Name: redis Version: 0.8.1 License: MIT Maintainer: Alexander Bogdanov Author: Alexander Bogdanov Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Alexander Bogdanov Category: Database Synopsis: A driver for Redis key-value database Description: Redis is an advanced key-value store. It is similar to memcached but the dataset is not volatile. Values can be strings, exactly like in memcached, but also lists, sets, and ordered sets. . This library is a Haskell driver for Redis. Note that this library supports the most recent (actually the git one) version of Redis protocol. Most of the functions will work correctly with stable version but not all. . Changes from v0.7: . - new commands added: strlen, persist . - zrangebyscore now supports LIMIT argument. Warning! Backward incompatible change! . - fixed behaviour of sort with multiple GET keys . - exceptions handled in run_multi and run_cas blocks leads to abort transaction explicitly . Stability: beta Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.4 Library Build-Depends: base < 5, bytestring, utf8-string, network, mtl, old-time, MonadCatchIO-mtl Exposed-modules: Database.Redis.Redis Database.Redis.Monad Database.Redis.ByteStringClass Database.Redis.Monad.State Database.Redis.Utils.Lock Database.Redis.Utils.Monad.Lock Other-modules: Database.Redis.Internal