module Reflex.Monad.ReflexM where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Reflex.Monad.Class

import Data.Traversable

import Prelude

-- | Base Monad which sits at the bottom of a (pure) switching Monad transformer stack providing
-- the base switching capabilities.

newtype ReflexM t a = ReflexM { runReflexM :: forall m. MonadReflex t m => m a }

instance Functor (ReflexM t) where
  fmap f (ReflexM a) = ReflexM (f <$> a)

instance Applicative (ReflexM t) where
  pure a = ReflexM (pure a)
  (<*>) (ReflexM f) (ReflexM a) = ReflexM (f <*> a) 
instance Monad (ReflexM t) where
  return a = ReflexM (return a)
  (>>=) (ReflexM m) f = ReflexM (m >>= runReflexM . f) 

instance MonadFix (ReflexM t) where
  mfix f = ReflexM $ mfix (runReflexM . f)

instance MonadSample t (ReflexM t) where
  sample b = ReflexM (sample b)
instance MonadHold t (ReflexM t) where
  hold initial e = ReflexM (hold initial e)

instance Reflex t => MonadSwitch t (ReflexM t) where
    switchM (Updated initial e) = do
      a <- runReflexM initial 
      return $ Updated a $ pushAlways runReflexM e
    switchMapM (UpdatedMap initial e) = do
      a <- traverse runReflexM initial
      return $ UpdatedMap a $ 
        pushAlways (traverse $ traverse runReflexM) e