Name: redis Version: 0.10.1 License: MIT Maintainer: Alexander Bogdanov Author: Alexander Bogdanov Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Alexander Bogdanov Category: Database Synopsis: A driver for Redis key-value database Description: Redis () is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store. It is often referred as a data structure server since keys can contain different data structures, such as strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. . This library is a Haskell driver for Redis. Note that this library supports the most recent (actually the git one) version of Redis. Most of the functions will work correctly with stable version but not all. . Changes from v0.9: . - New commands implemented: echo, linsert, zrevrangebyscore, lpushx and rpushx . - blpop and brpop has changed their types: it's now IO (Maybe (s1, s2)) instead of IO (Reply s2). Warning! It's backward incompatible! . - New helpers fromRBulk' and fromRMultiBulk' which not only unwraps RBulk and RMulti replies but also (unsafely) unwraps /Maybes/ inside it. . - Now it's posible to use Redis renamed commands (config option /rename-command/). You just have to call /renameCommand/ to make client configuration the same as the server one. . - Type of run_multi changed. The second param is now (Redis -> IO a) action instead of list of IO (Reply ()). Warning! It's backward incompatible! . - Type of run_cas changed too. The third param is now (Redis -> IO a) action instead of IO (Reply ()). Warning! It's backward incompatible! . - Most of the protocol functions is now covered with tests (and all tests are passed with the most recent Redis version). You may run it using something like \"runhaskell Test.hs \\". \*Warning!\* Don't do that if you have running redis instance on the default port and host! All data in databases 0 and 1 will be lost! . - Fixed issues with connection on OSX and missed exports in Redis module - many thanks to Dan Colish . Stability: beta Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.4 Extra-Source-Files: Test.hs, Test/CASCommands.hs, Test/ListCommands.hs, Test/PubSubCommands.hs, Test/StringCommands.hs, Test/Connection.hs, Test/Lock.hs, Test/SetCommands.hs, Test/Utils.hs, Test/GenericCommands.hs, Test/Setup.hs, Test/ZSetCommands.hs, Test/HashCommands.hs, Test/MultiCommands.hs, Test/SortCommands.hs, Test/Monad/CASCommands.hs, Test/Monad/MultiCommands.hs, redis.conf Library Build-Depends: base < 5, containers, bytestring, utf8-string, network, mtl, old-time, MonadCatchIO-mtl Exposed-modules: Database.Redis.Redis Database.Redis.Monad Database.Redis.ByteStringClass Database.Redis.Monad.State Database.Redis.Utils.Lock Database.Redis.Utils.Monad.Lock Other-modules: Database.Redis.Internal