reflex-process ============== [![Haskell](]( [![Hackage](]( [![Hackage CI](]( [![Travis CI](]( [![BSD3 License](]( Functional-reactive system processes ------------------------------------ Run and interact with system processes from within a [Reflex FRP]( application. Example ------- The following example uses [reflex-vty]( to run a terminal application that calls a shell command and displays the result: ```haskell > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} > import Reflex > import Reflex.Process > import Reflex.Vty > > import Control.Monad ((<=<)) > import Data.Default (def) > import qualified Data.Set as Set > import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T > import qualified Graphics.Vty.Input as V > import qualified System.Process as P > > cmd :: P.CreateProcess > cmd = P.proc "ls" ["-a"] > > main :: IO () > main = mainWidget $ do > exit <- keyCombos $ Set.singleton (V.KChar 'c', [V.MCtrl]) > p <- createProcess cmd def > stdout <- foldDyn (flip mappend) "" $ _process_stdout p > boxStatic def $ col $ do > fixed 3 $ boxStatic def $ text "reflex-process" > fixed 3 $ text "Press Ctrl-C to exit." > fixed 1 $ text "stdout:" > stretch $ text $ T.decodeUtf8 <$> current stdout > pure $ () <$ exit ``` Developer environment --------------------- You can get `ghcid` running for working on the code with the command: ```bash nix-shell -E '((import ./reflex-platform {}).ghc.callCabal2nix "reflex-process" ./. {}).env' --run ghcid ```