> Left ns Right v -> Right (LookRight v) Right v -> Right (LookLeft v) instance Sumlike (v ': start) (N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) result => Sumlike start (N color (N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) k v E) result where prefixNS = \case Left x -> prefixNS @_ @(N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) (Left (S x)) Right x -> case x of LookLeft x -> prefixNS @(v ': start) @(N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) @result (Right x) Here x -> prefixNS @_ @(N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) (Left (Z x)) breakNS ns = case breakNS @(v ': start) @(N colorL leftL kL vL rightL) ns of Left x -> case x of Z x -> Right (Here x) S x -> Left x Right v -> Right (LookLeft v) instance Sumlike start (N colorR leftR kR vR rightR) middle => Sumlike start (N color E k v (N colorR leftR kR vR rightR)) (v ': middle) where prefixNS = \case Left x -> S (prefixNS @_ @(N colorR leftR kR vR rightR) (Left x)) Right x -> case x of Here x -> Z x LookRight x -> S (prefixNS @_ @(N colorR leftR kR vR rightR) (Right x)) breakNS = \case Z x -> Right (Here x) S x -> case breakNS @_ @(N colorR leftR kR vR rightR) x of Left ns -> Left ns Right v -> Right (LookRight v) {- | Convert a 'Variant' into a n-ary sum. -} toNS :: forall t result f. Sumlike '[] t result => Variant f t -> NS f result toNS = prefixNS . Right {- | Convert a n-ary sum into a compatible 'Variant'. -} fromNS :: forall t result f. Sumlike '[] t result => NS f result -> Variant f t fromNS ns = case breakNS ns of Left _ -> error "this never happens" Right x -> x -- -- -- Interfacing with normal records class ToRecord (r :: Type) where type RecordCode r :: RBT Symbol Type -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22087549/defaultsignatures-and-associated-type-families/22088808 type RecordCode r = RecordCode' E (G.Rep r) toRecord :: r -> Record I (RecordCode r) default toRecord :: (G.Generic r,ToRecordHelper E (G.Rep r),RecordCode r ~ RecordCode' E (G.Rep r)) => r -> Record I (RecordCode r) toRecord r = toRecord' unit (G.from r) class ToRecordHelper (start :: RBT Symbol Type) (g :: Type -> Type) where type RecordCode' start g :: RBT Symbol Type toRecord' :: Record I start -> g x -> Record I (RecordCode' start g) instance ToRecordHelper E fields => ToRecordHelper E (D1 meta (C1 metacons fields)) where type RecordCode' E (D1 meta (C1 metacons fields)) = RecordCode' E fields toRecord' r (M1 (M1 g)) = toRecord' @E @fields r g instance (Insertable k v start) => ToRecordHelper start (S1 ('G.MetaSel ('Just k) unpackedness strictness laziness) (Rec0 v)) where type RecordCode' start (S1 ('G.MetaSel ('Just k) unpackedness strictness laziness) (Rec0 v)) = Insert k v start toRecord' start (M1 (K1 v)) = insertI @k v start instance ( ToRecordHelper start t2, RecordCode' start t2 ~ middle, ToRecordHelper middle t1 ) => ToRecordHelper start (t1 G.:*: t2) where type RecordCode' start (t1 G.:*: t2) = RecordCode' (RecordCode' start t2) t1 toRecord' start (t1 G.:*: t2) = toRecord' @middle (toRecord' @start start t2) t1 -- -- class ToRecord r => FromRecord (r :: Type) where fromRecord :: Record I (RecordCode r) -> r default fromRecord :: (G.Generic r, FromRecordHelper (RecordCode r) (G.Rep r)) => Record I (RecordCode r) -> r fromRecord r = G.to (fromRecord' @(RecordCode r) @(G.Rep r) r) class FromRecordHelper (t :: RBT Symbol Type) (g :: Type -> Type) where fromRecord' :: Record I t -> g x instance FromRecordHelper t fields => FromRecordHelper t (D1 meta (C1 metacons fields)) where fromRecord' r = M1 (M1 (fromRecord' @t @fields r)) instance (Key k t, Value k t ~ v) => FromRecordHelper t (S1 ('G.MetaSel ('Just k) unpackedness strictness laziness) (Rec0 v)) where fromRecord' r = let v = projectI @k r in M1 (K1 v) instance ( FromRecordHelper t t1, FromRecordHelper t t2 ) => FromRecordHelper t (t1 G.:*: t2) where fromRecord' r = let v1 = fromRecord' @_ @t1 r v2 = fromRecord' @_ @t2 r in v1 G.:*: v2 -- -- -- type family VariantCode (s :: Type) :: RBT Symbol Type where VariantCode s = VariantCode' E (G.Rep s) type family VariantCode' (acc :: RBT Symbol Type) (g :: Type -> Type) :: RBT Symbol Type where VariantCode' acc (D1 meta fields) = VariantCode' acc fields VariantCode' acc (t1 G.:+: t2) = VariantCode' (VariantCode' acc t2) t1 VariantCode' acc (C1 (G.MetaCons k _ _) (S1 ('G.MetaSel Nothing unpackedness strictness laziness) (Rec0 v))) = Insert k v acc class FromVariant (s :: Type) where fromVariant :: Variant I (VariantCode s) -> s default fromVariant :: (G.Generic s, FromVariantHelper (VariantCode s) (G.Rep s)) => Variant I (VariantCode s) -> s fromVariant v = case fromVariant' @(VariantCode s) v of Just x -> G.to x Nothing -> error "fromVariant match fail. Should not happen." class FromVariantHelper (t :: RBT Symbol Type) (g :: Type -> Type) where fromVariant' :: Variant I t -> Maybe (g x) instance FromVariantHelper t fields => FromVariantHelper t (D1 meta fields) where fromVariant' v = M1 <$> fromVariant' @t v instance (Key k t, Value k t ~ v) => FromVariantHelper t (C1 (G.MetaCons k x y) (S1 ('G.MetaSel Nothing unpackedness strictness laziness) (Rec0 v))) where fromVariant' v = case matchI @k @t v of Just x -> Just (M1 (M1 (K1 x)) ) Nothing -> Nothing instance ( FromVariantHelper t t1, FromVariantHelper t t2 ) => FromVariantHelper t (t1 G.:+: t2) where fromVariant' v = case fromVariant' @t @t1 v of Just x1 -> Just (G.L1 x1) Nothing -> case fromVariant' @t @t2 v of Just x2 -> Just (G.R1 x2) Nothing -> Nothing -- -- class ToVariant (s :: Type) where toVariant :: s -> Variant I (VariantCode s) default toVariant :: (G.Generic s, ToVariantHelper (VariantCode s) (G.Rep s)) => s -> Variant I (VariantCode s) toVariant s = toVariant' @(VariantCode s) @(G.Rep s) (G.from s) class ToVariantHelper (t :: RBT Symbol Type) (g :: Type -> Type) where toVariant' :: g x -> Variant I t instance ToVariantHelper t fields => ToVariantHelper t (D1 meta fields) where toVariant' (M1 fields) = toVariant' @t fields instance (Key k t, Value k t ~ v) => ToVariantHelper t (C1 (G.MetaCons k x y) (S1 ('G.MetaSel Nothing unpackedness strictness laziness) (Rec0 v))) where toVariant' (M1 (M1 (K1 v))) = injectI @k v instance ( ToVariantHelper t t1, ToVariantHelper t t2 ) => ToVariantHelper t (t1 G.:+: t2) where toVariant' = \case G.L1 l -> toVariant' @t l G.R1 r -> toVariant' @t r