{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}

module Text.RE.Internal.NamedCaptures
  ( cp
  , extractNamedCaptures
  , namedCapturesTestTree

import           Data.Char
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict          as HM
import qualified Data.Text                    as T
import           GHC.Generics
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH          as TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import           Test.SmallCheck.Series
import           Test.Tasty
import           Test.Tasty.HUnit
import           Test.Tasty.SmallCheck        as SC
import           Text.Heredoc
import           Text.RE
import           Text.RE.Internal.PreludeMacros
import           Text.RE.Internal.QQ
import           Text.RE.Tools.Lex
import           Text.Regex.PCRE

cp :: QuasiQuoter
cp =
    (qq0 "re_")
      { quoteExp = parse_capture

extractNamedCaptures :: String -> Either String (CaptureNames,String)
extractNamedCaptures s = Right (analyseTokens tks,formatTokens tks)
    tks = scan s

namedCapturesTestTree :: TestTree
namedCapturesTestTree = localOption (SmallCheckDepth 4) $
  testGroup "NamedCaptures"
    [ formatScanTestTree
    , analyseTokensTestTree
\end{code} Token ----- \begin{code}
data Token
  = ECap (Maybe String)
  | PGrp
  | PCap
  | Bra
  | BS          Char
  | Other       Char
  deriving (Show,Generic,Eq)

instance Monad m => Serial m Token

validToken :: Token -> Bool
validToken tkn = case tkn of
    ECap  mb -> maybe True check_ecap mb
    PGrp     -> True
    PCap     -> True
    Bra      -> True
    BS    c  -> is_dot c
    Other c  -> is_dot c
    check_ecap s = not (null s) && all not_br s
    is_dot     c = c/='\n'
    not_br     c = not $ c `elem` "{}\n"

\end{code} Analysing [Token] -> CaptureNames --------------------------------- \begin{code}
analyseTokens :: [Token] -> CaptureNames
analyseTokens = HM.fromList . count_em 1
    count_em _ []       = []
    count_em n (tk:tks) = bd ++ count_em (n `seq` n+d) tks
        (d,bd) = case tk of
          ECap (Just nm) -> (,) 1 [(CaptureName $ T.pack nm,CaptureOrdinal n)]
          ECap  Nothing  -> (,) 1 []
          PGrp           -> (,) 0 []
          PCap           -> (,) 1 []
          Bra            -> (,) 1 []
          BS    _        -> (,) 0 []
          Other _        -> (,) 0 []
\end{code} Scanning Regex Strings ---------------------- \begin{code}
scan :: String -> [Token]
scan = alex' match al oops
    al :: [(Regex,Match String->Maybe Token)]
    al =
      [ mk [here|\$\{([^{}]+)\}\(|] $         ECap . Just . x_1
      , mk [here|\$\(|]             $ const $ ECap Nothing
      , mk [here|\(\?:|]            $ const   PGrp
      , mk [here|\(\?|]             $ const   PCap
      , mk [here|\(|]               $ const   Bra
      , mk [here|\\(.)|]            $         BS    . s2c . x_1
      , mk [here|(.)|]              $         Other . s2c . x_1

    x_1     = captureText $ CID_ordinal $ CaptureOrdinal 1

    s2c [c] = c
    s2c _   = error "scan:s2c:internal error"

    mk s f  = (either error id $ makeRegexM s,Just . f)

    oops    = error "reScanner"
\end{code} Parsing captures ---------------- \begin{code}
parse_capture :: String -> TH.Q TH.Exp
parse_capture s = case all isDigit s of
  True  -> [|CID_ordinal $ CaptureOrdinal $ read s|]
  False -> [|CID_name    $ CaptureName $ T.pack  s|]
\end{code} Formatting [Token] ------------------ \begin{code}
formatTokens :: [Token] -> String
formatTokens = formatTokens' defFormatTokenOptions

