reddit- Library for interfacing with Reddit's API

Safe HaskellNone



Contains message-related actions, like retrieving your own inbox and sending other users private messages.



getInbox :: MonadIO m => RedditT m (Listing MessageKind Message) Source

Get the message inbox for the current user.

getInbox' :: MonadIO m => Bool -> Options MessageKind -> RedditT m (Listing MessageKind Message) Source

Don't use this for watching for new messages, Reddit's ordering on | inbox messages is odd and not likely to work how you expect.

getUnread :: MonadIO m => RedditT m (Listing MessageKind Message) Source

Get any unread messages for the current user.

getUnread' Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> Bool

Whether the orangered notifier should be marked "off"

-> Options MessageKind 
-> RedditT m (Listing MessageKind Message) 

Get unread messages for the current user, with options.

markRead :: (ToQuery a, Thing a, MonadIO m) => a -> RedditT m () Source

Mark a message as read.

sendMessage Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> Username

The username to send the message to

-> Text

The subject of the message being sent

-> Text

The body of the message being sent

-> RedditT m () 

Send a private message to another user.

sendMessageWithCaptcha Source


:: MonadIO m 
=> Username

The username to send the message to

-> Text

The subject of the message being sent

-> Text

The body of the message being sent

-> CaptchaID

The identifier of the captcha being answered

-> Text

The answer to the specified captcha

-> RedditT m () 

Send a private message (with a captcha).