module Text.RE.Internal.NamedCaptures
( cp
, extractNamedCaptures
, idFormatTokenOptions
, Token(..)
, validToken
, formatTokens
, formatTokens'
, formatTokens0
, scan
) where
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Text.Heredoc
import Text.RE
import Text.RE.Internal.PreludeMacros
import Text.RE.Internal.QQ
import Text.Regex.PCRE
cp :: QuasiQuoter
cp =
(qq0 "re_")
{ quoteExp = parse_capture
extractNamedCaptures :: String -> Either String (CaptureNames,String)
extractNamedCaptures s = Right (analyseTokens tks,formatTokens tks)
tks = scan s
data Token
= ECap (Maybe String)
| PGrp
| PCap
| Bra
| BS Char
| Other Char
deriving (Show,Generic,Eq)
validToken :: Token -> Bool
validToken tkn = case tkn of
ECap mb -> maybe True check_ecap mb
PGrp -> True
PCap -> True
Bra -> True
BS c -> is_dot c
Other c -> is_dot c
check_ecap s = not (null s) && all not_br s
is_dot c = c/='\n'
not_br c = not $ c `elem` "{}\n"
Analysing [Token] -> CaptureNames
analyseTokens :: [Token] -> CaptureNames
analyseTokens = HM.fromList . count_em 1
count_em _ [] = []
count_em n (tk:tks) = bd ++ count_em (n `seq` n+d) tks
(d,bd) = case tk of
ECap (Just nm) -> (,) 1 [(CaptureName $ T.pack nm,CaptureOrdinal n)]
ECap Nothing -> (,) 1 []
PGrp -> (,) 0 []
PCap -> (,) 1 []
Bra -> (,) 1 []
BS _ -> (,) 0 []
Other _ -> (,) 0 []
Scanning Regex Strings
scan :: String -> [Token]
scan = alex' match al oops
al :: [(Regex,Match String->Maybe Token)]
al =
[ mk [here|\$\{([^{}]+)\}\(|] $ ECap . Just . x_1
, mk [here|\$\(|] $ const $ ECap Nothing
, mk [here|\(\?:|] $ const PGrp
, mk [here|\(\?|] $ const PCap
, mk [here|\(|] $ const Bra
, mk [here|\\(.)|] $ BS . s2c . x_1
, mk [here|(.)|] $ Other . s2c . x_1
x_1 = captureText $ CID_ordinal $ CaptureOrdinal 1
s2c [c] = c
s2c _ = error "scan:s2c:internal error"
mk s f = (either error id $ makeRegexM s,Just . f)
oops = error "reScanner"
Parsing captures
parse_capture :: String -> TH.Q TH.Exp
parse_capture s = case all isDigit s of
True -> [|CID_ordinal $ CaptureOrdinal $ read s|]
False -> [|CID_name $ CaptureName $ T.pack s|]
Formatting [Token]
formatTokens :: [Token] -> String
formatTokens = formatTokens' defFormatTokenOptions
data FormatTokenOptions =
{ _fto_regex_type :: Maybe RegexType
, _fto_min_caps :: Bool
, _fto_incl_caps :: Bool
deriving (Show)
defFormatTokenOptions :: FormatTokenOptions
defFormatTokenOptions =
{ _fto_regex_type = Nothing
, _fto_min_caps = False
, _fto_incl_caps = False
idFormatTokenOptions :: FormatTokenOptions
idFormatTokenOptions =
{ _fto_regex_type = Nothing
, _fto_min_caps = False
, _fto_incl_caps = True
formatTokens' :: FormatTokenOptions -> [Token] -> String
formatTokens' FormatTokenOptions{..} = foldr f ""
f tk tl = t_s ++ tl
t_s = case tk of
ECap mb -> ecap mb
PGrp -> if _fto_regex_type == Just TDFA then "(" else "(?:"
PCap -> "(?"
Bra -> bra _fto_min_caps
BS c -> "\\" ++ [c]
Other c -> [c]
ecap mb = case _fto_incl_caps of
True -> case mb of
Nothing -> "$("
Just nm -> "${"++nm++"}("
False -> bra _fto_min_caps
bra mc = case mc && _fto_regex_type == Just PCRE of
True -> "(?:"
False -> "("
formatTokens0 :: [Token] -> String
formatTokens0 = foldr f ""
f tk tl = t_s ++ tl
t_s = case tk of
ECap _ -> "("
PGrp -> "(?:"
PCap -> "(?"
Bra -> "("
BS c -> "\\" ++ [c]
Other c -> [c]