data FormatTokenOptions =
    { _fto_regex_type :: Maybe RegexType
    , _fto_min_caps   :: Bool
    , _fto_incl_caps  :: Bool
  deriving (Show)

defFormatTokenOptions :: FormatTokenOptions
defFormatTokenOptions =
    { _fto_regex_type     = Nothing
    , _fto_min_caps       = False
    , _fto_incl_caps = False

idFormatTokenOptions :: FormatTokenOptions
idFormatTokenOptions =
    { _fto_regex_type     = Nothing
    , _fto_min_caps       = False
    , _fto_incl_caps = True

formatTokens' :: FormatTokenOptions -> [Token] -> String
formatTokens' FormatTokenOptions{..} = foldr f ""
    f tk tl = t_s ++ tl
        t_s = case tk of
          ECap  mb -> ecap mb
          PGrp     -> if _fto_regex_type == Just TDFA then "(" else "(?:"
          PCap     -> "(?"
          Bra      -> bra _fto_min_caps
          BS    c  -> "\\" ++ [c]
          Other c  -> [c]

    ecap mb = case _fto_incl_caps of
      True  -> case mb of
        Nothing -> "$("
        Just nm -> "${"++nm++"}("
      False -> bra _fto_min_caps

    bra mc  = case mc && _fto_regex_type == Just PCRE of
      True  -> "(?:"
      False -> "("
\end{code} \begin{code}
-- this is a reference of formatTokens defFormatTokenOptions,
-- used for testing the latter
formatTokens0 :: [Token] -> String
formatTokens0 = foldr f ""
    f tk tl = t_s ++ tl
        t_s = case tk of
          ECap  _ -> "("
          PGrp    -> "(?:"
          PCap    -> "(?"
          Bra     -> "("
          BS    c -> "\\" ++ [c]
          Other c -> [c]
\end{code} Testing : FormatToken/Scan Properties ------------------------------------- \begin{code}
formatScanTestTree :: TestTree
formatScanTestTree =
  testGroup "FormatToken/Scan Properties"
    [ localOption (SmallCheckDepth 4) $
        SC.testProperty "formatTokens == formatTokens0" $
          \tks -> formatTokens tks == formatTokens0 tks
    , localOption (SmallCheckDepth 4) $
        SC.testProperty "scan . formatTokens' idFormatTokenOptions == id" $
          \tks -> all validToken tks ==>
                    scan (formatTokens' idFormatTokenOptions tks) == tks
\end{code} Testing : Analysing [Token] Unit Tests -------------------------------------- \begin{code}
analyseTokensTestTree :: TestTree
analyseTokensTestTree =
  testGroup "Analysing [Token] Unit Tests"
    [ tc [here|foobar|]                                       []
    , tc [here||]                                             []
    , tc [here|$([0-9]{4})|]                                  []
    , tc [here|${x}()|]                                       [(1,"x")]
    , tc [here|${}()|]                                        []
    , tc [here|${}()${foo}()|]                                [(2,"foo")]
    , tc [here|${x}(${y()})|]                                 [(1,"x")]
    , tc [here|${x}(${y}())|]                                 [(1,"x"),(2,"y")]
    , tc [here|${a}(${b{}())|]                                [(1,"a")]
    , tc [here|${y}([0-9]{4})-${m}([0-9]{2})-${d}([0-9]{2})|] [(1,"y"),(2,"m"),(3,"d")]
    , tc [here|@$(@|\{${name}([^{}]+)\})|]                    [(2,"name")]
    , tc [here|${y}[0-9]{4}|]                                 []
    , tc [here|${}([0-9]{4})|]                                []
    tc s al =
      testCase s $ assertEqual "CaptureNames"
        (xnc s)
          [ (CaptureName $ T.pack n,CaptureOrdinal i)
              | (i,n)<-al

    xnc = either oops fst . extractNamedCaptures
        oops = error "analyseTokensTestTree: unexpected parse failure"